首发 | 加州的花卉酒庄以优雅的氛围拥抱大自然

2020-07-17 16:34
Set in a redwood grove at the heart of California’s wine country, a short distance from downtown Healdsburg in Sonoma County, the brand-new hospitality venue from Flowers Vineyard - Winery is dedicated to the celebration of wine, food and nature. Occupying a cherished local landmark sus-tainably renovated by San Francisco-based Walker Warner Architects, House of Flowers is a wel-coming haven of unpretentious sophistication that channels both the winery’s sustainably produced wines and the natural beauty of the 15.5-acre estate. Featuring indoor and outdoor seating, sprawling gardens and a wood-fired grill, the venue was designed, in collaboration with Maca Huneeus Design and Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects, as a place to celebrate community and friends through the experience of wine. The winery’s founders Joan and Walt Flowers pioneered the growing of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grape types on the rugged coastal ridges off the Pacific Ocean and for the past 30 years have continued pushing the boundaries of their winemaking. Their desire to share their coastal wines within a setting that expressed their nature-based ethos led them to take over a deteriorated winery built in the mid-1970s in Healdsburg with the aim to “create an environment where guests feel like they are entering our home”, as Joan and Walt say.
坐落在加州葡萄酒之乡中心的红树林中,距索诺玛县希尔德斯堡市中心不远,这是鲜花葡萄园的全新接待场所-酒厂致力于庆祝葡萄酒,美食和自然。坐落在旧金山的沃克·华纳建筑师事务所(Walker Warner Architects)可持续地翻新的珍贵的当地地标上,“花之屋”是一个朴实精致的欢迎天堂,既可酿酒厂可持续生产的葡萄酒,又可欣赏15.5英亩庄园的自然美景。该场所与Maca Huneeus Design和Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects合作设计,设有室内和室外座位,宽阔的花园和燃木烤架,旨在通过葡萄酒的体验来庆祝社区和朋友。该酒厂的创始人琼和沃尔特·弗洛斯(Joan and Walt Flowers)在太平洋沿岸崎off的沿海山脊上开创了黑比诺​​和霞多丽葡萄的种植先驱,并且在过去的30年中,它们继续推动着酿酒业的发展。他们渴望在表达其自然风情的环境中分享沿海葡萄酒的愿望,导致他们接管了建于1970年代中期在希尔兹堡(Healdsburg)的老酒庄,目的是“创造一个让客人感觉像进入我们家一样的环境如琼和沃尔特所说。












The architects’ approach to the renovation of the dilapidated winery was “deceptively simple”, whereby they injected the industrial buildings with a contemporary vibe while creating new pathways and expanding the gardens allowing guests to enjoy the wines both inside as well as outdoors. As Brooks Walker, principal at Walker Warner Architects explains, it was all about letting “nature dominate and use architecture to frame the experience”. The decision to remodel the existing industrial structures rather than building anew was a no brainer since it aligned with the Flowers’ commitment to sustainability. Externally, the original redwood boards have been stained a shadowy black as a reflection of the deep shade of the surrounding redwood grove, which imbues the buildings’ rustic charm with subdued elegance as well as makes them recede into the site to allow the landscape to become the focus.
建筑师对这个破旧的酒庄进行翻新的方法“看似简单”,他们为工业建筑注入了现代气息,同时创造了新的途径并扩大了花园,使客人既可以在室内也可以在户外享用葡萄酒。正如Walker Warner Architects的负责人Brooks Walker解释的那样,这完全是要让“自然支配并使用建筑来构筑体验”。重塑现有的产业结构而不是重新构建的决定是轻而易举的,因为这与“鲜花”组织对可持续发展的承诺保持一致。在外部,原始的红木板已被染成暗黑色,以反映周围红树林的深阴影。






























Inside, the ubiquitous use of bleached cypress wood for wall panelling and ceilings in conjunction with plenty of windows and skylights make for bright spaces and established a yin-yang relationship of outside to inside. Guests are welcomed into a home-like environment of restrained elegance, complete with a living room, dining area, library and sun room as well as a large patio and private spaces for VIP guests. Swathed in the light tones of bleached cypress and featuring an elemental palette of natural materials like wood, linens, wool and ceramics, the interiors evoke an authentic country vibe yet feel squarely modern. Generous views of the gardens once again enhance the intimate connection between inside and outside, as do vintage pieces and bespoke furnishings like the ash, cypress and steel bookcases and the black stained bench made from California walnut.

































Conceived as a series of intimate gatherings areas, the landscaped gardens include an outdoor wood-fired oven, shaded trellis strictures and reflecting pools, while the surrounding terraced gardens take advantage of the buildings’ hilltop location to immerse visitors in “distinct California ecologies: Redwood Forest, Oak Woodland, and Chaparral landscapes, with the vineyards and distant ridges of the Mayacamas Mountains on the horizon”, as Thomas Woltz of Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects explains. From the welcome glass of a Sonoma Coast Rosé offered to arriving guests under a redwood grove, to the locally-sourced, hand-crafted food pairings curated by celebrated chef Jamil Peden, every aspect of the guest experience is designed to stimulate the senses, inspire conversation and celebrate Flowers’ winemaking ethos.
景观花园被视为一系列私密的聚会区,包括一个户外燃木烤箱,阴影的格子结构和反射水池,而周围的梯田花园则利用建筑物的山顶位置,将游客浸入“独特的加利福尼亚生态环境:红杉”森林,橡树林地和丛林景观,以及梅亚卡马斯山脉的葡萄园和遥远的山脊都在地平线上,”纳尔逊·伯德·沃尔兹景观设计师的托马斯·沃尔兹解释说。从索诺玛海岸玫瑰红葡萄酒迎宾杯到红树林下的到来客人,再到由著名厨师贾米尔·佩登(Jamil Peden)精心策划的本地手工制作的食物搭配,来宾体验的各个方面旨在激发感官,激发灵感对话并庆祝鲜花的酿酒精神。
























The region’s strong, simple vernacular forms served as a guide and reference point to help root the architecture to its setting. Mike McCabe, Principal for Walker Warner Architect
该地区强大而简单的乡土语言形式可以作为指导和参考点,以帮助该体系结构扎根于其设置。沃克·华纳建筑师事务所负责人Mike McCabe










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