灰调 蓝 现代美感

2022-12-01 22:13
灰调 蓝,
Private Apartment Suite



Maristella 是位于敖德萨第一条海岸线上的一个年轻家庭的私人公寓套房,拥有 230 平方米的核心元素。空间(和 75 平方米的露台)——黑海的壮丽全景。
Maristella is a private apartment suite for a young family located right on Odesas first shoreline, with the focal element of the 230 sq. m. space (and 75 sq. m. terrace) – a grand panorama of the Black Sea.



The spaces geometry is reminiscent of a seashell: narrow entrance gradually expanding to panoramic windows. The only load-bearing structures are concrete columns and external walls. The architects planned out the apartment to the following concept: areas not needing direct sunlight concentrated by the entrance. The kitchen and living room were as open and spacious as possible. As a result, the sea view opens up immediately upon entry.





A unique solution was uniting the bedroom with the main space and separating the areas with a podium. In addition to providing spatial separation, the platform also performs a technical function: sending communication lines to the free-standing bath, shower, and washbasin.




About three years passed from the start date of the project to its final realization. Seasonal ability to carry out work and the desire to hone in on individual elements influenced this time-scape. It was important for the team to avoid fleeting trends, so the project implements straightforward solutions and design elements that have been tested over time.



Without a doubt, the heart of this project is the grand panorama of the sea. In our conceptual vision, the scenery is the focal perfect visual, and the interior serves as framing to it: white and minimalist. The space is neither overloaded with complex structures nor large-scale elements to draw the main focus to the natural background outside the window.



The functional areas include a kitchen and living room, a bedroom, a wardrobe of casual and outerwear, a laundry room, a utility room, a guest bedroom and bathroom, a childrens room, an entrance area, a terrace, and a balcony. We installed the apartment with an intelligent home system that optimizes ventilation, heating, security control, and lighting scenarios.



内部以极简主义风格进行,线条锐利,装饰和形式有所限制。该项目的一个显着元素是由 Baxab 制成的白色地板——市场上相对较新的材料——耐刮擦和污垢。地板覆盖了大约 70% 的公寓面积,并设有隔热系统。大部分天花板是开放式混凝土,通信系统铺设在石膏板覆盖物后面。
The interior is carried out in a minimalist style of sharp lines and restraint in decor and form. A notable element of the project is the white floor made of Baxab – relatively new material on the market – which is resistant to scratches and dirt. The flooring covers around 70% of the apartment area and houses a system of heat-insulation. Most of the ceiling is open concrete, with communication systems laid out behind drywall covering.



The color scheme that prevails in the interior is neutral (white/gray/black) and natural shades that resonate and interplay with the seas colors. In conjunction with the open planning, the seascape seems to continue indoors.


We individually designed a rotating structure that rotates the TV between the living room and bedroom area, working on the mechanism developed over a year. We equipped the terrace with sunbeds that rise from the floor or hide by leveling, an individual design by the bureau.
Cliff House





“我们来到这个项目时,对场地的历史有着充分的了解,并肩负着设计一栋能够承受海浪和狂风而不会随着时间推移而恶化的房屋的任务,”与另一位联合主任一起设计这座房子的凯特·菲茨帕特里克 (Kate Fitzpatrick) 说 奥豪斯建筑事务所 Ben Stibbard。
“We came to the project with full knowledge of the history of the site and with the task of designing a house that could withstand a barrage of ocean spray and wind without deteriorating over time,” says Kate Fitzpatrick, who designed the house with fellow codirector of Auhaus Architecture Ben Stibbard.




以前家的命运从一开始就通知了这个项目。当客户第一次接触 Auhaus 时,“他们仍然住在原来的被谴责的房子里,一想到不得不推倒他们不到 20 年前建造的房子,他们感到非常难过,”凯特回忆道。在该网站上生活多年后,他们对环境有深入的了解,“并且对他们第二次想要的东西有强烈的感觉。简报是在现场建造一座能够抵御天气条件的新房子。”
The fate of the previous home informed the project from the outset. When the clients first approached Auhaus, “they were still living in the original condemned house and were quite saddened by the thought of having to knock down a house which they had built less than 20 years prior,” Kate recalls. Having lived on the site for many years, they had indepth knowledge of the context “and a strong feel for what they wanted second time around. The brief was to create a new house on the site that would be bulletproof to the weather conditions.”





Located on Victoria’s Bellarine Peninsula, the site overlooks Bass Straight, whose notorious south-westerly winds whip over the ocean and take a heavy toll on vegetation and buildings alike.




While the elements are a powerful adversary, the incredible natural beauty of the ocean views and surrounding coastal environment offers rewards in equal measure. The architecture captures this duality – for every robust element of protection there is a corresponding quality that opens the building to the views or softens it in harmony with the landscape.





“As a frontline site that sits directly above the beach and is wind, rain and salt ravaged through much of the year, the materiality needs to stand up to the harsh conditions and last into the future without deteriorating,” Kate says. “The resilience and water repellent nature of concrete makes it a clear choice in this context.”


Auhaus Architecture 的悬崖屋是对恶劣的沿海条件的强烈反应,但它也是开放的、可渗透的,并且敏感地表达了它的环境和居民。
The Cliff House by Auhaus Architecture is a strong response to the harsh coastal conditions, but it is also open, permeable, and a sensitive expression of its context and inhabitants.



These concrete walls that act as a protective bulwark are balanced by the presence of greybox timber, a particularly dense Australian hardwood. Cladding the upper volume and constructed as a batten screen to the entry forecourt, the timber is finished simply in oil, allowing it to grey naturally over time and ensuring that the building expresses both the tones and the impact of the environment. Extending this principle further, a rooftop garden planted over the garage is designed to blur the delineation between the building and the landscape.

“A key element of the design was the interface with the public realm, which we sought to engage with whilst retaining a degree of privacy for our clients,” Kate explains. As well as being exposed to the elements, the site is immediately adjacent to a public car park. Rather than awkwardly closing itself off from this aspect, the design instead handles this challenge with grace, effortlessly offering its inhabitants privacy without unnecessarily barricading itself in.




“The resilience and water repellent nature of concrete makes it a clear choice in this context.”



“There is no fence to the public domain, just the edge of the house itself, and we’ve broken down the mass of the building on this side, opening up to the public through a large portal opening over the garage,” says Kate. The batten entry screen creates a soft diffusion between the public and the private, “with sandy landscape drifting into this entry courtyard while the roof garden spills down from above.”





The home is oriented toward the view but coalesces around the central courtyard. The courtyard is the device through which several challenges and requirements of the brief are resolved, from the need to support multi-generational living to accessing both views of the ocean to the south and natural sunlight to the north.




The clients’ family consists of a couple with two adult children and very elderly grandparents, so “the design needed to be easy to close off and live in as a single couple, yet also cater to all three generations, allowing for extended stays as they come and go year-round,” Kate says.



The courtyard arrangement ensures a high level of visual permeability throughout the house whilst retaining a degree of physical separation for the various generations that occupy the home. “All rooms and outdoor areas were expected to have ocean views, and this was achieved through a courtyard plan and cutout across the roof garden for the kids’ bedrooms behind the pool courtyard to achieve longer range ocean vistas,” says Kate.



“The protected north-facing courtyard banks into the centre of the house behind the living area and provides sunny, sheltered and green outdoor space with views through the living room and across the roof garden to the ocean beyond.”



“There is no fence to the public domain, just the edge of the house itself, and we’ve broken down the mass of the building on this side, opening up to the public through a large portal opening over the garage.”




The presence of the courtyard at its heart also emphasises the fact that the building is not only absorbed in the view but also focused inward, with the interiors extending and developing the forms and materiality of the exterior. Split over three levels, a sculptural central atrium links the layers, the void giving the living area a lightness and spatial generosity in contrast with the robust concrete shell. The relaxing of the formal geometry of the exterior as one moves through the courtyard and into the home expresses the transition from public to private while maintaining a calming consistency of approach.



The interior palette overwhelmingly continues the tones and materiality of the exterior – not only in the emphasis on timber and concrete but the shades of blue that call to the ocean beyond. The natural variation of glazed Japanese tiles captures the sea’s interplay of blue and green, while the veined marble evokes the patterns of sunlight on the sand beneath the water. Meanwhile, deep navy joinery and sea-green carpet provide extended planes of colour throughout the kitchen and living spaces.

The relaxing of the formal geometry of the exterior as one moves through the courtyard and into the home expresses the transition from public to private while maintaining a calming consistency of approach.
































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