森境設計 光合作用|Photosynthesis
2022-10-24 11:08
行遍天下 只想在心心念的故乡 播下一颗种子 于沃土中萌芽 行光合作用 日益茁壮 开枝散叶 代代相承 Having travelledacross far distances, Nothing is moreimportant than planting a seed of hope at home. Through the processof photosynthesis it will mature. Day by day it willgrow and branch into generations of love, happiness, and prosperity.
01.借景|SeasonalChange 蓝天白云 青山绿树 随窗景变换 纪录季节更迭 让记忆更鲜明 Whiteclouds and blue sky, Emeraldmountains and green trees, Scenerytransforms each season So that memories stays bright and vivid.
挑高的客厅,窗光毫无阻碍跃然而下, 游走室内,风景如影随形, 依季节、时序、心境变化, 赏心悦目,无处不美。 让阳台退缩,打造一窗绿意盎然 的植栽,空间彷彿向外延伸, 汲取阳光普照正能量, 让植物与人一起行光合作用。 Light casts from above via the extended ceiling inthe living room. It radiates openly from various angles, andconstantly transforms with each hour and season. The ever changing view issurely a treat for the mind and eyes. Greenery fills the balcony, as if spacereaches out towards sunlight, grasping for energy, so that plants and familyalike can enjoy the warmth of photosynthesis.
02.串联 |Interconnection 上下左右 纵横交错 用线性切割 将空间串联 以圆弧盘旋 让曲度均衡 Top,bottom, left, and right, Intersectperpendicularly. Along the boarders Linesinterconnects each zone. Ahalf-sphere hangs from above Asa soft touch the straight angles.
将串联上下的梯,重新布局, 透光的玻璃,让光线倾泻而下, 照亮空间。以最佳曲度结合 线性切割,拾级而上, 每一转折,进退有据,收放自如, 创造移动中的最佳风景。 让时光彷彿定格于此, 想像却无限延伸。 The stairs that connects the upper and lower floorshas been thoughtfully redesigned. Sun light pours in via transparent glass toilluminate the interior. With each step upward, the precise angles outlines theedges. Every corner has been layout to provide the best view with each step, asto pause time temporarily while imagination extends into infinity.
03.布局 |Layout 华灯初上 星光闪耀 彷彿揭开夜的序幕 将东方的内敛 西式的华美 转身 变成熠熠光辉 A unique, one of a kind chandelier Hangs atop like the stars in a clear skyLike the spotlights that sets the stage for theevening, That transform the calm inner beauty of the East,and the elegance of the WestInto a dazzling firework display.
照明规划讲究的是空间布局, 在挑高的客厅,让华美吊灯 悬垂而下,如珍珠般的灯光, 大器而不张扬,恰如其分 地彰显大宅尺度。 餐桌上的吊灯与圆融木 桌造型呼应,使简约俐落 的西式风格, 蕴含内敛东方精神。 Spatial layout is fundamental to the art ofillumination. An elegant, pearl-like chandelier hangs from the elevatedceiling. It is grand yet not exaggerating, and perfectly represents the sophistication of this masterpiece.
佐以餐厨层板、楼梯扶手灯带背景微明灯光,创造丰富层次,呈现均衡感。书房灯光铺陈从天花板的柔和弧线灯带、展示层架衬托展品的背光、局部照明桌灯,採多层次设计,丰富空间意象。 The lamp above the dining table echos with thecircular, wooden table beneath. It adopts the precise and neat style of the West, while celebrating the calm and introverted characteristics of the East. Hints of light stretches behind the dining room shelves and stairway handles tocreate a rich yet balanced layering effect. In the study room, soft, curvylights radiates from the ceiling lights.
寝居区延续多层次照明,以投射灯照亮化妆台面,梳妆镜以椭圆弧形灯带打亮,辅助镜中人画出完美妆容。床头桌灯增添就寝前阅读乐趣,让寝居机能发挥得淋漓尽致。 while the lamp shines over the desk to create a layering effect full of imagination. Background lights in the display shelves on the top floor and those in the study room resonates with oneanother. Different layers of light in the bedroom projects over the dresstable, while the oval mirror over the bathroom sink is surrounded by a strap oflight.
04.艺术 |Art 生活的品味 从艺术收藏中感知 穿越时空相遇 与生活历练呼应 瞬间的感动 绵延至永恆 The taste of living Can be gauged through one’s art collection.When destiny brings the owner and the art together As evidence of one’s life experiences.Every worthwhile momentbecomes ever lasting.
遍游世界各大洲,并长年于东、西方不 同文化中生活,屋主的过往生活历练, 让设计师的空间规划,以西式风格融合 东方文化意涵为主轴。不论西方画风 中,隐藏东方意境与思维的常玉画作, 或友人以苏轼《念奴娇》大笔挥毫的 书法,都让软装布置在艺术品选项上, 毫无悬念地契合。 Having travelled across different continents in the world, and lived in both Western and Eastern cultures, the owner’s lifeexperience inspired the designers to based their creativity on a fusion between the two styles. Soft decors that compliment the selection of art workseamlessly bond together, whether it be the oriental concepts hidden in within Western-styledpaintings, or the skillful calligraphy written by the owner’s friends.
项目名称:中古屋 设计团队:森境设计/王俊宏 参与设计:林俪 摄影团队:KPS吴国豪 座落位置:新北市 主要建材:大板砖、赛丽石、铁件烤漆、喷漆、实木地板 设计面积:264平方米 设计时间:2018/AUG. 施工时间:2019/AUG. 最新作品 光之漫遊|Stroll of Light
近期作品 珍藏|Trésor-(样板房)
以爱之名|In the name of love
代表作品 淬炼光域|Forge of light