首发|BDD布道设计 × U2 HOTEL 川大店:为情绪表现而生的酒店设计

2022-08-18 00:19
项目类型 | 酒店空间 图片提供 | BDD布道设计 撰文 | 张轶青
This is the design that overturns peoples perceptions about hotels! Its a design that doesnt scream for everyone but makes people some thoughts after seeing it!
Perhaps we have wandered too long in the modern city of tall buildings, fashion, beauty and excessive dress have filled our eyes, making us "alienated" into "sophisticated" animals, so that we forget why we came here, what is the purpose ......
In our memory, "hotel" is a symbol of luxury, a value proposition in line with international living standards, and a social venue tailored for the successful "yuppie" class. Thus, urban hotels have become a kind of "filter" to "stratify" society. However, many hotel investors only see "hotel" as an asset-based investment tool, forgetting its social attributes, forgetting that when we expand the consumer base, we should turn our attention to the "sub-consumer" level, although this level is full of consumption "fog" and "discrete" functional needs, but we must go to meet.

U2酒店的创始团队敏锐地捕捉到这一市场需求,他们用“极致性价比”的策略,在大学周边和市井气浓郁的街区,用“改造旧有物业 互联网AI”的方式,创造出一种新的酒店消费模式,满足了世俗阶层的旅愁和年轻人享有独特体验的“酒店”梦想。
The founding team of U2 Hotel keenly captured this market demand, and they used the strategy of "ultimate cost performance" to create a new hotel consumption model by "renovating old properties   Internet AI" in the neighborhoods around universities and city atmosphere, satisfying the travel worries of the secular class and the "hotel" dreams of young people to enjoy unique experiences.

As a result, all the functions and propositions of the designer in such a hotel design are visible and extremely subjective, and all the popular notions of aesthetics and comfort become ineffective. Whether such a "hotel" will be accepted by the consumer audience depends on the brands social perspective, operational capability and the designers innovative expression.
由于U2酒店的创始团队是由IT行业、酒店管理行业,设计行业以及传媒行业的资深人员构成,因此,在U2 HOTEL决定投资位于成都科华北路的“川大店”时,他们请到在时尚型精品酒店设计领域内卓有建树的BDD布道设计,定义并担纲设计这个酒店的形态。
Since the founding team of U2 Hotel is made up of veterans in the IT, hotel management, design and media industries, when U2 Hotel decided to invest in the "Chuanda Hotel" located on Kehua North Road in Chengdu, they hired a young designer, Liu Wanbin, who has made a name for himself in the field of fashionable boutique hotel design, to define and design the shape of the hotel.
For the designer, designing such a hotel project is a design test almost close to the ground. Because he must consider the design strategy from the current situation of the hotels operation and the needs of the guest flow, previous design experience is almost invalid.
In the design of "Chuanda Hotel", the designer abandoned the practice of using market data and technology to infer the spatial form, and boldly used contemporary art to subjectively treat the visual elements expressively and extend them to the low-tech treatment of spatial finishes. Therefore, we can see that the U2 "Chuanda Hotel" is in a rough, shaky and unstable state from the walls, furnishings to the signage, presenting a lonely, dark and wild atmosphere, like a film in an uncut "gross" state.
With this approach, the hotel space is dominated by the coexistence of fierceness and coldness, stimulating the "hormonal" atmosphere of life itself. In such a scene, the designer places the lonely travelers who are on the edge of life but are "diet for men and women" in a real and functional scene, and the hotel itself is located in the city atmosphere of Kehua Road, which contrasts the hustle and bustle of the outdoors and the loneliness of the indoors, and strengthens the travel sorrow of the guests.



The designer adopted a design approach that did not disturb the structure of the original building, and took advantage of the fact that the base site of the U2 "Chuanda Hotel" was a "silo" from the 1990s. The renovated hotel tries to optimize and expose the straightforwardness and functionality of the original construction, so that the original building facilities and the base of the sky, floor and walls are incorporated into the expressive nature of the hotel, the structure, and become part of the hotels character.
On this basis, the designer used unique room layouts, colors, lighting and concave and convex walls ...... to form the overall tone of the space, making the hotel diffuse in a "coarse", unadorned atmosphere, forming the image of a personalized experience hotel.


U2 emphasizes in all its hotels that the equality of people lies in maintaining the privacy of personality. Therefore, using the "Internet" approach, they have launched the "no disturbance" hotel service model in the Chengdu hotel industry. In the "Chuanda Hotel", they "demystify" the "no one is disturbed" model based on the AI era, so that the space presents a "deserted" image, combined with the "de-refined" characteristics of the space, breaking the usual hotel The combination of the spaces "de-refinement" feature breaks the usual way of "pleasing" consumers in hotels and creates another pole of hotel management.
It is too early to say whether U2 "Chuanda Hotel" is a success or not. However, one thing is for sure, it uses "contemporary art" to make modern hotel design free from the nest of increasing skill and refinement, so that "staying in a hotel" refuses to become a label and privilege. Consumer groups have become diverse and rich. Only due to investment restrictions, the hotel has become coarse, full of grain, coarse empty become a "helpless" under the constraints of reality, but who can guarantee that this will not become "anti-reality" opportunity? If you can turn this "coarse" into a meaningful choice, hotel design may have a new change!
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