森境設計 微光岛屿 │ Dusky Island
2022-10-24 11:08
沐光的从容│ Serenity of Light 微明的灯光 如和煦阳光轻拂 为空间挹注恬静氛围 城市的喧哗 彷彿被隔绝于外 岛屿般的餐檯 开启彼此对话 在如常生活中 传递採菊东篱下的恬淡 Faint lightingradiates like the comforting ray of the sun. It brings about acalm and serene atmosphere that shelters the setting from the noises of the city. An island-like diningtable sets the stage for the welcomingdialogues and daily exchanges.
01光之舞 │ The Dance of Light 无限迴旋的灯光 如装置艺术 透过不同视角 带领想像奔驰 一砂一世界 一花一天堂 空间风情万种 Thecontinuous loop of light hangs like a piece of art. It guides imaginationpassionately via different angles into different views, different worlds.
如数学无限符号的造型灯饰, 与圆桌设计语彙相融合, 不仅以柔和的照度,满足生活机能, 同时成为空间装置艺术, 创造视觉亮点。从不同角度欣赏, 呈现截然不同风貌, 为恬静的退休生活, 带来丰富的想像空间。 Like the mathematical symbol for infinity, the creative light décor fuses seamlesslywith the circular table below. Its soft and comforting rays not only fulfillsfunctional needs but also act as an artistic presentation. It is a visualhighlight that can be admired from various angles, each with a distinctappearance, that creates infinite room of imagination for the tranquilretirement life.
02侘寂之美 │ The Beauty of Wabi-Sabi 质朴的灰 水泥的手感 为天花板画上侘寂等号 彷彿不经意置入的瓶中植物 以剪影之姿 演绎与世无争的寂静 Witha rusty and gray appearance, topped with a cement-like surface, the ceiling isa representation of the Japanese term – Wabi Sabi. Like a plant in a bottlethat has been accidentally placed, its silhouette becomes an interpretation of the indisputable silence.
两人生活的重心, 来自中岛餐檯的延伸, 黑、白、灰的色调环绕, 以精湛工匠技艺手感涂刷的微水泥 天花板和桌面静置的瓶中植物呼应, 隐约传递侘寂意境之美。 如同相知已久、相濡以沫的伉俪, 彼此交流无须言语,情感自然流露。 The center of gravity for the world of two commences from the extension of the island-like dining table. Black, white, and gray tones circulate the room, andresonates with the cement ceilings of master craftsmanship and the vase thatsits quietly on the table top. It softly illustrates the beauty of Wabi-Sabi.Much like a couple who have known each other for decades, who do not need words to communicate, and yet their thoughts can be mutually understood.
03展望未來 │ Looking into the Future 家 承载过去 放眼未来 举目远眺 空间无限延伸 幸福从此开展 Home holds the moments from the past and setsthe path for the future. Looking afar, space extends infinitely, and happiness embarks.
家,不仅延续过往生活点滴, 更在人生翻篇之际, 展望无限可能的未来。 希望之鸟的远眺, 象徵幸福生活的开端。 穿透的隔屏、开阔的视野, 横向延伸的动线, 衔接彼此情感交流, 未来生活重心的中岛。 回首过往, 时间彷彿定格于远眺的希望之鸟, 值得再三玩味。 Home extends the treasurable moments in thepast, and extends future possibilities at each turning page in life. The birdstatue, called the Bird of Hope, looks afar to symbolize the commencement of a happy journey. The transparent divider, the broad view, and lateral pathbridges interpersonal exchanges like a pitstop towards the future. Recallingmoments from the past, time pauses momentarily as the Bird of Hope lookstowards the future.
04生活之间 │ In-Between the Daily Life 梦想穿越格栅 思绪海阔天空 在寤寐之间 细细琢磨生活况味 看似无为 实则秩序井然 Dreams pass through the dividers, then ideasdiffuse into the endless sky.In the pursuit of goals in life, one cansavor the fine qualities in life, where every small step plays a part in anorderly life.
空间格局的界定,以穿透的格栅为之, 生活秩序的建立, 从食衣住行的需求开始。 寝居空间涵盖梳化、阅读、收纳, 因家族成员需求,各不相同。 从生活的方方面面出發,用设计和工法的点点滴滴成就。 The definition of the spatial pattern is setby the dividers. The order in life is based upon the basic necessities in life. Each sleeping quarter encompass grooming, reading, and storage functions to fulfill the different needs of each member in the family. Through mastercraftsmanship, each design is realized to satisfy their needs in daily life.
05器物之美 │ The Beauty in Objects 家具 如微型建筑 艺术典藏 收画龙点睛之效 从器物之美窥见品味 Furnitures are much like miniature buildings. A carefully selected artistic creations canamplify the vividness of the environment. The beauty of each piece, each object, is a representation of the owner’s taste in life.
从家具、家饰的布置, 得以窥见居住者的兴趣与品味。 一张单椅、一盏灯饰、一幅画作, 每一项器物之美, 都是空间画龙点睛的点缀, 为家带来人性化的迥异风格。 因着居住的人呈现截然不同 的生活风景,优雅,来自匠心独具 却不着痕迹的精心铺陈。 Furnitures and decorations reveals the hobbyand taste of the inhabitants. The beauty of each chair, lamp, painting, andobject adds both a finishing and personalized touch to the environment. A roomis thus a unique reflection of the life of its owner. Elegance comes from theingenious but unobtrusive details in design.
基本资料 │ DATA 项目名称:新成屋 设计团队:森境设计/王俊宏 参与设计:徐敬恆,黄荷婷 摄影团队:KPS/吴国豪 座落位置:桃园市 主要建材:岩板,灰泥,金属铁件, 奥特曼大理石,超耐磨木地板,夹纱玻璃 设计面积:48坪 设计时间:2020/JUL. 施工时间:2021/JAN.
最新作品 光之漫遊|Stroll of Light
近期作品 珍藏|Trésor-(样板房)
以爱之名∣In the name of love
代表作品 淬炼光域∣Forge of light
湖滨逸居|Lakeshore Residence