博.想象能力新作 | BEEER PARK品牌与空间的塑造 首
2021-04-14 09:37
首先我们要解决的是项目命名的问题:业主在确立定位的时候,我们就认为命名要直接易传播,比beer多一个e的“BEEER”就呼之欲出。但多一个E的内涵其实不止多一个E,寓意了其中海量信息:Enjoy享受、Energy活力、Ecstasy狂喜、Eden伊甸园、Enigma谜……E的无限,简洁而又寓意丰盛。我们对BEEER PARK的品牌做了VI定位和设计,和门头冲出的立体logo字体一脉相承,整体的色彩计划也是非黑即白,并设计了比尔叫兽和帕克叫兽IP拟人兽化的符号形象,意在传播识别上与同行拉开距离。
The first thing to solve is the project name. When the owner first established its positioning, we thought that the name should be direct and easy to spread and therefore the name "BEEER" with one more “E” than “beer” is almost certain. Otherwise , what the one more E means is actually more than one E, which implies a huge amount of information: Enjoy, Energy, Ecstasy, Eden, Enigma ... E is infinite, concise and rich in meaning. Then a VI positioning and design for the BEEER PARK brand was done, which is in one continuous line with the three-dimensional logo rushed out of the door header. The overall color plan is also black and white, and the anthropomorphic symbols of Bill Roaring Beast and Park Roaring Beast IP are designed, aiming to distance itself from peers in communication and identification.
The brand symbol is a long-term growth strategy. Compared with the space, we pay more attention to the real life improvement brought by the project to the local residents, and further exert the brand effect through the space to drive the popularity of the edge area.
接下来就是场域问题了。以作为桂城的主要商业据点而众所周知的千灯湖畔,也以高层大楼林立的街景而闻名。在这样的水泥森林中,也有提供心灵疗愈的绿洲。绿洲之一的BEEER PARK就位于毗邻于佛山金融中心区千灯湖的保利广场一层。但该空间的地理位置位于保利广场的背后,初始阶段业主特别担心因边缘位置较偏而人流量少,但解决问题也是我们设计方的思维优势之一。建筑给我们提供了一个延伸的独栋扩展空间,所以解决建筑外观或许是解决引流的良机。
Next comes the field problem. Qiandeng Lake, well known as the main commercial base in Guicheng, is also famous for its streetscape with skyscrapers. In such a cement forest, there is also an oasis to provide spiritual healing. BEEER PARK, one of the oasis, is located on the first floor of Poly Plaza adjacent to Qiandeng Lake in Foshan financial center. With the relatively marginal location behind Poly Plaza, the owner was particularly worried about the low pedestrian volume in the initial stage. However, solving the problem is also thinking advantages of our designers. The building provides us with an extended single-family expansion space, so the appearance of the building may be a good opportunity to solve the problem of introducing interflow of population.
Differentiation and response to the backdrop are the source of business thinking. Instead of coordinating the design with the calm exterior wall tiles of the original building, we intend to get out of it, so either black or white becomes the main tone of the facade design.
为回应千灯湖片区这个地理环境,在视觉元素上我们以水波浪为概念的建筑皮肤设计,门头设计依然是BEEER PARK品牌立体风格从建筑内冲出,内饰也以水的不同形态为核心元素进行设计。
In response to the geographical environment of the Qiandeng Lake area, in terms of visual elements, we use water waves as the concept of architectural skin design. The design of door header keeps the three-dimensional style of the BEEER PARK brand rushing out of the building, and the interiors are also designed with different forms of water as the core elements.
One of the nodal strategies of the moving line is to use a arc of shadowless lamps shaped like a rippling water surface as the guidance of sight, intentionally filling the entire space to divide focus of the flow of people in the space and radiate from the focus. Whether an L-shaped bar, a self-selected area or a extented area, the guest seat selection has been designed with psychological guidance.
Hollow bricks, stone cages, red bricks, brass, corrugated stainless steel, terrazzo, etc. also guide the attributes of different spaces. And the wine wall, which produces a shocking sense of repetitive sequence, is dramatically called the wine museum by the locals.
For commercial spaces, a design is for the purpose of commercialize operations. Design positioning and benchmarking are the focus of the project in the concept phase. For us, the focus of a design is differentiation, not a certain style of feeling. I prefer to return to the project site at different time intervals after the project is landed, because experience tells me that the landing of a project is not an end, but a real new beginning. The actual operation result of the commercial space is a real test of the design orientation.
▲ 轴测图 Axonometric Drawing
▲ 主案设计师 :方洁、林桂城、许畅
▲ Lead Designers : JANE, Lin Guicheng, Cora
项目名称 | 佛山BEEER PARK餐酒吧
Project Name | Foshan BEEER PARK Restaurant & Bar
项目地点 | 佛山千灯湖
Project Location | Qiandeng Lake, Foshan
项目类型 | 餐酒吧
Project Type | Restaurant & Bar
项目面积 | 1000㎡
Project Area | 1000 square metres
设计公司 | 博.想象能力 [ From 朱海博建筑设计事务所 ]
Design Company | Bo Imagination [From ARCHIHOPE Ltd.]
主创设计 | 方洁、林桂城、许畅
Main Designer | JANE, Lin Guicheng, Cora
文案摄影 | SIAD品牌部
Copywriting and Photography | SIAD Branding Department
SIAD 深圳市故事空间设计有限公司//深圳市
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