Yerse Shop,西班牙巴塞罗那

2024-09-14 13:10
We have created a special shop, a space that carries our essence to every corner. And we did it the year we celebrated our 60th anniversary.
我们创造了一个特别的商店,一个将我们的精髓带到每个角落的空间。我们在庆祝成立 60 周年的那一年做到了。
Yerse is an ode to detail to things well done, to tradition, to the Mediterranean, to Barcelona, to vernacular architecture, to Coderch.
Yerse 是对细节的颂歌,是对美好事物的颂歌,是对传统、对地中海、对巴塞罗那、对乡土建筑、对 Coderch 的颂歌。


An honest, warm space where craftsmanship and plays a fundamental role!
A project that has the will to become a welcoming space! A close space that wants to make you feel at home.


It combines the elements of work, decks, sofas, lattices with the most select cabinetry with walnut finish where femininity is sought from the curves and organic movements.
Where we find household items such as Santa-Cole lamps wooden tables, woven fabrics natural cotton curtains, giving the protagonism to the product.
我们在这里可以找到家居用品,如 Santa-Cole 灯、木桌、机织织物、天然棉窗帘,赋予了产品的代名词。


A space that has the will to be a great showcase of the creativity of the city by the city with collaborations and events with different artists and brands that share Yerse values.
一个有意愿成为城市创造力的绝佳展示场所,通过与分享 Yerse 价值观的不同艺术家和品牌合作并举办活动。


Inspired by the Barcelona architecture of the 60s, the store seeks to convey a feeling of home and warmth. The design elements are aligned with the brand identity where femininity is reflected by combining natural materials with organic shapes that bring elegance to the space.
受 60 年代巴塞罗那建筑的启发,这家商店旨在传达一种家和温暖的感觉。设计元素与品牌形象相一致,通过将天然材料与有机形状相结合,为空间带来优雅,从而体现女性气质。

Upon entering the store, visitors are enveloped in the warmth that characterizes the Mediterranean style. The presence of vegetation, the exposed brick and a large mirror bring domesticity to the space, as if you were in the hallway of a home. The entrance also gives rise to wooden and microcement bases that extend to create a path that guides the user into the interior in a continuous and fluid way.
一进入商店,访客就会被地中海风格的温暖所笼罩。 植被的存在、裸露的砖块和一面大镜子为空间带来了家庭气息,仿佛您置身于家的走廊中。入口处还产生了木制和微水泥底座,这些底座延伸出一条路径,以连续和流畅的方式引导用户进入内部。

These platforms not only point the way to the interior of the store but are also the foundation of a series of semi-designed hangers for displaying garments. It is a series of iron bars whose encounters generate a series of pure and organic geometries that align with the principles of elegance and femininity that give identity to the brand. As the user follows their journey towards the central space of the store, they are left in between to see elements of design and decorative details such as the use of ceramic pieces that pay homage to Coderch and the Mediterranean style.
这些平台不仅为商店内部指明了方向,而且还是一系列用于展示服装的半设计衣架的基础。这是一系列铁条,它们的相遇产生了一系列纯粹而有机的几何形状,这些几何形状与赋予品牌身份的优雅和女性气质的原则相一致。当用户跟随他们的旅程走向商店的中央空间时,他们被留在两者之间,可以看到设计和装饰细节的元素,例如使用向 Coderch 和地中海风格致敬的陶瓷作品。


Like the living room of a house, the central space of the store creates a cozy and homely atmosphere where the user is invaded by warmth and comfort. This is achieved by incorporating furniture that one could relate to that of ones own home. The wood is present on a table and a shelf that not only provides domesticity but also displays books and small accessories. It includes iconic pieces by local designers such as Santa - Cole lamps, woven fabrics and natural cotton curtains that reinforce the idea of a cozy and sophisticated space.

The design of the counter is dominated by curves and organic movements that symbolize femininity and pay homage to women. This volumetry is complemented using noble materials and finishes such as the walnut wood present at the base of the piece and the marble envelope with the will to give the piece a distinctive, delicate and elegant touch.

One of the starting points of the design was to generate a closed space that makes the user feel at home, that is why we decided to paint the entire store in a soft linen shade that brings warmth and comfort to the atmosphere. Each area is conceived with the same detail and intentionality as the stay of a home. Throughout the shop you will find household items such as lamps, natural cotton curtains, woven fabrics and paintings. She has collaborated with artists, designers and local brands such as Ariadna Puig Domenech, Valeria Vasi and Santa - Cole. In this way, the space becomes a showcase of the citys creativity, a union of artists who become ambassadors of the Mediterranean tradition that characterizes our city, Barcelona.
设计的出发点之一是创造一个封闭的空间,让用户有宾至如归的感觉,这就是为什么我们决定用柔软的亚麻布色调粉刷整个商店,为氛围带来温暖和舒适。每个区域的构思都与家的住宿具有相同的细节和意图。在整个商店中,您可以找到家居用品,如灯具、天然棉窗帘、梭织织物和绘画。她曾与艺术家、设计师和当地品牌合作,如Ariadna Puig Domenech、Valeria Vasi和Santa - Cole。通过这种方式,这个空间成为城市创造力的展示场所,艺术家们的联盟成为地中海传统的大使,这是我们城市巴塞罗那的特色。


From the back of the shop arches frame the tasting area. Through them you can see a large mirror wall that brings a sense of amplitude and continuity to the space. It is a space that connects the architectural heritage represented using these curved vertical elements with the modern design provided by the presence of a large mirror surface.


Each section of the store is designed to radiate warmth and comfort, using architectural and decorative elements that evoke a Mediterranean house inspired by the architecture of the 60s. The integration of local materials complemented by pieces designed by local artists, the presence of curved details and the use of organic shapes, perfectly reflects the essence of the womenswear brand, creating a delicate and elegant environment.
商店的每个部分都设计得散发着温暖和舒适,使用的建筑和装饰元素让人想起受 60 年代建筑启发的地中海房屋。当地材料的整合与当地艺术家设计的作品相得益彰,弯曲细节的存在和有机形状的使用,完美地反映了女装品牌的精髓,营造出精致优雅的环境。



Team: 项目团队:
Metalwork: Jarque 金属制品:Jarque













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