新作丨 田艾灵设计 连璧餐厅 · Pont des Arts

2022-02-17 22:56
Lian bi (Two Pieces of Jade)From Zhuangzi: Let the sun and moon be joined together as two jades, and the natural stars as jewels. A perfect match is a bridge between wine and food, art and life, and East and West.
Pont des Arts · 连璧餐厅,落址于重庆市江北区港腾路99号,是由醇馥酒业投资,顶级葡萄酒品牌庞狄莎授权的特色菜餐厅。甄选全球高级食材,将传统与创新的烹饪手法融合,每一道菜都是整个团队匠心的凝聚,连璧的另一个核心亦是体现食材与调料品的高级融合感,让各位贵宾感受到连璧团队智慧的火花。
Pont des Arts· Lianbi Restaurant, located at 99 Gangteng Road, Jiangbei District, Chongqing, is a specialty restaurant invested by Chunfu Wine Industry and authorized by the top wine brand Pontissa. Selecting the worlds top-grade ingredients and combining traditional and innovative cooking techniques, each dish is the cohesion of the whole teams ingenuity, and another core of Lianbi is to reflect the high-grade fusion of ingredients and seasonings, so that all distinguished guests can feel the spark of Lianbi teams wisdom.

Building a strong identity and spatial narrative, In order to enhance and enrich users different interpretation fun about quality and taste.

In this case, Lingzhong Union-Tian Ailing designed an international vision of pan-art to create a dining space with no clear routine and standard template of so-called luxury style, so that guests can enter an independent and special spiritual food world. Let the classic art flow between the veins of the city; Show western colors and halos in the poetic haze of the East.

The whole restaurant covers an area of more than 1,000 square meters, and is divided into two areas: the big gathering banquet area and the private minority banquet area. The reception hall with a high height in the big party banquet area is more artistic; Private sense of exclusive stairs directly from the garage; Then subtly change the environment extension of inner private rooms with three different themes.

The pure outer door head of the restaurant, which is folded and unfolded naturally in radian, naturally precipitates in the nostalgic feeling of metal texture.

To ensure the privacy of guests entering and leaving the garage, a special ceremonial staircase passage is set up, and the artistic picture combined with textured copper texture paint expresses the pan-stylized immersion atmosphere tonality of quality.


Streamlined reception hall with more white space than furnishings, the pan-old texture wall and quicksand stone texture blend a field spirit about the sense of time in the contemporary era; The necessary reception table, dynamic group lights, the natural light of the awning and dynamic sculpture are used to construct the sense of ceremony for entering the restaurant.

For example, beige quicksand, colorful splash-ink and magic color, or low-key retired ash ... The floor materials that naturally flow with the space become the space bedding and can see its expression in detail.


Staggered columns and semi-arches are combined gradually, and gradually reach the end of geometric folding symmetry, building a sense of extension of time and space, leading guests to explore.

With the luxury of private rooms, in addition to meeting the necessary dining space, there is also the room for tea when the VIP is waiting first, and the leisure space in the entertainment theater after the meal.

The seemingly exaggerated lines of the big picture frame are skillfully turned into the handle of the flat door through technological thinking and explanation, and become an expression of implied classical luxury. Walls with different textures and different tones have been debugged repeatedly, and are integrated and harmonious in the low-key connection of warm wood color ..... All the casual beauty must come from the deliberate action behind it.


Rich ink, dark green, velvet, dark red, and dark gold build the temperament of super-large private rooms, and use the overlapping blocks of the building space and the wrapping feeling of large radian to weaken the seriousness, echoing the temperament of the whole space.


Simple, subtle and detailed elements coexist harmoniously in one room, from metal device modeling chandelier to artistic display space atmosphere, reorganizing space order in the interaction between nature, space and people. Everything is created for guests to feel the elegant and leisurely dining atmosphere and cultural meaning of Lianbi Restaurant.


Freehand brushwork splash-ink flower and bird background, warm background in large gray, and appropriate white space as the foil, the contemporary unmarked literati artistic conception private room is constructed. New artistic techniques and traditional elements coexist harmoniously, which makes space sprout new vitality from ancient times.







Using the sense of order and arrangement to build the spatial order, the original mediocre glass floor-to-ceiling door disappears, and the natural elegant and white texture is set off by the natural wool board with rough texture and dark tone to create a room of pure, warm halo, texture, color and material land, which creates a quiet space atmosphere in Wen Ya, and that painting and flower is the only color in the space.


The sense of continuous wrapping is interspersed with the sense of caves running through heaven and earth, with dense plants, giving natural guidance to the urban reinforced forest. The entrance door with exquisite radian leads the guests into a radian passage with a little futuristic, a little casual and more special feeling, which is expressed by the interaction of black and white and the light and shadow of the plastic building.




Private private private rooms scattered everywhere have their own beautiful scenery, each with its own cave. The design style combining contemporary art and freehand brushwork is just like the ingenious and creative cuisine in the restaurant, which lifts the classics to a new height with unique techniques.



With ochre red and low-key dark purple, it melts between pure sand white; The low girder disappeared into the invisible by the slope arc arch, and the design is to make the last space look natural without trace.
Soft clothes echo the temperament of space architecture, and blend in without highlighting. Custom-made floral art is suspended in the private room, and the elegant white curved tabletop is suitable for the rhythm of the spatial scale, and the seat with clumsy shape and color is elegant, and the comfort becomes the color block of spatial power.


The shape with great visual tension is reflected on the curved wall, and the relationship between light and shade constructs the contrast of aesthetic order in space, deepens the drama of space, and sets off a spiritual field full of stories. Or take a short rest with the wine-scented music, or daydream about light, shadow and floral art for a moment, whether drinking or drinking alone, you can enjoy your leisure.





The plasticity and minimalist artistry of lines are applied to the extreme in the minority private room area. Designers use arc as a flexible traction to set off the spatial aesthetic scale of orderly convergence of arcs. Let nature and art evolve here, so that guests can enjoy the high-end service while enjoying the food.



The dim light diffuses around, turning the space into a container for people and food. The whole film is like a soft-focus film, which naturally draws the attention of the guests to the dishes on the table.

以泛艺术感和对生活感官质量的考虑为基础,Pont des Arts · 连璧餐厅呈现出一个诗意、持久和令人愉悦的感受空间,创造出休闲感和品质细节质感,希望主、宾在此皆找到自己的理解。
Based on the pan-artistic sense and the consideration of the sensory quality of life, Pont des Arts Lianbi Restaurant presents a poetic, lasting and pleasant feeling space, creating a sense of leisure and quality details, hoping that the host and guest can find their own understanding here.


连璧餐厅· Pont des Arts
Project Name:Pont des Arts
Project Location:Chongqing
Design Company:Elin Imperial Institute of Design
Artist Director:Elin Tian
Chief Design:Elin Tian
Deepening Scheme Designer: He Feihong, Liu Jiajia
Decoration Designer:Luo Yiyue
Photography:Bianjieren Photography

Elin Imperial Institute of Design
Create a new space, shaping new relationship: people and things, people, people, people and inner. Let users have more experience, more freedom, more self, is the responsibility of the designer. Creative is to create memory! 
Ms. Ren Tian Ailing, the leader, graduated from sichuan fine arts institute in 1999 and studied for a masters degree in design and strategic management at Milan Polytechnic University. In 2002, 12-minute space design was established; In 2020, Fission founded Huanshu Space Art Design Institute, a soft-packed brand; In 2022, on the basis of sufficient work precipitation and system-wide implementation, we will build a brand Lingzhong Union-Tian Ailing Design which focuses on more professional and systematic fields and meets the needs of national high-level space design.










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