2020-10-14 11:08
项目名称 / 风吟谷 项目面积 / 600 ㎡ 项目地点 / 莲花镇 项目设计 / 尺镀美学 设计时间 / 2019.09 关于风吟谷民宿,它的故事要从尺镀团队第一次驱车前往岳麓区莲花镇说起。 About the home stay in the valley of the wind, its story from the first drive to Yuelu Lianhua town.
第一眼看到它所处的场地状况与建筑的原始形态时候,惊喜的同时亦伴随着压力。惊喜是因为场地视野开阔,周边环绕着天然水塘与茂密山林,使得建筑能够拥抱自然,氛围清幽适逸。压力则是源于如何在建筑与环境之间找到平衡点,使二者能够和谐并存。 First saw it in the site conditions and the construction of the original form, surprise surprise because field vision at the same time accompanied by pressure, the surrounding around the natural ponds and lush forests, enables the building to embrace nature, quiet atmosphere and optimum extrusion pressure was introduced how to strike a balance between buildings and environment, enables the harmonious coexist.
建筑的原始状态,是七八十年代的旧石灰厂房,因常年废弃,早已杂草遍布。 The original state of the building is an old cement factory in the 70s and 80s. Due to perennial abandonment, weeds have been everywhere in this case.
本案业主亚当从英国留学归来,向往自由,热爱生活,在谈及民宿的改造理念时,与尺镀一拍即合,给予了设计团队充分的发挥空间。 Adam, the owner of this project, returned from studying in Britain, yearns for freedom and loves life.
在设计之中,使项目既拥有自身的特点,又能够做到不动声色的融合环境,这是一个设计师对项目的最大尊重。因此尺镀改造的策略是:尊重原场地环境,疏通原场地交通关系,使用原生态材料,营造质朴且具备品质感的空间体验。 In the design, the project not only has its own characteristics, but also can achieve an unobtrusiveness and integration environment, which is the designer's greatest respect for the project. Therefore, the reconstruction strategy is to respect the original site environment, smooth the traffic relationship of the original site, use the original ecological materials, and create a simple and high-quality space.
建筑的一侧是一个斜角,其余部分则方正规整。考虑到整体设计美感与平衡感,设计团队在建筑斜角的对侧增设了一个与之平行的墙体作为入口,而新增入口与场地的景观设计、交通流线环环相扣。 On one side of the building is a Angle, the rest is founder neat considering the overall design aesthetic feeling and sense of balance, the designer bevel contralateral added in building a parallel to the wall as the entrance, and the landscape design of the new entrance and site traffic streamline interlocking valley.
当旅人沿小径慢慢走近风吟谷,先是沿途的风景小扣心扉,而微斜的入口设计给予了空间一种神秘感,吸引着人进入。 When the guest slowly approached the wind sing along the path, first the scenery small buckle up, and gave the slanting entrance design space is a kind of mystery, to attract people to enter.
改造后的风吟谷,与以往的模样已经分隔开来。简单的木色,素白的墙面,大片的落地窗在阳光下泛着温暖的色彩,使空间视觉更具穿透性与连贯性。 After the transformation, the wind yingu has been separated from its previous appearance with simple wood color, plain white walls and large French Windows with warm colors under the sun, making the spatial vision more penetrating and coherent.
身处室内,可观绿野阑珊,晨昏雾霭,听雨亲吻草地的轻响,让人的心慢慢静下来,凝视着远方,仿佛感受到了时间的温度,熨帖而温暖。这种开放又与院外相隔,保障了内部空间的私密性,同时也是对传统民居内向性审美的一种延续与激活。 In indoor, considerable wizard decayed, the twilight haze, light rain kiss grass ring, let the heart calm down slowly, staring at the distance, as if feeling the time temperature, intimate and warm the lobbying and meanwhile this open, ensure the internal space of illicit close sex, but also a continuation of traditional dwellings introversion esthetic and activation.
庭院里矗立着一颗高大樟树,树干挺拔,枝叶葱茏,而一侧素白的帷幔微微飘动,空间被自然的隔开,通透之间,又不乏私密感。最少的设计与干预,在静谧的场地间,留下一方内向空间,让行走的旅者,在走向内心深处之时,停下来,感受内心最细腻的地方。 Camphor tree in the garden stood a tall, tall and straight trunk, branches and leaves green, but on one side of the white curtains fluttering slightly, separated by a natural space is connected fully, there is no lack of again the design and the intervention of personal feel at least, in the quiet space, leaving a reserved space, let walk traveler, is on its way to deep down, stop, feeling the most exquisite place inside.
开阔的空间与视野能为住宿者提供更舒适的空间感受。原建筑内部结构虽方正规整,但内部隔墙较多,将空间分割成若干个小空间,使得建筑少了开阔之感。基于这一点,设计团队将内部重复的隔墙去除,使空间的进深增加。 The open space and view can provide more comfortable space for the guests to feel the original internal structure of the building although it is square and orderly, but there are many internal partitions, which divide the space into several small Spaces, making the building less open. Based on this, the scale plate removes the repeated interior partitions, increasing the depth of the space.
风吟谷的一楼客房便充分利用了空间进深,每一间的客房均拥有小小院落,使住宿者产生宿中宿的空间感受,增加了入住体验的层次性和丰富性,仿佛自己在风吟谷中拥有自己的一个安居之院。 The guest rooms on the first floor make full use of the depth of space. Each guest room has a small courtyard, which makes the guest have the feeling of living in the room, and increases the level and richness of the check-in experience, as if he has his own home in the wind.
沿楼梯拾阶而上,是一个视野极佳的观景平台。在这里,可以触碰到树木葱郁的枝叶。 Up the stairs is a spectacular viewing platform where you can touch the lush foliage of the trees.
这种低调、朴素的美,显示在地面与围栏的色彩搭配,协同休闲桌椅,一切浑然天成。或是好友聚谈,或是取景留念,这里是最佳的选择。 This kind of low-key and simple beauty, show in the ground and fence color collocation, with the leisure table and chair, everything like nature or friends to talk, or framing as a souvenir, here is the best choice.
风吟谷共有8间客房,在命名之时也有着相应的思考与情怀,每一间房都是用心之作,便以”心”作部首来命名,有着诸如愈、悠、恋…等客房名称。都是心上之物,希望把最好的呈现给客人,也希望住宿者不吝惜物之情。 There are altogether 8 guest rooms in Fengyin Valley, also has own thinking and feelings when naming. Every room is made with heart, and is named with heart as the first part. The guest room names such as Yuyou love are all things in the heart, hoping to present the best to the guests, and also hoping that the guests will not be stingy with things.
从室外到室内,极简、质朴的设计风格一直延续其间。没有多余的装饰,空间中砖砌而成的坐台与层板,自然而协调。 From the outdoor to the indoor, the minimalist and plain design style has been continued without any redundant decoration. The sitting table and laminate made of bricks in the space are natural and harmonious.
既有原作之物,自然亦有外采物件,它们有着各自的特性、功用与气质,但也共同拥有着淡雅从容的色彩,方能互相包容,于这一方之间互相陪伴,细数时光。 They have their own characteristics and temperament, but they also share the color of elegance and calm. They can tolerate each other, accompany each other and count the time.
为了呈现纯粹的山野美景,提供一个远离喧嚣、休憩心灵的平和之地,建筑立面被充分释放出来,远近景致尽收眼底。 In order to present the pure beauty of the mountains and provide a peaceful place to rest from the hustle and bustle of the mind, the building facade is fully released, with panoramic views from far and near.
清晨拉开窗帘,透过落地窗,或眺望葱郁山林,雾气蒸腾,净水流深,感受自然之美好;或轻闭双目,任由光影洒落脸颊,享受恬静的清晨时光。 Open the curtain in the morning, through the French window, or look at the lush forest, the mist transpiration, clean water deep, feel the beauty of nature; Or just close your eyes and let the light and shadow fall on your face for a quiet morning.
美景与美食,是旅行之中必不可少的元素。除却住宿外,风吟谷也适配了餐饮空间。 Beautiful scenery and delicious food are essential elements of travel. In addition to accommodation, wind Yin-gu also matches the dining space.
与客房大面积素白的墙面相比,餐厅则更注重朴质与生态之美,毕竟,乡野之味需要停留细品。 Compared with the large area of the room plain white metope, the restaurant is more attention to the beauty of simplicity and ecology, after all, the taste of the countryside needs to stay fine.
原木与水泥等室外材料延伸进来,以玻璃幕墙围合,可以在品尝美味的同时,将自然风光尽收眼底。 Outdoor materials such as logs and cement are extended in, surrounded by a glass curtain wall, so that you can have a panoramic view of the natural scenery while tasting delicious food.
由于近水的缘故,餐厅仿佛悬浮在水面上。透过窗,可以看到沿河两岸连山皆深碧一色。静水流深,心灵也随之开阔,将杂事繁物抛却,享受当下的愉悦时光。 As a result of being close to the water, the restaurant seems to be floating on the water through the window, you can see both sides of the river, even the mountains are deep blue and still water deep, the mind is also widened, will be miscellaneous and complex things, enjoy the happy time.
空间设计满溢着“野”生趣味,与自然环境的相辅相成。在这里,人文与自然天衣无缝的衔接起来, 给予住宿者一种心灵上的释放与关怀。 The space design is full of wild interest, complementary with the natural environment here, humanity and nature seamlessly link up, giving the lodders a kind of spiritual release and care.
风吟谷,小隐于野,意境天然。 Wind yingu, small hidden in the wild, natural artistic conception.
END 设计:尺镀美学 文字:moon CHI DU | 专业荣誉 第二十一届CIID中国室内设计十佳优秀企业奖 第二届中美国际设计大赛国际创新设计奖 第十六届CIID湖南省室内设计大赛商业空间方案类金奖 第二十一届CIID中国室内设计大奖赛办公空间工程类金奖 第六届金创意酒店软装设计设计奖银奖 第二十一届CIID中国室内设计大奖赛商业空间工程类银奖 第十七届CIID湖南省室内设计大赛商业空间专业组银奖 第三届中国“设计再造”创意展二等奖 第三届中国“设计再造”创意展最佳组织奖 第八届中国照明应用设计大赛“祝融奖”佳作奖 首届湖南文化产品家具创意设计大赛铜奖