骏地设计于1997年进入中国市场,并于2005年正式在上海注册成立公司,2017年正式更名为上海骏地建筑设计事务所股份有限公司。目前,公司在北京、深圳、重庆、合肥、福州设立分支机构,拥有来自亚洲、北美洲、欧洲、澳洲等多个国家及地区的国际化注册建筑师团队。凭借各类专业技术特长,公司在业内权威设计大奖中屡获殊荣,获得包括世界建筑节、美国建筑师协会国际区域大奖、美国金砖奖、亚洲国际房地产大奖、上海市建筑协会创作奖、酒店星光奖等。 JUND Architects entered Chinese market in 1997 and was formally incorporated in Shanghai in 2005. The company officially renamed as Shanghai JUND Architects Co., Ltd. in 2017. At present, JUND Architects has branches in Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Hefei and Fuzhou with architects from around the world, including Asia, North America, Europe and Australia. With teams of award-winning architects from all over the world, Large amount of design projects of JUND have been recognized with prestige awards, such as the WAF, AIA IR, Gold Nugget, Mipim Aisa, Creation Award of ASSC, Best