Est64 Silp Architects

2019-01-08 01:00
 © Chalermwat Wongchompoo
架构师提供的文本描述。EST 64是一个1000平方米的办公楼项目,从位于邦纳维火车站Sukhumvit 64的一个有40年历史的仓库改建而成。以前的仓库建筑是两层钢筋混凝土结构,有一个阁楼层和一个平顶。它位于一片狭长的土地上,宽10米,长40米。
Text description provided by the architects. The Est 64 is a 1000 sqm office building project, converted from a 40-year-old warehouse on Sukhumvit 64, Punnawithi Railway Station. The former warehouse building was built as a two story reinforced concrete structure, with one mezzanine level and one flat roof. It rests along a long and narrow plot of land of 10m in width and 40m in length.
Text description provided by the architects. The Est 64 is a 1000 sqm office building project, converted from a 40-year-old warehouse on Sukhumvit 64, Punnawithi Railway Station. The former warehouse building was built as a two story reinforced concrete structure, with one mezzanine level and one flat roof. It rests along a long and narrow plot of land of 10m in width and 40m in length.
 © Chalermwat Wongchompoo
这座建筑的正面是西面,有一个10x10平方米的露天院子。这座建筑与当地的一条公路平行,与一所国际学校的停车场相对。大楼的后面紧靠着通往苏呼维特公路的滚动室,这使得EST 64成为一个非常方便和方便的位置。在施工阶段,左边的一栋单层建筑成了承包公司的临时工地办公室。大楼的右侧是金属卢浮宫外墙的仓库,后来成为了EST 64项目的灵感来源。
The front of the building is west facing with a 10x10 sqm open yard. The building is parallel to a local road and opposite an international school’s parking lot. The back of the building is in close proximity to the roll house that opens to Sukhumvit road, which makes Est 64 a very accessible and convenient location. During the construction stage, a single-story building on the left became the temporary site office for the contracting company. Right to the building are warehouses with metal louvre façade, which later on became an inspiration for this Est 64 project.
The front of the building is west facing with a 10x10 sqm open yard. The building is parallel to a local road and opposite an international school’s parking lot. The back of the building is in close proximity to the roll house that opens to Sukhumvit road, which makes Est 64 a very accessible and convenient location. During the construction stage, a single-story building on the left became the temporary site office for the contracting company. Right to the building are warehouses with metal louvre façade, which later on became an inspiration for this Est 64 project.
 © Chalermwat Wongchompoo
 © Chalermwat Wongchompoo

PROGRAM & REQUIREMENT The Est 64 project has a total of 1,000 sqm of gross floor area with 9 parking lots, in which 6 of the parking lots could be converted to storage space. - As part of the design brief, the client requested for a building façade with strong architectural character, with flexi space that will suit different use such as office space, design studio, art galleries, warehouse and storage, etc.
PROGRAM & REQUIREMENT The Est 64 project has a total of 1,000 sqm of gross floor area with 9 parking lots, in which 6 of the parking lots could be converted to storage space. - As part of the design brief, the client requested for a building façade with strong architectural character, with flexi space that will suit different use such as office space, design studio, art galleries, warehouse and storage, etc.
 © Chalermwat Wongchompoo
- During each period of time, the new building should be flexible to accommodate single or multiple tenancy. - We aimed to maximize the rentable floor space with minimal circulation. - As part of this design process, we extended the flat roof, to gain extra usable space. By working around the unique features of the existing building, we developed a design that meets the client’s brief that does not require a complete demolition.
- During each period of time, the new building should be flexible to accommodate single or multiple tenancy. - We aimed to maximize the rentable floor space with minimal circulation. - As part of this design process, we extended the flat roof, to gain extra usable space. By working around the unique features of the existing building, we developed a design that meets the client’s brief that does not require a complete demolition.
 © Chalermwat Wongchompoo

PLAN & LAYOUT The Est 64 project is a 3- storey height building with a mezzanine floor inserted onto the first level. The roof design adopts the Sandwich Roof Structure system. By embracing the open yard, the main entrance is set back by 10 meters. On each level, one can find provisions of bathroom, pantry, and balcony terrace as break out spaces.
PLAN & LAYOUT The Est 64 project is a 3- storey height building with a mezzanine floor inserted onto the first level. The roof design adopts the Sandwich Roof Structure system. By embracing the open yard, the main entrance is set back by 10 meters. On each level, one can find provisions of bathroom, pantry, and balcony terrace as break out spaces.
 Section 01
Section 01
The first level enjoys a generous floor to ceiling height of 5 metres, which gave an advantage to be accessible by big trucks, for potential art studio, galleries, and warehouse or storage purposes. The mezzanine floor is a compact 2.5 meters height working space for potential administrative and accounting department. A big terrace floods the vast open plan on the second floor with natural sun light, rendering it as a multipurpose space for general use. The extended roof on the third floor has an exposed roof structure with high ceiling level and small balcony. This space is suitable for potential art galleries, offices or managerial work areas.
The first level enjoys a generous floor to ceiling height of 5 metres, which gave an advantage to be accessible by big trucks, for potential art studio, galleries, and warehouse or storage purposes. The mezzanine floor is a compact 2.5 meters height working space for potential administrative and accounting department. A big terrace floods the vast open plan on the second floor with natural sun light, rendering it as a multipurpose space for general use. The extended roof on the third floor has an exposed roof structure with high ceiling level and small balcony. This space is suitable for potential art galleries, offices or managerial work areas.
 © Chalermwat Wongchompoo
As a measure to minimize circulation area and to control user’s route direction, a single flight of staircase links the building from the first to third floor. It is designed as a semi outdoor public area, which requires minimal maintenance and no air conditioning requirement. On one side of the building elevation, perforated bricks are used along this staircase for ventilation and to gain natural light.
As a measure to minimize circulation area and to control user’s route direction, a single flight of staircase links the building from the first to third floor. It is designed as a semi outdoor public area, which requires minimal maintenance and no air conditioning requirement. On one side of the building elevation, perforated bricks are used along this staircase for ventilation and to gain natural light.
 © Chalermwat Wongchompoo
设计理念-我们的灵感来自于创建一座“古老但新”的建筑,它尊重周围社区的环境,但建筑特色却很强。通过在EST 64的第二层和第三层的立面后面引入绿色娱乐空间平台,我们希望在创造“工作生活平衡”的理念中给潜在用户提供突破空间。三楼高顶空间的屋顶延伸部分由梁柱、拉杆和拉索组成。这些建筑单元被设计成一个模块化的网格系统,作为单独的屋顶结构单元。
DESIGN CONCEPTS We were inspired to create an ‘Old But New’ building that is respectful to the context of the surrounding neighborhood, yet strong in architectural character. By introducing terrace of green recreational space behind the façade of the second and third level of Est 64, we hope to give breakout spaces to prospective users in the idea of creating ‘Work Life Balance’. The rooftop extension of the third floor with high ceiling space is built from the I-beam column, rafter and purlin. These building elements are designed in a modular grid system as individual Roof Structure Units.
DESIGN CONCEPTS We were inspired to create an ‘Old But New’ building that is respectful to the context of the surrounding neighborhood, yet strong in architectural character. By introducing terrace of green recreational space behind the façade of the second and third level of Est 64, we hope to give breakout spaces to prospective users in the idea of creating ‘Work Life Balance’. The rooftop extension of the third floor with high ceiling space is built from the I-beam column, rafter and purlin. These building elements are designed in a modular grid system as individual Roof Structure Units.
 © Chalermwat Wongchompoo
当材料接近建筑物时,人们会看到折叠的穿孔铝板,这突出了建筑的外观。为了给用户提供隐私和良好的工作环境,我们建立了一个1:1的模拟模型来测试铝板的各种穿孔尺寸。设计了100 mm轻型夹层屋面系统,采用斜向分岔和立柱系统,有效地减少了所需的拉杆和结构构件的数量。
MATERIALS As one approach the building, one will be greeted with the folded perforated aluminum sheet that accentuates the building façade. To provide privacy and a nice working environment for users, a 1:1 mock up model was erected to test on various perforation sizes of the aluminum sheet. The 100mm lightweight sandwich roof system is designed using diagonal rafters and column system; this method has effectively reduced the number of purlin and structural elements required.
MATERIALS As one approach the building, one will be greeted with the folded perforated aluminum sheet that accentuates the building façade. To provide privacy and a nice working environment for users, a 1:1 mock up model was erected to test on various perforation sizes of the aluminum sheet. The 100mm lightweight sandwich roof system is designed using diagonal rafters and column system; this method has effectively reduced the number of purlin and structural elements required.
 © Chalermwat Wongchompoo
The single flight staircase that connects the building is spatially long and narrow; its spatial division with the office space is treated as a full height feature wall, cladded with artificial timber strips. We treated the main entrance sliding door as a statement art piece, with roasted timber as architectural finish. The wood grain and black charcoal of the timber door were revealed after undergoing a high temperature heat treating process.  
The single flight staircase that connects the building is spatially long and narrow; its spatial division with the office space is treated as a full height feature wall, cladded with artificial timber strips. We treated the main entrance sliding door as a statement art piece, with roasted timber as architectural finish. The wood grain and black charcoal of the timber door were revealed after undergoing a high temperature heat treating process.  
 © Chalermwat Wongchompoo
环境友好型热带建筑是EST 64项目的重要设计元素。大楼的方向、立面开口、周围环境都是翻修过程中的设计考虑因素。为了建立一个有效的节能建筑,与太阳方向相关的规划和布局是非常重要的。楼梯和洗手间被战略性地放置在南方,以创造一个缓冲的热量。立面和露台上的建筑元素充当露台和迷你花园的屏风过滤器,同时保护空间不受西方太阳的影响。正面和后立面的开口给建筑空间提供了良好的交叉通风。
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Tropical architecture is an important design element for the Est 64 project. The building’s orientation, façade openings, surrounding context were all design considerations during the renovation process. To create an effective energy saving building, the program planning and layout in relation to the sun orientation were important. Staircases and restrooms are strategically placed on the South to create a buffer from the heat. Architectural elements on the façade and terrace acts as a screen filter for the terrace and mini garden, whilst protecting the space from the western sun. The opening at the front and back facade gives a good cross ventilation across the building space.
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Tropical architecture is an important design element for the Est 64 project. The building’s orientation, façade openings, surrounding context were all design considerations during the renovation process. To create an effective energy saving building, the program planning and layout in relation to the sun orientation were important. Staircases and restrooms are strategically placed on the South to create a buffer from the heat. Architectural elements on the façade and terrace acts as a screen filter for the terrace and mini garden, whilst protecting the space from the western sun. The opening at the front and back facade gives a good cross ventilation across the building space.
 © Chalermwat Wongchompoo
Architects Silp Architects
Location Punnawithi, Khwaeng Bang Chak, Khet Phra Khanong, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10260, Thailand
Lead Architect Sasicholwaree Sawatdisawanee
Area 960.0 m2
Project Year 2018
Photographs Chalermwat Wongchompoo
Category Offices
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