Gohar Khatoon Girls School Robert Hull + University of Washington

2015-09-23 02:00
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
Text description provided by the architects. Located in the center Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan’s fourth largest city, the Gohar Khatoon Girls’ School replaces an older structure that was in an extreme state of disrepair and expands the capacity of a historically significant urban school. The 2,000 m2 complex provides space for kindergarten through grade twelve classes, serving at least 3,000 students or more a day.
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
Mazar-I-Sharif是几所大学的所在地,Gohar Khaton-作为高等教育的门户-将成为一个重要城市中心教育数千名妇女和女孩的关键机构。女子学校已经被认为是阿富汗推动发展的主要贡献者,这些机构是阿富汗社会包容的有力机制。学校是妇女和女孩就这一过渡进行谈判的场所,戈哈尔·哈特恩的目的是通过促进稳定、舒适和社区参与来支持这一进程。
Mazar-i-Sharif is home to several universities, and Gohar Khatoon–acting as a gateway to higher education–is positioned to become a key institution for educating several thousand women and girls in an important urban center. Girls’ schools are already considered to be major contributors in Afghanistan’s push toward development and these institutions serve as powerful mechanisms for inclusion within Afghan society. Schools are the setting where women and girls will negotiate this transition, and Gohar Khatoon has been designed to support this process by promoting stability, comfort, and community engagement.
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
An urban oasis for children 
Larger cities such as Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif are currently witnessing the disappearance of outdoor green space due to urbanization. The school responds to this deficiency by offering local children much-needed access to fresh air, plants, and trees. School is oftentimes the only place where women are permitted to socialize outside the home: outdoor activity spaces provide a culturally acceptable place for physical fitness, and seating, and gathering areas have been designed to promote social interaction between students. Educational gardening has a long tradition in Persian culture and several areas on the school grounds have been planted with fruit-bearing trees or have be designated as vegetable and flower gardens to be tended by the students. Water is a precious resource in the city and all of the landscaping is irrigated using biologically treated wastewater.
Community Engagement
Visioning sessions provided students an opportunity to learn about their new school and allowed them to participate in the design process. Art has also been an important medium for engagement at the school. Six emerging female artists were selected to install their work in the school’s central staircases.
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
Comfort, sustainability, and self-sufficiency
许多在阿富汗上学的儿童必须在不太舒适的条件下上学。学校往往连接到有限的或不稳定的电力供应,这些机构几乎没有预算,经常留下的取暖燃料资金不足。为了克服这些障碍,Gohar Khaton学校的位置是在冬季最大限度地增加太阳热量,并在夏季和肩部季节自然通风。
Many children going to school in Afghanistan must do so in less than comfortable conditions. Schools are often connected to a limited, or unstable power supply, and these institutions operate on almost no budget, often leaving insufficient funds for heating fuel. In order to overcome these obstacles, the Gohar Khatoon School is positioned to maximize solar heat gain in the winter months and natural ventilation during the summer and shoulder seasons.
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
The school’s thick masonry walls provide high thermal mass for absorbing and retaining heat. A central stairwell in each classroom block forms a “sunspace” that captures heat for warming the building in winter. Operable floor-to-ceiling wall vents and door transoms allow warm air to circulate through the north-facing classrooms. South-facing classrooms receive enough direct solar gain to operate autonomously.
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
Cooling is achieved with a combination of cross and stack ventilation. Large seasonal doors at the end of the sunspaces can be opened in the warmer months, and transoms, located over the central hallways, help to pull air through the building.
The school’s facades take their cue from Afghanistan’s rich history of masonry construction and the bright, multicolored windows echo the vibrant tiles of Mazar-i-Sharif’s famous Blue Mosque. The facades also fulfill the pragmatic requirement of balancing daylight with solar heat gain through the use of wall depth, as well as opening size, maximizing solar gain in winter and shading glass surfaces in summer. Light colored ceilings also help to balance and diffuse light throughout the classrooms.
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
Built-in environmental strategies foster autonomy and self-sufficiency and allow the school to perform under difficult circumstances using few resources. Capitalizing on low-tech climate responses results in a dependable institution that provides students and staff shelter and comfort for the long term. This is an important aspect to consider at a time when foreign aid to Afghanistan is dwindling and NATO troops are leaving the country.
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
Architects Robert Hull, University of Washington
Location Mazari Sharif, Afghanistan
Category Schools
Design Team Yasaman Esmaili, Christopher Garland, David Miller, FAIA
Lead Architect and Designer Robert Hull, FAIA, in collaboration with the University of Washington, Department of Architecture
Area 1700.0 sqm
Project Year 2015
Photographs Nic Lehoux





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