新作丨吴滨 构筑生活型态的非泛化表达 首
2023-08-11 13:43
The spirit of the residence
Lifestyle, Multi-dimensional Sensory Balance
In urban roof, trapped, before a pair of beautiful city rolls, mapping out the city life is busy, fashionable breath is full of fireworks. Hand in photograph reflect, urban rush in sharp contrast with indoor quiet, seems to be a dramatic conflict. In between activity, dont forget for landscape. Xixi wetland, has a very pleasant natural landscape and humanistic environment, make the houses into real landscape, and in terms of lifestyle, culture together to achieve the balance of life and perception.
Fusion of history and natural elements, and poetic interpretation of life, is rooted in the song dynasty aesthetic genes in hangzhou, there are agree with the present way of life, departed from overall planning to detail structure design, the space level, between inspiration to capture the history and nature, and in response to this subject. Every inch of space, are all a hotchpotch of emotional expression, is the sublimation of artistic expression, become the inspiration of enlightenment in the future.
Time flies, based on the concept of landscape, modernism and ink painting of the east and the fusion, has realized the spiritual condition and the transcendence of poetry, to present a further thought, seek the landscape of contemporary life sustenance。
Times Embrace, Modern Landscape Refuge
For traditional space form, for a different kind of thinking, the diversity of design team look at space. Across to the established rules and homogenization of perception, through intent on the space use a line, let a space diversity, not stick to one pattern, give it new meaning.
The bedroom area, by moist material package, and the material mixing and constant change. By the use of materials, mutual echo, integral feeling through space. In quiet rest space to create the sense of order, reason and sensibility, noble and elegant..
When we sit quietly by the window, and inadvertently look up, we can gaze at the slow movement of clouds in the sky. Time seems to freeze, becoming a delightful moment in life.
Forging Connections Beyond Symbolism
艺术家Ryan Matthew Mitchell煤球的《绿白狮吼》矗立在客厅中央,直观地编织了形象、 容器和抽象。透过西方人的视角,蒙着一层纱,观察东方,带着一丝神秘感,将不同的文化和历史表现联系起来,展示了空间的东西方文化交融。底座雕塑台由粉色玉石打造,色彩对比强烈,纵目间意象重叠,成为起居空间的视觉焦点。
Artist Ryan Matthew Mitchells sculpture Lions Roar in Green and White stands at the center of the parlor, connecting Eastern and Western cultures. Its pink jade pedestal contrasts sharply, making it a captivating visual focal point in the parlor.
Continuing the gentle tone of the parlor space, yet intentionally selecting occasional vibrant colors, breaking free from symbolic constraints. The design cleverly blends personal memories and shared urban space recollections, harboring endless creative ideas. Personal experiences quietly transform into a vinyl record on a desk, or a vessel in a corner with travel memories, or even Sun Wenjias Evolution M03 artwork by the dining table. The contrast between the natural oriental tone of lacquer and the modernity of intense pink creates a delightful harmony. Each element narrates the fusion of Eastern texture and the Western classical and modern aesthetics brought by the owners experiences.
The lounge exudes a serene and natural ambiance, offering a harmonious and unpretentious space.
The Weimo furniture, with its warm material and modest tones, perfectly fits into this tranquil atmosphere.
At the end of the space, we seem to catch a glimpse of a distant scenery. Spirit and matter, modernity and the East intertwine here, becoming wanderers of the soul. No longer needing to travel far, with just a glance, the heart transcends the boundaries of reality. In this serene ambiance, distant expectations have already been fulfilled.
W.DESIGN无间设计,由著名设计师吴滨Ben Wu创立,旗下WS SPACE無集、未墨、海上、WS CAFÉ等设计与生活方式品牌共同探索当下生活方式与美学。多年来,W.DESIGN无间设计始终以中国传统文化为土壤、立足当下,致力于生活观念的启迪,以及对未来的洞察与尝试,由此开创出独一无二的“摩登东方”设计语言。无间设计是时代的思考者,以自迭代和再创新的源生力量,深远影响中国设计与国际生活方式。W.DESIGN无间设计拥有一批国际化视野团队,形成建筑、室内、软装、产品设计于一体的专业体系,专注为空间赋予独一价值。已与中国TOP50房地产、酒店及文旅文创项目等品牌达成战略合作,不止是呈现独到设计,更是结合品牌、商业、人群及定位需求,提供全考量、定制化的解决方案。
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