在百年町屋Maana作坊中,触碰与守护日本传统工艺 首
2025-03-04 21:17
n northern Kyoto, the century-old Maana Atelier has been given a new life. It is a workshop dedicated to preserving and passing on the tradition of Japanese architecture and craftsmanship. It is not only a figurative carrier of history, but also a space for people to reconnect with handmade skills and natural materials. It continues the unique urban memory of Kyoto.
Originally the residence of a merchant, the flexible spatial layout and the use of natural materials have enabled this Machicho in Kyoto to adapt to new lifestyles as The Times have changed.
The Maana Atelier, is part of Maana Homes, co-founded by Hana Tsukamoto and Irene Chang. Over the years, they have been restoring and reinterpreting Kyotos architectural heritage, expanding into new areas by offering accommodation and retreats that allow visitors to experience the techniques and materials that have shaped Kyotos culture through immersive workshops.
aana Homes认为衣食住(纺织-食品-家)不仅代表“生活”,还体现了“创造有意义的生活”的要旨。这些生活支柱已经演变成日本文化的一种表达。创始人希望开辟新模式,去探索日本古老智慧的沉淀和美感——其中蕴含着实现美好生活的秘诀。
Maana Homes believes that clothing, food and shelter (textile - food - home) not only represents life, but also reflects the essence of creating a meaningful life. These pillars of life have evolved into an expression of Japanese culture. The founders wanted to open up new models to explore the deposits and beauty of Japans ancient wisdom - the secret to achieving a better life.
aana Atelier is a special workshop designed to explore Japans rich herbal tea history. Participants can create their own personalized organic tea blends using traditional herbs that existed before the tea tree was introduced to Japan. The plant-based tea materials used by Maana Atelier are derived from natural organic agriculture, sustainably preserving biodiversity and preserving the most original flavors. Each tea is a gift of time and land.
This commercial tea cultivation is different from the traditional cultivation method that relies on a single cultivation method, and it protects biodiversity while preventing soil erosion and damage.
Create a Meaningful Life.
n addition, the workshop also emphasizes the sensory experience of tea making, where participants can smell, touch and taste various herbs; From the sense of herbaceous veins in the fingertips, to the lingering aroma in the breath, to the layered perception after the entrance, one can experience the diverse climate and seasonal changes in Japan.
ne of the components of the machiya architecture is a series of walls made of earth walls (Tsuchikabe). They are the separation of space, but also reflect a kind of wisdom of coexistence with nature. The mixture of soil, straw, sand and seaweed makes it breathable, moisture-regulating and heat-insulating, allowing occupants to experience a comfortable temperature and humidity balance in the changing seasons.
suchikabe (earth wall) is one of the traditional building materials of Machicho in Kyoto, handmade by artisans known as Sakans. The walls, made from a mixture of clay, straw, sand and seaweed, are designed to divide the space and be a natural feature, while enhancing the breathability, heat insulation and livability of the home.
n the workshop, participants can experience the entire process of making earth walls and understand the characteristics of raw materials. Prepare raw materials by hand, feel the texture changes of different ingredients, and experience the process of layering and shaping under the guidance of craftsmen, feel the collision of technology and intuition between the soil and the palm, and finally present the balance of beauty.
n this process, each participant will create their own clay wall art board, although the scale is small, but embodies the essence of Kyoto Machiya architectural culture. This technique reflects the concept of sustainability in Japanese architectural philosophy - unlike modern industrial materials, which rely on synthetics and energy-intensive processing, earth walls are entirely taken from nature and can be harmlessly returned to nature after use.
aana Atelier通过草本茶和土墙工作坊,为参与者提供了一个可以深入了解京都建筑与文化的机会,建立人与材料、与空间、与时间的深刻连接。此刻的建筑,不再是静止的实体,而是一种动态的文化载体,它随着每一次的修缮、每一次手工制作的传承,感知京都的时间记忆。
Through herbal tea and earthen wall workshops, Maana Atelier offers participants an opportunity to gain insight into Kyotos architecture and culture, creating a deep connection between people and materials, space and time. At this moment, the architecture is no longer a static entity, but a dynamic cultural carrier, which senses the time memory of Kyoto with each repair and hand-made inheritance.