未来以北 脱离日常使用体验——走神旅社改造设计 首
2023-11-09 09:38
2021年入夏,北京雁栖湖上游七公里的山谷之中,未来以北初访这处河畔的建筑。这是一个依势而建的三层农家旅舍,构造极为规整、对称,最初的建造逻辑是最大限度地利用面积。与目之所及的翠山斜林、蜿蜒散落其中的古长城,以及入耳的流水泠泠相对,它的内部空间显得幽暗、狭窄。在与业主确定“脱离日常使用体验”与“mind wandering”的方向后,团队开始了为期三年的“走神”设计,并最终改造了这处山谷中的旅社。
During the summer of 2021, Fon Studio made our initial visit to a riverside construction situated in the valley, seven kilometers upstream of Beijings Yanqi Lake. The three-story farmhouse was skillfully integrated into its surroundings, displaying an impeccable symmetry and precise layout. The primary aim during its initial construction seemed to be the efficient utilization of available space. Contrasting the expansive view of lush mountains, the meandering ancient Great Wall blending with the verdant landscape, and the delightful sound of flowing water, the interior space appeared dim and confined. After establishing with the owner the intention of creating an experience detached from daily routines and fostering moments of introspection, the design team embarked on a three-year transformation journey, ultimately realizing the completion of the hotel nestled in the serene valley.
The original structure is bounded by the east-facing river flowing from north to south and the parallel road to the west, resulting in an elongated north-south depth. Its foundational layout, featuring a higher elevation on the northern end and a lower one on the southern end, limits the ground floors reach to only one-third of the depth. Beyond this, dim lighting leads us toward the elevated window above the staircase, seemingly expressing its demands from the outset. The indoor lighting responds delicately to the suns movements, including its rise in the east, its descent in the west, and the consequent elongation of the mountains shadow. I aim to preserve this responsive quality while simultaneously enhancing the overall brightness.
The reconfiguration of the buildings structure and the arrangement of interior functions all reflect the operational theme of diversion, emphasizing a family-friendly environment. Initially, the design team employed easily recognizable small house shapes, positioning them in various orientations throughout the building. This approach disrupts the original structures uniform and symmetrical layout, resulting in a relaxed and unassuming character that is perceptible even from a distance.
The facade design of the building is intricately linked to each functional area within. In prioritizing the guests sense of relaxation and comfort as they traverse the space, our renovation strategy naturally involved reducing the number of rooms and creating more inviting and well-lit public areas. This shift was a crucial decision in the process. Following discussions with the hotel manager, Fon Studio ultimately restructured the main area to consist of 9 spacious guest rooms, with the remaining sections serving as support or open areas.
Initially, Fon Studio introduced a longitudinal negative box on the western side of the structure, removing the walls and floor slabs to create an open area. This void space serves to link the entrance reception area and the corridor encircling the negative box, allowing a clear view through the elevated height on the western side. The tree shadows cast by the windows onto the interior walls are shared with everyone within this space. Day or night, the overall translucent quality also provides a secure and engaging spot for children of all ages to play.
Reconfiguring the initial 24 symmetrically positioned small areas into 9 distinct guest rooms with varied spaces constitutes a focused embodiment of the designs intricate details. All the guest rooms are positioned on the second and third floors along the east and south sides to capture the finest views.
Employing diverse spatial treatment methods within each room significantly impacts the previously uniform facade from interior to exterior. Some sections protrude outward, forming an embedded block, while others recede inward, creating a setback. When evening comes, every nook bathed in luminous radiance reflects the beacons on the nearby mountainside.
Nestled amid the mountains, surrounded by sparse settlements, and intersected by highways, this fully functional, unassuming, and serene structure offers an opportunity for urban dwellers to occasionally indulge in distraction, thereby forming the cornerstone of our renovation design.
项目名称 | 走神旅社改造设计 项目地址 | 北京市怀柔区神堂裕 项目业主 | 走神旅社 设计公司 | 未来以北工作室 设计团队 | 李泓臻、金波安、罗霜华、李晔莹 建筑面积 | 850平米 设计时间 | 2021.07-2022.05 完工时间 | 2023.04 项目摄影 | 秦维 主要材料 | 桦木多层板、水泥漆、水磨石、不锈钢 主要品牌 | 小左木业、艺术大师涂料、领胜石材有限公司
创始人合影 未来以北工作室成立于2016年,三位合伙人金波安、李泓臻、罗霜华在读书时期便对设计有着同样的热情和志趣。在各自工作多年后,带着对设计的敬畏之心,决定合力参与到空间、产品、视觉等诸多实践中。工作室的创立让我们依然坚信开放实验和理性分析所碰撞出的有趣能量,我们对新鲜事物保持好奇,力求每个作品都带着应有的温度和质感。我们也持续对城市、对土地、对日常生活的精神场域投入应有的观察和研究。设计始终是面对问题,解决问题的艺术,我们所有的技艺和思考最终在一次次实践中渗透、显现、凝固。