B.E. Architecture 丨建筑师的家,一宅一世界

2024-08-19 09:26
On the vast canvas of B.E. Architectures creations, time stands as the most unforgiving critic. They firmly believe that true architectural art lies not merely in the initial awe-inspiring impact but in its ability to withstand the test of time, preserving both its stylistic elegance and structural integrity for eternity. Driven by a vision to craft buildings that transcend eras, B.E.s team endeavors to imbue each design with profound insights into the future.
To unravel the secrets behind this visionary pursuit, we delve into a dialogue with B.E.s Chief Designer, exploring how the team, through seamless collaboration, meticulously sculpts every detail to ensure that every project emerges as a timeless classic. As seasoned architectural critics and design experts, we offer a precise and professional translation that meticulously attends to industry terminology and the specific nomenclature of B.E. Architecture.

B.E. Architecture是如何起
Broderick和我在1998年创立了B.E. Architecture。当时我们共用一个工作室,各自忙碌于自己的项目。自然而然地参与到对方项目的不同环节上。后来,我们在城市里的弗林德斯巷卡洛楼(Carlow House)找到了一间工作室——那时还没有那么多咖啡馆和餐馆,但那里有很多设计师、珠宝商、艺术家和建筑师,就在那里开始了B.E的旅程。最初只有两三个,从那以后就一直在不断发展壮大。
至于Andrew Piva,他其实多次联系我们,试图加入我们的行列,而我们最初选择他也是因为他那种不屈不挠的精神。Andrew与我们的理念相契合,他天生就是干这行的料。所以十年后,他已成为公司发展中不可或缺的一部分。

随着B.E. Architecture的成长,你们的工作是如何发展的?过去十年里有什么变化?




在墨尔本的静谧一隅,建筑师安德鲁·皮瓦(Andrew Piva)以匠心独运,将自己的家——Casa Piva,打造成了一个温暖而深邃的避风港。这不仅仅是一座住宅,更是B.E. Architecture团队设计理念与个人情感的完美融合,每一处细节都透露着对生活品质的不懈追求与深刻思考。
“正如我们所有项目的灵魂皆源自客户,Casa Piva亦不例外,”安德鲁·皮瓦既是设计师又是居住者。Casa Piva,这座小巧而精致的宅邸,以其温暖的材质、精巧的布局以及开阔的视野,重新定义了居住空间的可能性。它不仅仅是一个居住的地方,更是一场关于空间、光线与情感的细腻对话。
Defined by warmth and a considered materiality, this Melbourne property – the family home of an architect – is small in stature but big on functionality and vision.
“As with all our projects, each one reflects our clients, and this one was no different,” says Andrew Piva, project architect and director at B.E. Architecture, referring to his own home. Defined by a slow reveal of spaces and experiences, Casa Piva is an intricate home that is warm, inviting and highly functional.

步入Casa Piva,仿佛穿越至一个充满故事与情感的世界。尽管外观低调,但内部却是一场视觉与感官的盛宴。设计灵感源自意大利别墅的精髓,入口处的小巷与中等大小的门扉,引领着访客步入一个宽敞而私密的庭院,预示着一段非凡旅程的开始。
Andrew says Casa Piva was most definitely a labour of love. “We wanted our house to reflect who we are and our Italian heritage.” When designing your own home, challenges are inevitable. “What’s probably the most difficult aspect is trying to temper your own enthusiasm and filter out all the possible ideas into those that really matter and are the appropriate ones to shape the project,” he says.


Casa Piva seems compact, dark and moody but the atmosphere slowly transitions as you move through the home. The first glimpse of the kitchen, which features Tuscan oak joinery, reveals the home’s warmth and comfort. Generously sized rooms add a sense of dramatic proportion to the layout, which includes three bedrooms as well as a flexible study that also serves as a TV room and guest bedroom.The hard work and love poured into creating Casa Piva becomes apparent as soon as you step inside. From the street, the residence doesn’t reveal too much; however, upon entry, you’re met with an intriguing and experiential journey through spaces that are designed around a series of small courtyards. The entryway is reminiscent of an Italian villa – a modest-sized door from the laneway leads towards a large courtyard. Grounded in a distinct and somewhat experimental layout, the dwelling reimagines conceptions of the family home.



Casa Piva seems compact, dark and moody but the atmosphere slowly transitions as you move through the home. The first glimpse of the kitchen, which features Tuscan oak joinery, reveals the home’s warmth and comfort. Generously sized rooms add a sense of dramatic proportion to the layout, which includes three bedrooms as well as a flexible study that also serves as a TV room and guest bedroom.


尤为值得一提的是,Elton集团生产的Evenex Sincro木纹饰面在家中的广泛应用,它如同一根无形的纽带,将各个空间紧密相连,营造出一种和谐统一的整体氛围。这种材料的选用,不仅增强了空间的平衡感,更以其独特的纹理与质感,为居住者带来了强烈的情感共鸣与深刻的居住体验。
However, it is the Evenex Sincro Timber-look Surface panels by Elton Group that feature most heavily throughout, a choice that profoundly shapes the home’s overall feel. “In using the singular joinery finish throughout, it makes the spaces feel more balanced. Yet the timber also allows you to flood certain rooms in it to create moments of intensity and a more heightened experience.”



Entire rooms are therefore panelled, including the study, main bedroom and the kitchen and dining area, where all the walls and joinery are a singular material. “This felt appropriate for that space as it is the stereotypical ‘heart of the home’, and it creates a very warm and inviting environment,” says Andrew.



在Casa Piva的设计中,可持续性同样占据了举足轻重的地位。通过一系列创新措施,如减少电力供暖与制冷的依赖、选用耐用且低维护的材料等,这座住宅在追求美观与舒适的同时,也展现了对环境保护的深切关怀。安德鲁强调,他们的设计旨在打造一个不随波逐流、能够经得起时间考验的家,让居住者能够在其中享受到长久的安宁与幸福。
Like many of B.E. Architecture’s projects, incorporating sustainability is inherent to the brief. “There’s a whole series of measures built into the project that minimise the reliance on powered heating and cooling and energy use,” says Andrew. He believes a long-term approach to sustainability is more advantageous. “The key thing that drives many of our projects is trying to design a home that’s not based on trends and remains relevant for years to come so that there’s no need to tear it down and start again.” As such, materials are selected based on their longevity, low maintenance and ability to patina over time and get better with age. Moreover, “the layout has been designed to cater for our family now and as we grow older.”








最终,Casa Piva以其温暖的怀抱、深邃的情感以及精巧的设计,成为了一个令人向往的居住空间。它不仅是安德鲁个人的避风港,更是B.E. Architecture团队设计理念与才华的璀璨展现。在这座小巧而精致的宅邸中,我们感受到了建筑的力量与魅力——它能够超越物质的界限,触动人心最柔软的部分。
The prevailing feeling of Casa Piva is its warm grasp – encouraging contemplation, relaxation and retreat. When Andrew reflects on what he is most proud of when it comes to his own home, he says, “it’s not any one item, but is the feeling of calm and privacy you get throughout the house – it feels balanced and inviting. We’ve managed to create an efficiently designed home on a modest footprint, enabling a feeling of generosity where it counts and a sense of scale that’s not immediately apparent down the discreet laneway where the house is hidden.”


项目名称 |
Casa Piva
承 建 商 |
JGF Creative.
木 工 艺 |
Creative Design Cabinets.
项目文案 |
Aimee O’Keefe
室内设计 |
B.E. Architecture
结构工程 |
D-A Consulting.
建筑测量 |
Floreancig Smith Building Surveyors.
项目摄影 |
Timothy Kaye


B.E Architecture,一家拥有超过二十年深厚底蕴的建筑设计公司,以其独特的设计理念和精湛的工艺在业界享有盛誉。公司专注于与客户、建造商及承包商紧密合作,确保每一座建筑都能精准捕捉并表达其使用者的独特气质与愿景。
Members of the firm work closely with their clients, builders, and individual contractors to ensure that the finished building expresses the client it for whom it was built. The designs are quiet, yet strong, creating a response that is appropriate to its surroundings with attention to materiality that ensures projects will continue to improve over time. With more than 20 years of practice, B.E Architecture has amassed a notable body of work in various locations around Australia, with international commissions currently under development.
B.E Architecture在澳大利亚各地留下了众多令人瞩目的建筑作品,其影响力已跨越国界,在国际舞台上亦展现出非凡实力。公司始终秉持对上下文环境的深刻理解与尊重,以及对用户体验的极致追求,致力于打造出既富有意义又能经得起时间考验的建筑空间。
With a notable presence across various locations in Australia and an esteemed reputation extending beyond national borders, B.E Architecture demonstrates its international prowess in the architectural landscape. It remains steadfast in its commitment to deeply comprehend contextual nuances and prioritize user experiences, crafting spaces that are not only meaningful but also endure the test of time.
B.E. Architecture Project

Winter Street Residence

Shakespeare Grove

Elwood Residence










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