ikon marks its 50th anniversary with a blockbuster exhibition programme

2013-12-04 14:11
Artist David Tremlett's '3 Drawing Rooms' installation at Birmingham's Ikon gallery will be on view from 4 December 2013 to 21 April 2014. The exhibition starts the 2014-2015 programme, honouring the gallery's 50th anniversary
从外部看,它可能看起来很传统,就像它位于维多利亚时代的一座学校大楼里一样,但伯明翰的伊肯画廊绝非如此。作为国家首屈一指的地区画廊之一,它在许多当代艺术家的职业发展中发挥了关键作用,从CorneliaParker到DennisOppenheim。明年是它成立50周年,为了庆祝,它将迎来一个丰收年,由英国艺术家大卫·特雷姆利特(David Tremlett)(跨越新年)举办的一场展览拉开序幕,并呼吁其所珍视的一些艺术家创作新的作品,这些作品将在2014年全年在画廊的塔厅展出。
本周,Tremlett的“3间客厅”用他的签名网站覆盖了画廊-具体的墙图和几何图形,直到4月份。该装置使用手工涂上的粉彩颜料,提高了观众对周围空间的认识。随后,库尔德艺术家贾马尔·彭杰维尼(Jamal Penjweny)的第一场个展将很快拉开帷幕,他将展出电影和摄影作品,其中包括他的系列“萨达姆在这里”,该系列在2013年威尼斯双年展上获得了好评。
随着画廊里程碑式的一年拉开帷幕,米歇尔·弗朗索瓦(Michel Fran Ois)、李·布尔(Lee Bul)、伊兰·库雷希(Imran Qureshi)、AK Dolven和纳斯蒂奥·蚊子(Nástio Mosquito)都将参加一个轰动的展览项目,而“伊康80年代”(Ikon 1980年代)-对该画廊1978至1989年期间但明年节目的关键是“Ikon Icon”,它将让五位以前展出过几十年的艺术家重返画廊展出作品,这将是该画廊50年来的成功之举。
伯明翰出生的摄影写实画家约翰·索特是1964年在伊康展出的第一位艺术家,当时它占据了公牛圈购物中心的一个摊位。他将代表60年代开始庆祝活动。紧随其后的是伊恩·埃姆斯(IanEmes),他最著名的作品是70年代为粉红·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)拍摄的科妮莉娅·帕克(CorneliaParker)在沃尔弗汉普顿(Wolverhampton)学习,在整个20世纪80年代都得到了画廊的支持(该画廊展示了她1988年的开创性作品“三十件银器”),使她成为那个十年与此同时,1996年在伊康展出的英国-尼日利亚艺术家银卡·肖尼巴雷(音卡·肖尼巴雷)代表了20世纪90年代,朱利安·奥皮代表了千年。
画廊主任乔纳森·沃特金斯(Jonathan Watkins)说,Ikon以国际化著称,50周年纪念活动将包括刚刚开始出现的艺术家和来自世界其他地区以及英国的艺术家。2014年底,伊康将在伯明翰图书馆外展示吉莉安的青铜雕塑。题为“真正的伯明翰家庭”,它有两个迷人的亚裔姐妹和他们的儿子。伊康在上世纪80年代的偶像,科妮莉娅·帕克(CorneliaParker)说:“乔纳森正在做的事情他比其他人都早,把它带回伯明翰去了。“
Best known for his large-scale, site-specific geometric drawings, Tremlett has applied pastel pigment directly by hand onto the gallery's walls
Tremlett's work raises the viewer's awareness of the space surrounding them
The installation incorporates the architectural features of the gallery
Tremlett creates his work on-site at Ikon, working from a down-sized sketch
Tremlett aims to create new vistas and form new views of the built environment
He uses pastel pigment as his medium because of its fragility and contrasting boldness
It may look traditional from the outside, located as it is in a Victorian school building, but Birmingham's Ikon gallery is anything but. As one of the country's pioneering regional galleries, it has played a key role in the career development of many contemporary artists from Cornelia Parker to Dennis Oppenheim. Courtesy of Ikon Gallery
Ikon was established in 1964 by a group of artists in need of a creative hub. The original locale was in a glass-sided kiosk in the Bull Ring shopping centre in Birmingham. Local photorealist painter John Salt was the first fine artist to exhibit in 1965. Courtesy of Ikon Gallery
From 1978-1998, Ikon was located on John Bright Street. As part of the celebration, the 'Ikon 1980s' exhibition will showcase a review of its programme during its time here. Courtesy of Ikon Gallery
Here, we take a look at the artists being spotlighted in Ikon's future shows... Jamal Penjweny: A show by the Kurdish artist opens the Ikon 50 exhibition series from 19 February to 21 April 2014. In his first solo show, the emerging artist will exhibit film and photography, including his series 'Saddam is Here', which garnered critical acclaim at the 2013 Venice Biennale. Pictured: 'Saddam is Here', 2010. Courtesy of Ikon and the artist
Michel François: From 30 April to 22 June 2014, François will show a comprehensive exhibition featuring sculpture, film, paintings, prints and photography. The Belgian artist maintains that 'Art, after all, is life sculpted'. Pictured: 'A Jump in Cuba', 1996. Courtesy of Ikon and the artist
Lee Bul: The Korean artist will present her first UK solo exhibition from 10 September to 9 November. Moving through her portfolio, the exhibit explores her interest in the failings of utopian optimism. Pictured: 'Sternbau No. 2', 2007. Courtesy of the artist
Imran Qureshi
: Named Deutsche Bank's 2013 'Artist of the Year', the Pakistan-born artist will exhibit at Ikon from 19 November 2014 to 25 January 2015. Regarded as one of the most important contemporary artists of the Subcontinent, he reclaims the deeply rooted discipline of miniature painting and places it in today's context, incorporating his own interpretations and observations on current affairs. Pictured: 'Self-Portrait', 2009. Courtesy of Ikon and the artist
AK Dolven: The Norwegian artist, whose installation runs from 3 February to 19 April 2015, places her work beside that of nineteenth century painter Peder Balke (1804-1887).  She engages with Balke's works, using them as found objects interspersed throughout her own exhibit. Film still courtesy of the artist
Nástio Mosquito: The Angolan artist's work stands in stark contrast to Dolven's. Running simultaneously at Ikon, Mosquito's energetic installation uses music, photography, film and performance to comment on our globalised world in an intelligent yet playful manner. Pictured: a still from 'Nástio Answers Gabi', 2003
John Salt: Five artists who have shown throughout Ikon's five decades come together for 'Ikon Icons', an installation culminating 50 years of the gallery's success. Each of the five icons continues a symbiotic relationship with the gallery and has reached success due in part to its support. The first to exhibit is photorealist painter John Salt from 19 February to 21 April 2014. Pictured: 'White Chevy Red Trailer', 1975. Courtesy of the artist 
Ian Emes: The artist, who first showed with Ikon in 1973 with a film animation visualising the music of Pink Floyd, will show from 30 April to 22 June 2014. Pictured: a still from 'French Window', 1975. Courtesy of Ikon and the artist
Cornelia Parker: Working with Ikon throughout the eighties, Parker rejoins the fold with an installation that will run from 2 July to 31 August 2014. Pictured here: 'Thirty Pieces of Silver', 1988. Courtesy of Ikon and the artist
Yinka Shonibare: Part of a younger generation of artists, Shonibare first showed with Ikon in 1999. His installation will run from 10 September to 9 November 2014. Pictured: 'Five Undergarments and Much More', 1995. Courtesy of the artist
Julian Opie: The artist's first exhibition at Ikon in 2001 filled the gallery with instantly recognisable works. Opie will transform the space again from 19 November 2014 to 25 January 2015. Courtesy of the artist
Gillian Wearing: As part of the Ikon 50 series, Gillian Wearing will reveal her 'A Real Birmingham Family' Sculpture outside the Library of Birmingham. The Jones family, pictured here, will be eternally cast as representatives of the UK city. Courtesy of Ikon
keywords:Ikon, gallery, icon, Birmingham, 50, exhibitions, David Tremlett
关键词:Ikon,画廊,图标,伯明翰,50,展览,David Tremlett




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