壹挚设计:东方意韵质朴雅墅,简素也是一种美好 首
2021-02-23 22:01
城市对我们而言, 向来是一个复杂的存在, 一边在城市安身立命, 一边又厌倦城市喧嚣, 向往着山林间 诗意般的生活, 但归隐不是遁世隐居, 恰是对生命的 无上热爱。 在广州·南沙区 黄山鲁森林公园内, 有这样一片直接能感知 “空山的静,月出的惊” 晨起听鸟叫的 惬意居住宅。 如何让素朴的美学 回归到生活本初, 是我们需要重新 探究的方向。
For us, the city has always been a complicated existence. While setting up our lives in the city, we are tired of the hustle and bustle of the city, yearning for a poetic life in the mountains and forests, but retreat is not a retreat from the world, but the supreme love of life. In Huangshanlu Forest Park, Nansha District, Guangzhou, there is such a comfortable residence that can directly perceive the quietness of the empty mountains and the surprise of the moonrise when you wake up in the morning and listen to the birds. How to return the simple aesthetics to the beginning of life is the direction we need to explore again.
素朴的美学 在古代是人文精神 的投射。 所以在文人的 诗词绘画中, 便已表达出对 居住环境的精神向往, 我们从王维的 “明月松间照, 清泉石上流”中 汲取灵感, 寻求心物合一, 找回生活的秩序感。
The simple aesthetics was the projection of the humanistic spirit in ancient times. Therefore, in the poetry and painting of the literati, the spiritual yearning for the living environment has been expressed. We draw inspiration from Wang Weis Bright moon and pine light, clear spring stone upflow, seek the unity of mind and matter, and retrieve the sense of order in life.
温润质朴的家具 整齐有序地贯穿在 天地墙的结构上, 简单流畅的线条设计 实现了收纳功能的 间隔有致。 立意造境的 苍松迎客艺术画, 让空间与艺术的 对话之间, 在虚灵与写实、 对立与混融中, 创造了意象相通的 栖居之所。
The warm and simple furniture runs neatly and orderly on the structure of the sky, the earth and the wall, and the simple and smooth line design realizes the space of the storage function. The artistic painting of Cangsong welcoming guests with the concept of creating a realm allows the dialogue between space and art, in the virtual spirit and realism, opposition and mingling, to create a living place where images are connected.
古代文人画家 把世界的层次和秩序, 都收容在 看似单一的墨色中, 而宴客厅的壁画 用饱墨挥洒出 山色空蒙的景色, 一下子将空间人文情愫 带入了更高远的境界。 艺术品呈现了 以动衬静的效果, 勾勒出一幅 “鸟鸣山更幽” 的恬淡意境。
The ancient literati painters contained the level and order of the world in a seemingly single ink color, while the frescoes in the banquet room were filled with ink to spill out the mountains and the sky, and suddenly brought the humanistic sentiment of the space into a higher realm. . The artwork presents the effect of dynamic contrast, and outlines a tranquil mood of Birdsong Mountain is more secluded.
树枝化身的 艺术吊灯与餐厅的 整体空间设计, 碰撞出极具 灵动飘逸的 韵律视觉感。
The artistic chandeliers incarnate of branches and the overall space design of the restaurant collide with a very smart and elegant visual sense of rhythm.
伴随着搭配 层次的视觉延伸, 休闲区散发出 幽和尔雅的美学观感。 从精致的艺术选品中, 饱含对东方意韵的 精神追求。 静坐于此,看书品茶, 让人文情怀和意韵风骨 在此延展融合。
Along with the visual extension of matching levels, the leisure area exudes a quiet and elegant aesthetics. From the exquisite art selection, it is full of spiritual pursuit of oriental charm. Sitting here, reading a book and tasting tea, let a persons literary feelings and charm and style extend and merge here.
我们通过 明月的无形, 来体现山居美学 的自由感, 将空山的意韵, 化作洒脱不羁的 诗人笔尖下 跃动的诗句。 仿佛只有烟雨空蒙, 或云卷云舒。 既有了 诗情画意的存在, 便模糊了空间的“形”。 因此, 素朴美学的意境 不再依赖形式, 气韵已表达。
Through the invisibleness of the bright moon, we embody the sense of freedom of the mountain dwelling aesthetics, and turn the meaning of the empty mountain into a dying poem under the pen tip of an uninhibited poet. It seems that there is only misty rain, or clouds and clouds. With the poetic and pictorial existence, the shape of the space is blurred. Therefore, the artistic conception of simple aesthetics no longer depends on the form, and the spirit and rhyme are expressed.
方格状落地玻璃窗 将四季景色引入室内, 在这一间小书房里, 每天的光影 随着时间 微妙地变化着。 四季流转, 云集云散, 有一种适宜 沉思的静。
The grid-shaped floor-to-ceiling glass windows introduce the scenery of the four seasons into the room. In this small study room, the light and shadow of each day change subtly with time. The four seasons flow, gathering and scattered, there is a quietness suitable for contemplation.
将一花一草、 一器一物静置在空间, 让它们自行酝酿, 意境便在器物或花瓣里, 安静地熏染着 素朴的美学, 于山深出, 做一场关于 山林间的清梦。
Putting a flower, a grass, a utensil and a thing in the space, let them brew on their own, the artistic conception is in the utensils or petals, quietly tainted with simple aesthetics, deep in the mountains, and a clear dream about the mountains and forests.
挑高的空间设计 让交叉斜顶天花 达到视觉的延伸, 家具以质朴的 自然肌理 来表达温润的 室内氛围, 在细节、明亮、 质感肌理的相互交织下, 将隐逸美学的意境 娓娓道来。
The high-rise space design allows the cross sloping ceiling to achieve a visual extension. The furniture expresses the warm and moist indoor atmosphere with simple natural texture. Under the interweaving of details, brightness and texture, the artistic conception of seclusion and aesthetics is brought out.
次卧配以金属点缀, 在东方意境之外, 添加了一丝 现代生活的精致感。 以求材质触感 和细腻的纹理, 来贴近简素居住 的舒适度。
The second bedroom is decorated with metal, adding a touch of exquisiteness of modern life to the oriental artistic conception. The material touch and fine texture are used to get close to the comfort of simple living.
书架格形设计 在简约美学与 功能之间实现平衡, 通透溢彩的圆形灯饰 与座椅的趣味性, 呈现了空间灵动的 层次感, 营造出孩子的 天真趣味 与宁静阅读的场景。
The grid design of the bookshelf achieves a balance between simple aesthetics and function. The transparent and colorful circular lighting and the interestingness of the seat present a sense of space and agility, creating a childs innocent fun and quiet reading scene.
女孩房以 低饱和度的浅粉紫色 来强调出孩子 特有的天真烂漫。 色调与有趣家具搭配, 让层次感与趣味性 呼之欲出。
The girl’s room uses a low saturation of light pink purple to emphasize the child’s unique innocence. The matching of colors and interesting furniture makes the sense of hierarchy and interest come out.
在传统文化观念里, 竹石是高雅之物, 都与生命、岁月、情感 有着神秘的联系。 而石是瞬息万变的, 是在时间之物中 较为永恒的标识物, 它可以复活历史的记忆。
In traditional cultural concepts, bamboo and stone are elegant things, and they all have a mysterious connection with life, time and emotion. The stone is fast-changing. It is a more eternal marker in the time. It can revive historical memory.
古人世界的氤氲之美, 有种静水深流的力量, 而艺术本身 是从有限空间到 无限空间的一种延伸, 我们以另一种 时代符号演绎了 “气韵生动,中正平和” 的传统意韵。
The beauty of the entanglement in the ancient world has the power of still water, and art itself is an extension from a limited space to an infinite space. We interpret the traditional rhyme of vivid and peaceful with another symbol of the times.
C-C壹挚设计集团(简称C-C),是由一群具有国际设计理念的精英人才组成的综合性文化设计机构。旗下包括【壹挚室内设计】,【卡络思琪装饰设计】,【玲珑堂家品】等数个跨领域的专业服务品牌。 C-C拥有国际化的管理体系,多元化的创意团队、规范的运营管理、专业的生产基地、成熟的电商平台,高速的仓储物流系统,这一切都为客户实现多元化专业设计服务提供的强大支持,是国内为数不多的涵盖艺术、建筑、室内、产品、品牌策划及设计管理的综合型设计机构。
邓丽司,室内设计及陈设艺术跨界设计师, C-C 壹挚设计创始人。多年海外游学的阅历赋予她国际的视野和开放的思维;跨学科的专业底蕴以及与生俱来的艺术触觉又让她的创作在东西方之间自由舒展独具一格。她主张让设计和艺术贴近生活,融入生态,并致力推动室内设计与艺术的整合和传播,从商业地产,文旅酒店,豪宅会所, 到文化建筑,均有涉猎。在传承东方文化的同时,运用当代美学简约优雅的理念,将传统和创新融为一体。多年来其作品在全球范围内已荣膺众多顶尖设计大奖。2016年受邀美国《Interior Design》编著以其名字命名的《女性设计师系列丛书》,并以首位女性设计师身份获颁成为中国国际文化交流中心传播大使。
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