frieze london 2016 unmissable highlights from the leading art fair

2016-10-08 12:39
With a £3.5 million price tag, Anish Kapoor's sculpture Red Stave, 2015, at Lisson Gallery, was the priciest artwork on offer at this year's Frieze Art Fair in London. Photography: Jack Hem. Courtesy of Lisson Gallery
“当代艺术正在努力解决当前艺术界的真实事件,”ICA执行董事格雷戈尔·缪尔(Gregor Muir)在弗里泽开业前两周宣称。作为展会的共同策划人,他选择了“边疆”这个主题,以激励今年的演讲者探索精神、身体和政治界限。
见证超大型男人的裤子,粉红色塑料,芭比娃娃风格的碎屑和脚手架管雕塑,缪尔的话共鸣。弗里泽总是有很多噱头,但也有好的东西,环球设计工作室-博览会的建筑师-和画廊,不遗余力地让今年的博览会通航,令人兴奋。在现代学院,艺术家马丁·博伊斯(Martin Boyce)用格拉斯哥的电车棚回收瓦楞纸板作为有效的背景,而豪泽(Hauser)

以埃德蒙·德瓦尔(Edmund De Waal)的黑白陶瓷和维也纳加莱丽·迈耶·凯纳(LucyMcKenzie)艺术家露西·麦肯齐(Lucy McKenzie)为标题的应用艺术创作了由埃托尔·索特萨斯(Ettore Sottsass)、孟菲斯(孟菲斯)和阿道夫·洛奥(Adolf Lo@@今年的弗里泽艺术家奖得主尤里·帕蒂森(Yuri Pattison)在母亲的坦克站(MothernsTankStation)用一个探索工作空间和公共校园的装置,唤起了20世纪70年代的加利福尼亚。
弗里泽今年第一次回顾上世纪90年代。14家画廊重温了这一重要十年的开创性展览。GalerieBuchholz在科隆重新创建了书店,沃尔夫冈·蒂尔曼(Wolfgang Tillman)第一次展示挂在墙上的照片,而托马斯·丹(Thomas Dane)的重点是迈克尔·兰迪(Michael Landy)在仓库

德国画廊Rüdiger Sch tter也回顾了1926年和国际智力合作研究所,该机构是一个致力于团结分裂的欧洲的咨询机构(阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和玛丽·居里也是该机构的成员)。鼓励参观者在一张具体的桌子前就座,讨论当天的紧迫问题。第一次会议已经满了-穆尔可能被证明是错的。
Installation view of Blank Invitations, by Neha Choksi, 2016 at Mumbai gallery Project 88. Courtesy of Project 88 and the artist
Applied arts headlined at Gagosian in the form of black and white ceramics by Edmund De Waal. Photography: Linda Nylind. Courtesy of Frieze
Hauser & Wirth have gone for the more is more approach with its ‘L’atelier d’artistes’ stand, a tongue-in-cheek examination of the museological practice of reconstructing artist studios. The presentation, with its clumsily translated French title, is an exercise in cliché. Courtesy of the artists, estates and Hauser & Wirth. Photography: Ken Adlard
It brings together the work of numerous artists under the guise of a single artist’s atelier, including Louise Bourgeois, Richard Jackson, Martin Creed and Paul McCarthy. Courtesy of the artists, estates and Hauser & Wirth. Photography: Ken Adlard
Berlin galleries Esther Schipper and Johnen Galerie draped their booth in Ryan Gander's grey-curtain work General Studies, 2016. Other artists at the stand include Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Angela Bulloch, David Claerbout and Roman Ondak. Photography: Andrea Rossetti
General Studies, by Ryan Gander, 2016, holds court with Can Open Sapphire, by Angela Bulloch, 2016, at the Esther Schipper and Johnen Galerie stand. Photography: Andrea Rossetti
From left: General Studies, by Ryan Gander, 2016; Reciprocal Platform, by Liam Gillick, 2003; White Flag #5, by AA Bronson, 2015; and Charted Temperature 1, 2016 at the Esther Schipper and Johnen Galerie stand. Photography: Andrea Rossetti
Installation view at 303 Gallery. Pictured, from left: Hypothetisches Gebilde, by Alicja Kwade, 2016; Hot Mess: Aperture series, by Doug Aitken, 2016; The Bricks (A.), by Collier Schorr, 2013; and Your Head In My Eyes, by Eva Rothschild, 2015. Photography: Linda Nylind. Courtesy of Frieze
Back of Snowman (pictured in foreground), by Gary Hume 2016 on view at the Sprüth Magers booth. Courtesy of the artist and Sprüth Magers. Photography: Linda Nylind. Courtesy of Frieze
Pace's booth at Frieze included works by Robert Rauschenberg, Lee Ufan, Nige Cooke, teamLab, Leo Villareal, Michal Rovner, Brent Wadden, Francis Gray, Adam Pendleton, Kevin Francis Grray and Prabahavathi Meppayil. Courtesy of Pace Gallery
Cave Girl (left), by Kevin Francis Gray, 2016 at the Pace booth. Courtesy of Pace Gallery
Installation view of the Pace booth. Courtesy of Pace Gallery
An ending and a beginning A-2, by Neha Choksi, at Project 88. Courtesy of the artist and Project 88
Kleine Welle, by Wolfgang Tillmans, 2015, on view at Maureen Paley. © the artist. Courtesy of Maureen Paley, London
Elevator To Culturefield, by Ryan Gander, 2016, on view at Esther Schipper. Photography: Andrea Rossetti. Courtesy of the artist and Esther Schipper, Berlin
Equilibrium (umph, ohwh, ah, clk clk), by Anne Hardy, 2016, at Maureen Paley. © the artist. Courtesy of Maureen Paley, London
Abstract Expressionist Still Life, by Peter Saul, 2016. Courtesy of Michael Werner Gallery, New York and London
Self Portrait as The Opium Smoker (A Midsummer Night’s Dream), by Raqib Shaw, 2016, at the White Cube booth. Photography: Ben Westoby. Courtesy of White Cube
Untitled #581 (left), and Untitled #579, by Cindy Sherman, 2016 at Sprüth Magers. Courtesy of the artist, Sprüth Magers and Metro Pictures, New York
Better Lives: Richard Belalufu, by Sue Williamson, 2003, at Goodman Gallery
German gallery Rüdiger Schöttle looks back to 1926 and the International Institute on Intellectual Cooperation, an advisory body that acted to unite a fragmented Europe. Visitors are encouraged to take a seat at a concrete table and discuss the pressing issues of the day. Copyright Sebastiano Pellion di Persano. Courtesy of Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle
Galerie Chantal Crousel featured works by Melik Ohanian, Zheng Guogu, Reena Spaulings, and Wade Guyton. Photography: Linda Nylind. Courtesy Linda Nylind/Frieze
Installed in the 1990s section of Frieze, Sylvie Fleury’s pioneering work A Journey to Fitness or How to Lose 30 Pounds In Under Three Weeks is being presented collaboratively by Mehdi Chouakri, Salon 94, and Sprüth Magers. The installation was first shown in Aperto 1993 at the Venice Biennale. Courtesy of Sprüth Magers
Installation view of an immersive, interactive environment conceived by new media collective teamLab, at Pace. Courtesy of Pace Gallery
Installation view of Galerie Meyer Kainer's booth, which brought together works by Kaya, Laurent Dupont and Lucy McKenzie. Photography: Linda Nylind. Courtesy Linda Nylind/Frieze
White Cube displayed works by Michael Armitage, Georg Baselitz, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Theaster Gates, Andreas Gursky, Mona Hatoum, Magnus Plessen and Liu Wei at its booth. Courtesy of White Cube. Photography: George Darrell
Pictured centre, Electrified (variable II), by Mona Hatoum, 2014, at the White Cube booth. Courtesy of White Cube. Photography: George Darrell
Installation view of the White Cube stand. Courtesy of White Cube. Photography: George Darrell
keywords:White Cube, Hauser & Wirth, Frieze Art Fair, Sprüth Magers, Pace Gallery, Global Fair Guide 2016, London exhibitions, On Instagram
“当代艺术正在努力解决当前艺术界的真实事件,”ICA执行董事格雷戈尔·缪尔(Gregor Muir)在弗里泽开业前两周宣称。作为展会的共同策划人,他选择了b中的“边疆”为主题。




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