The Europe

2015-10-26 22:00
 © Krzysztof Ingarden
(Krzysztof InGarden)
架构师提供的文本描述。2015年标志着“泰戈尼克·波什切尼”杂志“采访”出版以来的二十八个年头。在采访中,安杰伊·瓦伊达宣布,他打算在克拉科夫创建一个日本艺术和技术博物馆-这是展示费利克斯·马格哈·贾西·ń斯基收藏的日本艺术品的永久场所。1994年,在新大楼开放期间,没有人会想到新的设施会引发艺术家一系列的想法,促使在克拉科夫创造新的建筑以及新的文化和教育机构。这个项目在所有可能的方面都是前所未有的,在此之后,瓦伊达推出了更多的项目:带花园的茶馆、日本语言学校、怀斯皮亚ń滑雪2000馆,以及最近的一个项目-名为“欧洲-远东画廊”的芒加博物馆(Manggha Museum)的展览附件。
Text description provided by the architects. The year 2015 marks twenty-eight years since the publication of Tygodnik Powszechny magazine’s interview in which Andrzej Wajda announced his intention to create a Museum of Japanese Art and Technology in Kraków – a permanent venue for exhibiting Feliks ‘Manggha’ Jasieński’s collection of Japanese art. In 1994, during the opening of the new building, nobody would have thought that the new facility would initiate a whole series of the artist’s ideas instigating the creation of new architecture in Krakow, along with new cultural and educational institutions. Following that project, which was unprecedented in every possible way, more were launched on Wajda’s inspiration: the Tea Pavilion with a garden, the Japanese Language School, the Wyspiański 2000 Pavilion, and now the most recent development – an exhibition annex to the Manggha Museum called Europe–Far East Gallery.
 © Krzysztof Ingarden
(Krzysztof InGarden)
这座新建筑的构想是在2004年提出的,当时芒加博物馆(Manggha Museum)收购了位于UL附近的一小块土地。科诺菲尼基。该项目发起者的主要目标是扩大其跨文化艺术和展览活动的范围-从波兰-日语到欧洲-远东-这与波兰加入欧洲联盟相吻合。新的展览空间旨在展示欧洲艺术和东南亚文化,包括印度半岛。展览馆的节目为陈年及近期的艺术展览提供经费。这座新大楼有两层楼的展览室。按照芒加博物馆管理部门的计划,这两处都是经典的白色立方体空间,在表达上尽可能保持中立,允许展示各种形式的大多是现代艺术。芒加大厦强烈地感受到这种空间的缺乏,因为其主要展览空间的特点是根据历史艺术特别是纸张展示的具体要求而量身定做的,其中要求使用特殊的展示柜、专用照明以及适当控制湿度和温度。这些条件的狭隘说明限制了展示当代艺术的可能性。这座新建筑大大扩大了潜在展览的范围,使馆长在空间使用和展览项目类型方面有了更大的自由。此外,展览馆设有筹备展览所需的基础设施,以及存放空间、馆长办公室及大厦内专用泊车位。
The idea for the new building came up in 2004 in connection with the Manggha Museum’s acquisition of the small plot of land adjacent to its site, along ul. Konopnickiej. The project initiators’ main objective was to broaden the scope of its intercultural artistic and exhibition activities – from Polish-Japanese to European-Far Eastern – which coincided with Poland’s accession to the European Union. The new exhibition space was intended for presentations of European art and the cultures of Southeast Asia, including the Indian Peninsula. The programme of the Gallery provides for shows of old and recent art. The new building has two exhibition rooms on two storeys. As intended by the management of the Manggha Museum, both are classic white cube spaces, as neutral in expression as possible, to allow for the display of various forms of mostly modern art. The Manggha building has keenly felt the lack of this kind of room because the characteristics of its main exhibition space were tailored to the requirements specific to the display of historic art, particularly paper, which called for the use of special showcases, dedicated lighting, and appropriately controlled humidity levels and temperatures. The narrow specification of those conditions limited the possibilities for exhibiting contemporary art. The new building is boosting the scope of potential displays considerably, allowing the curators much greater freedom in terms of use of space and types of exhibition projects. Furthermore, the Gallery is fitted with infrastructure required for the preparation of exhibitions, as well as storage space, offices for curators, and dedicated parking spaces inside the building.
 © Krzysztof Ingarden
(Krzysztof InGarden)
 Floor Plan

 Floor Plan

 Floor Plan

 © Krzysztof Ingarden
(Krzysztof InGarden)
The main building of the Manggha Museum is a complete, finished composition, with a sophisticated and unique roof form, characterized by a juxtaposition of several planes based geometrically on the hyperbolic paraboloid. Any action seeking to complement or extend this composition would involve the danger of interrupting its unquestionable harmony. New design efforts in the proximity of the main building should, in my opinion, respect and highlight its uniqueness and create merely a reasonably neutral architectural background that complements and orders the surroundings. Thus the Manggha Museum building remains the dominant element in formal and functional terms, and it is to it that the scale and composition of the new building are subordinated. Its shell has therefore been removed as far as possible from the approach to the Manggha’s main entrance and situated so as to prevent it from blocking the view of the existing building from ul. Konopnickiej. The height has been aligned to the scale of the undulating roof of the Manggha. A separate entrance zone has been designed for the Gallery, with its own stairs, a disabled ramp, and a terrace which can be used for exhibition and artistic activities outside the building. The situation of the terrace augments the public space in front of the Manggha and creates an additional urban interior, delimited by the façades of the two buildings. The space under the terrace accommodates an indoor car park. The parapet line of the first floor is a continuation of the edge of the Manggha Museum’s northern wall, and the height of the roof – the parapet of the upper storey – is below the level of the upper part of the skylights in the Museum building. Made up of simple glass and sandstone surfaces, the façades are composed in correspondence with the analogous forms of the existing outdoor architectural elements in front of the Manggha – the ramps and the stairs. The diagonal upper part of the south elevation corresponds to the diagonal lines of the balustrades on the ramps in front of the Museum building. Calm, simple and reserved in expression, the architectural form of the new structure provides a discreet background for the main building, thus foregrounding its characteristic architectural expression.
 © Krzysztof Ingarden
(Krzysztof InGarden)
Along ul. Konopnickiej, the proposed side line of the building corresponds to the direction set by the curb and pavement, initiating a new alignment of the frontage along the street towards the Dębnicki Bridge. To the north and east, the building is flanked by, and constitutes an architectural continuation of, the Japanese Language School, erected by the Kyoto–Krakow Foundation in 2004. The height of the parapet of the School building is continued by the line of the cornice on the adjacent fragment of the proposed Gallery’s façade.
 © Krzysztof Ingarden
(Krzysztof InGarden)
The Gallery building has three storeys above the ground and one underground level, used for a wide variety of functions. The structural layout of the components making up the proposed facility is complex and heterogeneous. This has been caused by the location and the complex geometry of the site, but also by the multifunctional nature of the facility and the immediate proximity of existing buildings. The main structural elements are reinforced concrete slabs, plates and columns. At the basement level, the supporting structure is provided by a closed system of outer reinforced concrete walls, 25 centimetres thick, and inner walls of varying thickness, between 20 and 25 centimetres. The layout of the basement walls together with the foundation slab and the ‘zero’ deck form a rigid box transferring the load to the ground, as well as conveying the stress from the outer walls. The outer walls and the foundation slab constitute a watertight basin, made of water-resistant concrete. The supporting structure of the first storey (ground floor) comprises the outer walls, 25 centimetres thick, and inner walls of varying thickness, between 20 and 25 centimetres. The structure of the second storey is formed by the 25-centimetre slab and the outer walls, each 25 centimetres thick, and the protruding front wall, also 25 centimetres thick. The latter wall, which is not continued downwards, is attached along its height to cantilever plates, which are extensions of the side walls. This structural system – plates, slabs and columns – has the spatial rigidity required to convey all the stresses and distribute the loads evenly when transferring them to the ground.
 © Krzysztof Ingarden
(Krzysztof InGarden)
Architects Ingarden & Ewý Architekci
Location Kraków, Poland
Category Gallery
Architectural Design Ingarden & Ewý Architekci
Co-designer Jacek Ewý
Area 2675.0 sqm
Project Year 2015
Photographs Krzysztof Ingarden





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