AD Classics Kubuswoningen Piet Blom

2014-03-05 01:00
Few buildings survived the 1940 bombing of the Oude Haven. As a result of a change in government in 1974, urban regeneration and housing became top priorities for the municipal council. Hans Mentink, the politician in charge of spatial planning at the time, had grown tired of the utilitarian architecture which was increasingly prevalent and believed that Rotterdam was “in need of architecture with some life in it.”
 © Dirk Verwoerd
布洛姆在赫尔蒙德的立方体房屋给他留下了深刻的印象,门廷克授予他为乌德港地区制定开发计划的合同。自从赫尔蒙德之后就没有工作了,布洛姆既兴奋又有动力为鹿特丹市做他最好的工作;然而,他也被这个项目的挑战、重要性和规模所淹没。为了避免主要的干预,他告诉他的客户,他将设计它,“这样你就不能知道它是由一位建筑师设计的。”这一目标促使布罗姆将住宅开发分为三个截然不同的项目:blaaktoren,一座13层的六角形公寓楼,形状类似铅笔;Spaanse kade,一座围绕着一个内部庭院的梯田建筑群;库布斯沃宁根(Kubuswaningen),是在一个更大的网格上对立方体房屋的成功探索。市议会对此表示赞赏,因为他们认为鹿特丹需要的不仅仅是立方住房。整个开发项目包括270套住宅,1000平方米的餐饮和商店,以及300辆汽车的停车场。
Impressed by Blom’s cube houses in Helmond, Mentink awarded him the contract to create a development plan for the Oude Haven area. Having not had work since Helmond, Blom was both excited and motivated to do his best work for the city of Rotterdam; however, he was also overwhelmed by the challenges, importance, and scale of the project. Wanting to avoid a dominating intervention, he told his client that he would design it “so that you cannot tell that it has been designed by one architect.” This objective led Blom to divide the housing development into three distinct projects: Blaaktoren, a 13-story hexagonal apartment tower that resembles the shape of a pencil; Spaanse Kade, a complex of terraced buildings that surrounds an inner courtyard; and the Kubuswoningen, a succeeding exploration of cube houses on a larger-scale grid. The municipal council appreciated this, as they believed that Rotterdam needed more than just cubic housing. The entire development contains 270 dwellings, 1000 square meters of catering and shops, and parking for 300 cars.
 © Dirk Verwoerd
布洛姆被城市规划所吸引,他认为城市社区应该像村庄一样。在他的职业生涯中,他开始怀疑住房堆放的做法;令人遗憾的是,Blaaktoren和Spaanse Kade需要利用这一点来达到每公顷205所需的住房密度。另一方面,这种哲学上的妥协让他可以自由地不与库布斯沃宁根牺牲自己的理想。隐喻地说,他考虑了生活在树上的经历;每一个高架立方体代表一棵树,因此它们共同代表了一片森林。布洛姆意识到,将适宜居住的群众提升到狭窄的树干上,会使下面的公共空间最大化,同时从上面创造出理想的景观,这一概念是由勒柯布西耶的作品所启发的。
Fascinated by urban planning, Blom believed that urban communities should feel like villages. By this time in his career he had begun to doubt the practice of stacking residences; regrettably, Blaaktoren and Spaanse Kade needed to utilize this in order to achieve the required housing density of 205 dwellings per hectare. On the other hand, this philosophical compromise allowed him the freedom to not sacrifice his ideals with Kubuswoningen. Metaphorically, he considered the experience of living in trees; each elevated cube represented a tree and therefore they collectively represented a forest. Blom realized that elevating inhabitable masses on narrow trunks would maximize public space below while creating ideal views from above, a concept that was inspired by the work of Le Corbusier.
 © Dirk Verwoerd
The cubic housing development endured various challenges and complications during design and construction.  The project spans the seven-lane Blaak, a major traffic artery, serving as a pedestrian bridge that connects the nearby market to the harbour.  The Blaak and an underground metro tunnel posed a significant challenge, requiring absolute precision in the foundation’s construction.  Other complications that could not have been predicted included the discovery of historic remains that could not be removed, the withdrawal of a contractor, a problem with the district heating system which reduced the buildable area of the development, and an economic recession that stunted rebuilding efforts.
 © Dirk Verwoerd
The Kubuswoningen’s pedestrian bridge features a promenade of retail space, which was inspired by the Ponte Vecchio in Florence.  In addition to residential cubes, there are also two larger “supercubes”.  The southernmost supercube was developed as a school of architecture while the nothernmost supercube was intended for commercial functions, but was never entirely finished.  The cube houses above are each supported by a hexagonal pylon that was constructed by joining three concrete pillars with six cellular brick walls.  These pylons enclose the promenade level storage space for residents.  Each cube has a total floor space of 106 square meters, divided into three levels.  The lowest floor serves as a living space, with a kitchen in one corner and a toilet and study space in another.  The intermediate floor above contains two bedrooms and a bathroom. The uppermost floor is a small space in the form of a triangular pyramid, often used as a child's bedroom or sun lounge.  
 © Dirk Verwoerd
Each cube is constructed as a timber-frame skeleton, insulated with rock wool, and sheathed with cement and wood-fiber board.  Due to the complexity of construction, the contractor built a complete mock-up of one unit.  The 70dB noise level of the Blaak meant that the few windows facing it could not be operable.  Fortunately, the geometry and orientation of the dwellings provided many opportunities for operable windows and ventilation.
 © Dirk Verwoerd
Since the Kubuswoningen’s completion in 1984, several changes have occured. A 1998 renovation included the addition of new zinc roofs, which were mounted over the original shingles to increase the insulation value.  The original retail spaces proved impractical due to low pedestrian traffic and have since been repurposed as studio spaces for small offices, effectively creating a live-work community.  One residential cube has been opened to the public as a response to curious tourists, so that visitors can experience the unique spatial volume.  Recently the two supercubes have been converted: the school of architecture into a youth hostel, and the unresolved commercial space into transitional social housing.
 Northeast Elevation
Following the subsequent construction of restaurants and bars, the Oude Haven became one of the most vibrant nightlife areas in the city. This evolution is not a surprise considering that Blom's architecture, especially the Kubuswoningen, was meant to capture the fashionable and metropolitan essence of Rotterdam. Best known for his cube houses, Piet Blom did not have a prolific career as an architect as he was rarely willing to compromise his unconventional ideals. As an important pioneer of the Structuralist movement, his attention to form, aesthetics, and spatial experience as opposed to functionality, paved the way for future Dutch designers to collectively build an international reputation for innovative and experimental projects.
 © Dirk Verwoerd
亨格维德·雅普Piet Blom(Americsfoort,荷兰:Jaap Hengeveld出版物,2007年)。
Hengeveld, Jaap. Piet Blom (Amersfoort, the Netherlands: Jaap Hengeveld Publications, 2007).
建筑师Piet Blom Location Overblaak 70,3011 MH鹿特丹,荷兰类别零售面积6000.0平方米,1984年项目年照片DirkVerwoerd
Architects Piet Blom Location Overblaak 70, 3011 MH Rotterdam, The Netherlands Category Retail Area 6000.0 sqm Project Year 1984 Photographs Dirk Verwoerd





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