julius shulman modernism rediscovered by taschen
2016-08-19 11:41
The work of architectural photography forerunner and master of mid-century modernism Julius Shulman is celebrated in an extended, three-volume edition named Modernism Rediscovered, published by Taschen
出版商Benedikt Taschen调查了朱利叶斯舒尔曼(1920-2009)的26万张照片档案,以找到这位建筑摄影师杰出职业生涯中隐藏的宝石和光辉时刻。塔森自1998年以来一直与舒尔曼保持着密切的出版关系,他敏锐地将选集缩减到1008页,分成了三本颇有洞察力的书,名为“现代主义重新发现”。
像弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)和奥斯卡·尼迈耶(Oscar Niemeyer)这样的书一册又一册地出现在一个类型定义型人才目录中;从弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)笔下的结构到勒·柯布西耶我们很容易对这些标志性图像的力量免疫,因为它们已经在杂志上和照片上印了两代人。但在这里,是以前看不见的、安静的肖像画和亲密的家庭照片的混合,使我们重新看上去,和“重新发现”现代主义的标题要求我们。舒尔曼一次又一次地作为受人尊敬的客人受到欢迎,这反映了他与许多现代主义大师之间的亲密友谊,让他能够巧妙、体面地捕捉到他们的作品,就像人们想要看到的那样-作为一个生活和生存的地方。
尽管人们最常记得的是他致力于拍摄加州建筑,但正如菲利普·J·埃辛顿(Philip J.Eethington)的传记介绍所述,现代主义代表着舒尔曼在美国其他地方的作品,以及更远的香港、以色列和墨西哥的作品。但正是舒尔曼在加州的童年使他具备了这样一种普遍的现代主义者的眼光。埃辛顿写道:“在南加州成长的时候,洛杉矶比现在更接近自然,这给舒尔曼提供了一个背景,让他能够理解内部和外部的近乎无缝兼容,这是现代主义设计的一个标志。”舒尔曼认为,在一个经常混乱的世界里,室内空间的细致组织是如此的令人安心,它被一个临时景观的自由形式所平衡。
Shulman, who passed away in 2009, brought Californian modernist architecture to a world stage, and was influential in the careers of many architects who were also his close friends. Pictured: Frey Residence, by Albert Frey, Palm Springs, California, 1956. Photography: Julius Shulman. © J.Paul Getty Trust. Courtesy Julius Shulman Photography Archive, Research Library at the Getty Research Institute
This three-part tome pays homage to not only his West Coast work, but also his broader range of photographs taken throughout the USA, and further afield in Israel, Mexico and Hong Kong
Publisher Benedikt Taschen is the man behind the selection. He took two years to carefully pick from around 260,000 images from Shulman's personal, yet impeccably organised archives
Taschen was the perfect man for the marathon job, having enjoyed a close collaboration with the photographer since first publishing Julius Shulman: Architecture and Its Photography in 1998
Pictured left: Roberts Residence, by Weston, Byles & Rudolph, Malibu, California, 1953. Right: Mathias Goeritz at his home, which was co-designed with Ricardo Legorreta, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1973. Photography: Julius Shulman. © J.Paul Getty Trust. Courtesy Julius Shulman Photography Archive, Research Library at the Getty Research Institute
Accompanying text comes courtesy of a host of big-name practitioners and Shulman enthusiasts, including an introduction by photography critic Owen Edwards, and an extensive biography by University of Southern California historian Philip J. Ethington. Pictured: Greenberg Residence, by Buff & Hensman, Palos Verdes, California, 1966. Photography: Julius Shulman. © J.Paul Getty Trust. Courtesy Julius Shulman Photography Archive, Research Library at the Getty Research Institute
Shulman's iconic images have imprinted themselves into the retina of the 20th century, and this comprehensive, beautifully presented collection is a fitting tribute to both the architecture, and the man that had the foresight to capture it. Pictured: Cunningham Residence ('Stoneflower' House), by Herb Greene, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1964. Photography: Julius Shulman. © J.Paul Getty Trust. Courtesy Julius Shulman Photography Archive, Research Library at the Getty Research Institute
Spring Hotel, Bequia, by Crites & McConnell, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 1967. Photography: Julius Shulman. © J.Paul Getty Trust. Courtesy Julius Shulman Photography Archive, Research Library at the Getty Research Institute
keywords:books, publishing, architecture, Taschen, photography, Julius Shulman, modernism
出版商Benedikt Taschen调查了朱利叶斯舒尔曼(1920-2009)的26万张照片档案,以找到这位建筑摄影师杰出职业生涯中隐藏的宝石和光辉时刻。塔辛,他很喜欢出版.