珑腾设计新作 丨帘卷掩青影 小十料理 首
2022-08-22 16:18
如吴漱诗“烟拂云稍留淡白,云蒸山腹出深青”所绘图景,本案空间以靛青为底,抛却以往日料店的和式基调,而将宋式韵致融入骨血,满目皆风月。 Such as Wu Shushi smoke whisk cloud slightly left pale white, cloud steamed mountain belly out of deep green painted picture, this case space with indigo as the bottom, throw away the previous Japanese material shop and type tone, and the Song style rhyme into the blood, everywhere is beautiful.
雨打芭蕉,是我国古代文学中的重要抒情意象,受气候、地域等因素影响,会呈现出声韵、节律等丰富的美感特征,继而引发文人各种复杂的情感体验。设计师借商场内形似芭蕉的装置为景,使空间荫于芭蕉叶下,姿若听雨而眠。 Musa rain is an important lyric image in ancient literature in our country. Influenced by climate and regional factors, it will present the rich aesthetic characteristics of rhyme and rhythm, and then lead to all kinds of complex emotional experience of literati.The designer borrows the plantain shaped device in the mall as the scene, so that the space shade under the banana leaf, if listening to the rain and sleep.
门面上方的屋檐造型,以卷帘为视觉符号。卷帘人早已不在,但你我皆是这酒酣初醒的画中之人,廊外绿肥红瘦也好,枯枝败叶也罢,无一不可一赏。 The eaves above the facade are shaped with rolling curtains as visual symbols. The man behind the curtain is long gone, but you and I are both in the picture that wakes up from the wine. We can enjoy the green, fat, red and thin, withered branches and withered leaves outside the gallery.
前庭路径宛转,两旁竹枝错落,枯黄肃然。人由径道漫步,辗转而入。满院斜竹纷入眼,倏忽间隙明暗生。寥寥几笔,这烟雨天青的意境便被浓缩于一方庭院之内。 Vestibular path Wan - turn, on both sides of the bamboo branches strewn at random, withered and solemn. People walk by the path, toss and turn in. Full of oblique bamboo eyes, suddenly gap light and dark. A few strokes, the misty rain sky green artistic conception is concentrated in a courtyard.
沿着曲折的径道踏入室内,微光纷至沓来,灯光在木饰面上投下如雨落般的光效,前文所述的“雨打芭蕉”,便是在这里得到回应。室外的芭蕉,与室内的雨落,过去的芭蕉听雨,与现代的光影重重,时空之间,相互交错映射,是独属于文人的浪漫。 Entering the room along the winding path, shimmering light is pouring in, and the light casts a rain effect on the wood veneer. This is where the rain beating the banana mentioned above is answered. The outdoor plantain, the indoor rain, the past plantain listening to the rain, and the modern light and shadow, between space and time, the mutual mapping, is a romantic only belongs to the literati.
满院雨落下,溅起涟漪无数。星星点点,刻画得空间温柔又缱绻,自由又洒脱。光影的手笔,在暗调的空间中,映射地桌椅也泛着暖黄的光晕,层次渐明。 The rain fell all over the courtyard, splashing countless ripples. Dot, depict the space is tender and tender, free and easy. Light and shadow, in the dark space, mapping the table and chair are also filled with a warm yellow halo, level gradually bright.
我们习惯于在明亮的空间中,感受物体的形状,体悟生活的动态。而在阴翳之中,人却更能专注于眼前。此案之中,没有过多的光扰乱视觉,只在必要处以少量线性光勾勒结构的起势。在暗处,目光被限制,从而其他感官愈发敏感。世间的美,得以从不同的角度掠取获得。 We are used to feeling the shape of objects and the dynamics of life in a bright space. In the shadow, however, one is more focused on the present. In this case, there is not too much light to disturb the vision, only a small amount of linear light to outline the formation of the structure when necessary. In the dark, vision is restricted, and other senses become more sensitive. The beauty of the world can be captured from different angles.
由宋式擗帘竿演化而来的直栏分割光线。就着栉比的排布,随着日照角度变化有节律地流转;入室之后,明暗交错于空间中,在物件表面投下层次分明的阴影,错落有致,愈显惬意舒展。 In the late song dynasty, the fast bar split light evolved in the late curtain rod. With row upon row of arrangement, with the sunshine Angle change rhythmically flow; After entering the room, the light and dark are staggered in the space, casting distinct shadows on the surface of the objects, which are scattered and well-arranged, and the more comfortable and relaxed.
“小十”一名,略一拆解。“小”之“微末埃尘”,“十”之“完满极致”,聚而生“小十”之“不求盈”,正偶合了本案空间贯穿始终的意蕴表达,可谓是意外之喜。 Small ten a, slightly a dismantling. The small small dust, ten perfect, and the small ten not to be surplus, are the coincidence of this case space throughout the expression of meaning, it can be said to be unexpected joy.
Project site |, wenzhou, zhejiang
The main case design | Wang Lianglong
Participate in design | jian-chun pan, xiang zhang Lin, hai feng, ling it should be
Lighting design | stone lighting
Construction unit | zhejiang yi Ming engineering
珑腾设计LONGTERM DESIGN成立于2011年。 我们立足变化中的恒常,强调好奇心在设计中的重要作用;从传统中发掘基点美学,探寻其与新生纪元碰撞的可能性;提取根植于生活的情感符号,精细化思考,平衡品质、成本与时间,让设计自然生长。