Greg Matthews Studio丨永恒的山间静修处

2023-05-23 22:15
细腻和精致这两个词通常无法与野外住所相关联。然而,从欧洲高山小屋到美国著名的国家公园旅馆,许多这样的住宅都拥有这两种特质。在蒙大拿州大天空市(Big Sky)的一片遥远的松林中,建筑师格雷格·马修斯(Greg Matthews)和洛杉矶室内设计师奥利维亚·威廉姆斯(Olivia Williams)为一家人的山间度假别墅提炼出了新的美学主义。
Refinement and nuance may not be two words typically associated with wilderness dwellings. And yet, from European alpine chalets to the iconic US National Park lodges, many examples of such homes possess those two qualities in spades. One quintessential example in a remote forest of lodgepole pine in Big Sky, Montana, was designed by Bozeman architect Greg Matthews and Los Angeles interior designer Olivia Williams. The duo distilled a high-altitude aesthetic down to its core values for one family’s mountain getaway.


这个偏远山庄与其林间别墅不同的地方在于,它非常注重与自然环境的互动,包括对于雪季等自然现象的高敏感度。这正是最初吸引滑雪爱好者前往的原因。对于业主Chantal Spanicciati来说,追求慢生活的方式尤其有意义,她曾经是一名室内设计师,最近转换职业赛道进军健康产业。
Where this backcountry manor diverges from its woodsy forebears is in its gentleness, energetically attuned to the breathless snowfall and pristine powder runs that originally drew the skiing brood to a plot of land about an hour’s drive from the west entrance of Yellowstone National Park. The pursuit of a slow, intentional existence is especially meaningful to homeowner Chantal Spanicciati, a former interior designer who recently pivoted to a career in the wellness industry.
居住空间和心理健康之间的联系对我来说非常重要,业主Chantal Spanicciati说道。她和丈夫、四个孩子以及一圈来访的朋友和家人共同分享这个定制的别墅,拥有6个卧室和6间浴室,这些来访者自去年末别墅落成以来,就成了这里常驻的客人。
“The connection between our living space and our mental well-being is very important to me,” says Spanicciati, who shares the six-bedroom, six-bath custom home with her husband Mario, their four children, and a circle of visiting friends and family who have have predictably become regular fixtures at the property since it was completed late last year.

设计灵感来源于农业建筑。“A dog trot”是一个常见的农业特色,它在两个封闭空间之间创建了一个带顶的露天通道,Matthews解释道。设计以农业为基础,使用了Flos Noctambule高圆柱形吊灯和漂浮的钢制楼梯将不同的楼层连接起来。
The entry was inspired by agrarian architecture. “A dog trot was a common agricultural feature that created a covered open-air link between two enclosed spaces,” explains Matthews. This entry view riffs off the agricultural reference: Flos Noctambule High Cylinder ceiling pendants and a floating steel staircase connect the various levels.

William Kentridge/《Make Me Live Again》
Stahl   Band / Lécoucheur ottoman
这个入口的视角通过一个小插图完整地展示了这个家的材料,从蒙大拿苔石墙到回收的木梁再到由Stahl   Band制作的Lécoucheur靠脚凳,它是用编织亚麻制成的。William Kentridge的作品《Make Me Live Again》是一幅墨水画,传达了西部边疆的风景。
This view of the entry encapsulates the home’s material palette in a single vignette, from the Montana moss rock wall to the reclaimed timber beams to the L’écoucheur ottoman by Stahl   Band, made of woven flax. William Kentridge’s Make Me Live Again is an ink-on-paper that conveys the frontier landscape of the west.

With nary a faux-distressed leather sofa in sight nor a fang-flashing bear rug sprawled underfoot, Williams, who also designed the family’s Notting Hill residence, created a warm and welcoming tableau with gently curved forms that also show reverence for the surrounding views.
客厅的主要对话区配备了Stahl   Band的曲线型蒲团式沙发,以及Pierre Yovanovitch设计的不对称扶手椅和深色Vladimir Kagan椅子。这种低矮的座位提供了一种稳定感,以抵消高达30英尺的令人眩晕的天花板高度,这种高度是为了完成一个类似教堂的两层窗户,以便适捕捉地平线上的壮丽山脉。
The living room’s main conversation pit is appointed with a sinuous pouf sectional by Stahl   Band, deeply embracing asymmetry armchairs from Pierre Yovanovitch, and Vladimir Kagan chairs in a ganache hue. Such low-slung seating offers a sense of steadfastness to counter the room’s dizzying 30-foot heights, required for a cathedral-like two-story window that would properly capture Pioneer Mountain on the south horizon.

Ha Chong Hyun/《Conjunction 20-17》
客厅的石制壁炉上方悬挂着由Ha Chong Hyun创作的大尺寸画布《Conjunction 20-17》,它不仅可以隐藏电视,还可以呼应空间中许多艺术品中贯穿的蓝色线条。
A large-format canvas, Conjunction 20-17 by Ha Chong Hyun, hangs above the living room’s stone hearth to camouflage a television and to also introduce the thread of blue that runs through many of the artworks.

客厅的区域采用了豪华的现代家具——Stahl   Band公司的优美曲线造型的Pouf组合沙发和Pierre Yovanovitch设计的环抱扶手椅,这些家具贴近地面,如此宏伟的空间里低矮的座位提供了一种坚定感,室内挑高空间为了拥有如教堂般窗户而设计的,透过窗户望向嶙峋而多雪的先锋山。“让我最喜欢的事情之一就是享受空间中的安静时刻。欣赏到大自然的美景时,室内设计不需要太复杂。”然而,这些房间承载着历史的沉淀。
The living room’s main conversation pit is appointed with plush contemporary furniture—the sinuous Pouf sectional by Jeffrey Molter of Stahl   Band and deeply embracing Asymmetry armchairs from Pierre Yovanovitch are remarkably close to the ground for such a stunningly voluminous space. But then again, such low-slung seating offers a sense of steadfastness to counter the room’s dizzying 30-foot heights, altitude required for the cathedral-like 21-foot-tall window that captures the south horizon, where a jagged, snow-capped Pioneer Mountain rises under a magnanimous Montana sky. “One of my favorite things about this house is all the quiet moments it inspires. When you’ve got great views of nature, the interiors don’t need to be complicated.” Nevertheless, the rooms carry the weight of provenance.

餐厅与厨房相连。一张12英尺长的比利时风格的定制餐桌被Afra和Tobia Scarpa设计的“Monk”椅子包围,这些椅子被覆盖着灰褐色的羊皮毛毯。玻璃墙的设计防止了这个充满乡村气息的空间感觉过于沉重或昏暗。
The formal dining room is attached to the kitchen. A 12-foot Belgian farmhouse-style custom table is surrounded by Monk chairs by Afra and Tobia Scarpa that have been draped in smokey-taupe sheepskin rugs. The glass wall prevents the space, with its rustic materiality, from feeling too heavy or dark.

Afra - Tobia Scarpa/Monk chairs
The monolithic island block that anchors the kitchen is of the region in its granite composition, but also diverges from the setting with its modernist simplicity.


To solve the space issue of this petite guest bath, Williams floated the custom marble vanity in front of the window, suspended the mirrors from the ceiling, and even turned the faucets sideways in the name of tidy elegance.

客卧套房营造出宁静的修道院氛围,一张来自Galerie North的1940年代松木长凳让人想起教堂,床品和Marcali Designs的设计美丽二简约也为此增添了气氛。
This guest suite, also on the main level, evokes the feeling of quiet monastery, with a 1940s pine bench from Galerie North reminiscent of a church pew and the beautiful simplicity of the unadorned bedding and custom upholstered bed by Marcali Designs.

客房休闲区搭配的Little Petra休闲椅和脚凳,窗外是壮丽的雪景。Judy Chicago的紫色装饰画为这个原本朴素的空间增添了亮点。
Viggo Boesen’s Little Petra chair and pouf in sheepskin can be seen within a nook with a view in one of the guest suites. Judy Chicago’s Purple Atmosphere—a ChromaLuxe print on aluminum—adds an unexpected plume of violet to the otherwise earthy space.

与大多数设计师在小盥洗室中经常采用的方式相反(即在狭小的空间内使用大胆的颜色和图案),Williams选择呼应楼梯的设计,采用了同样的深灰色。由Stahl   Band设计的一款Travertine水槽和L3镜子分别代表了材料和形式上的有机元素。
Rather than do what most designers tend to do with a powder room (that is, emblazon the diminutive confines with loud color and patterns aplenty), Williams opted to echo the steel staircase nearby and created a dark custom plaster for the walls. A travertine sink and L3 mirror by Stahl   Band represent an organic element, in material and form, respectively.

坐在覆盖着羊皮的Paolo Buffa扶手椅上,可以看到先锋山的顶峰。
From the sheepskin-covered Paolo Buffa armchairs on the upper landing you can see the peak of Pioneer Mountain.


冬天,窗户正对着被雪覆盖的山丘,主卧室和房子里的其他房间一样,将自然视为主要的设计元素。Williams从户外景观中汲取灵感,选择了一种苔藓状的马海毛作为椅子的材料,并使用来自印度的藻蓝色Neeru Kumar纺织品制作了定制的床罩。悬挂着Lucca Antiques的限量版Element吊灯。
With windows squared to a view of snow-covered hills in winter, the primary bedroom, like the rest of the rooms in the house, defers to nature as the main design element. Williams took cues from the outdoors when choosing a mossy mohair for the vintage chairs and fashioning a custom coverlet from an algal-blue Neeru Kumar textile from India. Limited-edition Element chandelier from Lucca Antiques.

主卧衣帽间放置着Pacha休闲椅等,还有来自Rose Uniacke的窗帘为调节氛围,远离喧嚣,成为心灵的港湾。
Appointed with designer comforts like a Pacha lounge by Mario Bellini, plus mood-setting courtesy of diaphanous wool drapery from Rose Uniacke, the closet in the primary suite is a quiet, ethereal place to steal away unnoticed.

主浴室的定制浴缸由石灰华雕刻而成,这种石头的纹理与景色相呼应。连接玻璃淋浴房。Marc Phillips手工编织地毯在脚下故意铺得柔软,与房间里大量的坚硬表面形成对比。
The primary bath’s custom tub is carved from travertine, a stone that echoes the striations found in mountains. Its muscularity directly confronts the glass-enclosed shower. A hand-knotted Moroccan runner by Marc Phillips is deliberately soft under foot, a contrast to the room’s proliferation of hard surfaces.

An upper-level bunk room riffs on the romance of train travel, but with custom beds stuffed with full-size mattresses that allow multiple kids to pile into a curtained cubby.


同样,当设计师为孩子们的卧室选择墙面时——这是房子里唯一装饰着壁纸的地方——她选择了Fromental设计的一幅名为“洛克西山”(Roxy Mountain)的图案,它描绘了一幅中国风格的景观,由地质上清晰的山丘、羽毛状的树木和苍白的水组成。
Similarly, when Williams was selecting a wall covering for the kids’ bedroom—the only space in the house emblazoned with such a pretty paste-up—she honed in on a pattern by Fromental called Roxy Mountain, which depicts a chinoiserie-style landscape of geologically articulated hills, feathery trees, and pale water.

Fromental/Roxy Mountain
“I’ve always thought that when you’re a kid and your bedroom has a strong pattern on the walls, it can really juice up the imagination,” says Williams, who concedes that she is actually in the business of something other than decoration. “We’re here to help create memories.”

家中还穿插着令人兴奋的蓝色线条,将超凡的时刻融入宁静的装饰中,材料和配色灵感来自山区,Little Petra羊羔毛休闲椅丹麦设计师Viggo Boesen经典作品。以色列艺术家Naama Tsabar使用毛毡制作的蓝色作品,从顶层发出音符。而在位于地下室中,一件Lita Albuquerque的雕塑,在透明的亚克力罩内,用普鲁士蓝色颜料覆盖在胡桃树树桩上,是一种超越自然的艺术形式,甚至可能带有放射性。
An electrifying thread of blue also runs through the home, interjecting otherworldly moments into the soothing decor, mainly characterized by materials and colors that are undeniably of the mountains, like velvety rust benches and wooly fawn-hued Little Petra seating by Viggo Boesen. An azure work on felt by Naama Tsabar emits musical notes from the top floor when its guitar strings are plucked. And in the ski room, located in the daylight basement, a Lita Albuquerque sculpture of a walnut tree stump frosted in Prussian-blue pigment appears supernatural, perhaps even radioactive, within its clear acrylic enclosure.




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Stephen Kent Johnson

Greg Matthews Studio成立于2019年,是一家专注于高端定制住宅设计的精品建筑公司。专注于质量,我们的目标是倾听客户的意见,提供从概念到完成的高水准服务,这是协作的,创造性的,有组织的,无压力的。
Founded in 2019, Greg Matthews Studio, Inc. is a boutique architecture firm specializing in highly custom residential design. Focusing on quality, not quantity, our objective is to listen to our clients and provide a level of service, from conception to completion, which is collaborative, creative, organized, and stress free.
We design homes for our clients, not ourselves. With this philosophy, as your architect, we focus on crafting homes that integrate seamlessly into a specific site, appropriate to a specific region, and ultimately a reflection of our client’s unique ideals and objectives.








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