StudioAC 空间的律动
2024-03-29 13:53
StudioAC是一家位于多伦多的跨学科建筑事务所,成立于2015 年,由Andrew Hill和Jennifer Kudlats领导。
The case is situated in a verdant residential neighborhood in northern Toronto. The clients objective was to prioritize functionality, crafting a dwelling suitable for familial expansion.
The entrance of the house is flanked by a private living area that cleverly conceals the open floor plan at the rear of the house. This area is flanked by tall narrow Windows, which combine with solid brick facades and ephemeral clear glass to create a patchwork visual effect. In addition, a double-height space features a winding staircase that brings light into the central kitchen area. The rear living space extends outward to the courtyard, strengthening the connection between the interior and exterior Spaces while giving each area a unique personality.
This is a personalized private home designed by the designer for the owner, which aims to combine modern and traditional architectural elements. The designer skillfully used modern design techniques and traditional architectural concepts to create a three-storey contemporary style house, which carries the theme of house throughout the interior space.
In this case, the designers made an innovative use of the pitched roof, elevating it from a traditional house symbol to a spatial experience, and forming a unique narrative throughout the project. The clever placement of the cornice between the three-story cornice space and the roof line not only enhances the house feel of the shared living space, but also defines the plan and vertical orientation, emphasizing the effect of three-dimensional stacking and interleaving, thus creating harmony between form, space and pattern.
The case is on the Bruce Peninsula, north of Toronto. The house is divided into two simple parts, one bedroom and one open-plan living space, with a covered terrace facing the water and a covered porch at the entrance. Upon entering the house, the landscape and water views are unobserved through small Windows facing the forest and large walls of glass facing the lake.
The space has multiple skylights that bring the sky inside to enjoy the treetops, clouds and stars. The designer also cleverly uses the spire to set up a viewing scale, which further deepens the relationship between users and nature.
本案位于多伦多以东两个半小时车程的爱德华王子郡。水边的大窗户将海岸的美景尽收眼底,而地面上面向草地的全景窗户则为 田野 提供了一个制高点。这种全景视角使观者沉浸在景观中,而不是置身于景观之上。天窗从上方带来额外的光线,错落有致的排布,让人联想到透过树冠的光线。
The case is in Prince Edward County, two and a half hours east of Toronto. Large Windows at the waters edge offer great views of the shore, while panoramic Windows at ground level facing the grass provide a commanding point for the fields. This panoramic view immerses the viewer in the landscape rather than on top of it. Skylights bring in additional light from above, in a patchwork arrangement reminiscent of light through a tree canopy.
While the spatial and siting concepts of the project are contemporary, the form and materials are inspired by the farming architecture of the region. Bricks and cedar wood embody the property of the ground. Brick solid walls block the hillside on which the house sits, while red cypress roofs wrap the facades facing the water, setting them against the lakeside trees. The interior is lined with Douglas fir panels, and the brick walls form a dialogue with the exterior structure.