新作丨Susannah Holmberg 时尚与传统交融

2023-07-20 13:26
Susannah Holmberg
Susannah Holmberg在室内设计行业拥有超过12年的经验。从纽约巴纳德学院获得学士学位后,她从巴尔的摩的MICA获得了硕士学位。她搬到了盐湖城,在那里她融合了自己的美术背景,精心设计了既独特又永恒的空间。她的作品曾出现在一系列出版物上,如Rue Magazine、Living Etc.、Surface、AD Spain、AD Italia、Elle Decor Netherlands、Domino和Dezeen等。
Circle House
多彩 圆润 舒适

Circle House位于盐湖城,房主是一对有四个孩子的夫妇,这是一处历史悠久的住宅。Susannah Holmberg回忆起她第一次遇到这座乡村小屋时说:“这座房子就像在呼唤色彩”。作为对她最初感觉的回应,设计师想出了一个非常有趣和美丽的不同寻常的色调配色方案,并用原创设计师家具和时尚壁纸为其提供支持。它变成了平静舒适,但清新美丽的家!
Circle House is located in Salt Lake City and is owned by a couple of four children. It is a historic residence with a long history.‘It was like this house was begging for color,’ Susannah Holmberg recalls her first encounter with the country cottage in Sal Lake City. In response to her initial feeling, the designer came up with a very interesting and beautiful color scheme of unusual shades, supporting it with original designer furniture and stylish wallpapers. It turned out calm and cozy, but fresh and beautiful home.




有没有一个方式把所有的房间连接在一起?把拱门的下侧涂成铁锈色。“需要确保色调稍微更精致,Susannah Holmberg在谈到避开明显的粉彩或过度饱和的原色时说,整个色调都偏向柔和的粉红色、金色和蓝色。“用色彩统一了所有的空间。”
One key trick that helped tie all the rooms together? Painting the undersides of the arches a rust color. “We needed to make sure we had slightly more refined tones,” says Holmberg of steering clear of obvious pastels or overly saturated primary shades in favor of soft pinks, golds, and blues throughout. “The color story unifies all the spaces.”


Susannah Holmberg
Creating cohesion wasn’t Holmberg’s only goal. She also didn’t want the home to appear too traditional. In need of a little edginess, she painted everything in the entry—ceiling and trim work included—pink (the swatch is Portola’s Angel’s Landing). The warm blush shade, which also pairs well with browns。






弯曲的家具,如诺曼哥本哈根的红色沙发和Couleur Locale灯,都是让家感觉时尚的额外方式。Holmberg说:“这些现代形式在旧房子里形成了对比。”。Rugs Direct的蓬松地毯可以缓解寒冷的冬夜和滑雪后旅行的寒冷。
Curved furniture like the red sofa from Normann Copenhagen and the Couleur Locale light were additional ways to make the home feel current. “Those modern forms create a contrast in older homes,” says Holmberg. A shaggy rug from Rugs Direct takes the chill out of cold winter nights and post-ski trips.
Meadow House
柔软 精致 乡村

Susannah Holmberg
Round windows have become a covetable architectural feature, with some people comparing them to works of art, prizing their telescopic quality (even from far away, what is on the other side feels zoomed in). But when designer Susannah Holmberg walked into her client’s Park City, Utah, home and saw the existing round windows, she couldn’t help but laugh. “They were hysterical before we redid them,” she recalls. The place was very ’90s, almost in a way that was cool again, but it was missing the mark. “They were round but framed in very nautical-looking, yellow wood trim, and the previous owners had used what looked like pantyhose material to make shades,” she adds. The fact that the kitchen island was a circle, topped with sad black countertops, and all the walls were a “bad” pink didn’t help much. “Cheers to my clients, because not a lot of people could see the potential,” continues Holmberg. “It was pretty weird.” The homeowners, a Chicago-based family of four, had purchased the property as a second vacation home for ski trips, so they wanted the space to feel more like a sanctuary from the slopes, less like a boat. But Holmberg didn’t ditch the home’s swooping silhouettes. Instead she peeled back the layers and simplified it all by taking the drywall right up to the edge and painting the trim, turning its wonkiest trait into a favorite.


feeling, while all the other pieces in the space are soft and refined. In the living room, low, chunky furniture and a shaggy rug offer places to lounge after a long day on the slopes and trails. “Sometimes a second home gets used a little more because you’re not working and going to school,” Holmberg points out. Comfort was key.

In the process of bringing the interior up-to-date, the clients didn’t want the home to look like every other ski lodge-like retreat in the area. “We didn’t want the Pendleton-blankets-and-sheepskins-everywhere kind of thing,” notes the designer.


Engineered white oak floorboards now run throughout the space, replacing the old dark hardwood and mismatched carpeting. Another curved moment Holmberg kept was the twisting staircase. The structure’s oak rail and cap got a fresh coat of cream paint to make it look less rustic (a big win for the budget). “We couldn’t overhaul everything,” the designer notes.


浴室也是如此,弯曲的淋浴墙带来了一个有趣的挑战:它最初覆盖着红砖和玻璃砖。Holmberg决定保留建筑的附加部分,但将饰面换成了精致的白垩瓷砖。“我知道我们需要一些小东西,”她谈到选择Stone Source时说。这样,它就可以很容易地包裹在隔板上。“这是我在整个房子里最喜欢的时刻之一,”她说。“每张纸的顶部和底部都不均匀,所以没有网格图案。”
The same thing was true for the bathroom, where a curved shower wall posed an interesting challenge: It was originally covered in red tile and glass bricks. Holmberg decided to keep the architectural addition but swapped the finishes out for a delicate, chalky tile. “I knew we needed something small,” she says of going with the Stone Source option. That way, it could easily wrap around the partition. “It’s one of my favorite moments in the whole house,” she says. “Each sheet is uneven on the top and the bottom, so that there’s no kind of grid pattern.”






















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