新作丨 侘寂大师 Axel Vervoordt 儿子的家 首
2022-02-13 22:24
对于Boris Vervoordt来说,家庭的文化熏陶成为其个人成长过程中难能可贵的养分,从小在父亲Axel Vervoordt(侘寂大师)的影响下,慢慢接触侘寂美学和禅宗精神,开始学会如何欣赏物质原始的美和事物的残缺、或不完美。
For Boris Vervoordt, the cultural influence of his family became a valuable nutrient in his personal growth. Under the influence of his father Axel Vervoordt (Master of Wabi-sabi), he gradually came into contact with the aesthetics of wabi-sabi and the spirit of Zen, and began to learn how to appreciate the original beauty of materials and the imperfections or imperfection of things.
Boris Vervoordt的家位于比利时安特卫普市中心,由一座16世纪的旧仓库改造而成,整个住宅浓厚的侘寂氛围,散发着昔日迷人的光景和魅力。他将个人的审美趣味和当代艺术品结合在一起,呈现出独属韵味的家居风格。
Located in downtown Antwerp, Belgium, the house is transformed from an old 16th-century warehouse, with a strong wabi-sabi atmosphere and charm. He combines his personal aesthetic interest and contemporary works of art together, presenting a unique home style.
Boris Vervoordt说:“像我父亲一样,我也着迷于古老建筑所散发出来的魅力。”为了唤醒侘寂美学中未经雕饰的优雅,整个住宅保留了历史的旧迹和岁月的遗痕,它们毫无隐藏的体现在斑驳陆离的墙壁上及古老却富有韵味的家具上。Boris Vervoordt认为,家是个人的艺术画廊,可以用来收藏和展示自己喜爱的物件和艺术品,而这,也给了他独特的设计灵感与启发。
Boris Vervoordt: Like my father, I am fascinated by old architecture. To evoke the unpolished elegance of the Wabi-Sabi aesthetic, the design of the interior and furniture leaves behind the texture of history and age, as one on the walls, furniture and other surfaces. The house can also be used as a gallery to collect objects and works of art that people like, which happens to be the design inspiration they get from it.
从建造材料、家具饰品、陶艺、雕塑、艺术油画甚至于结构烟囱,所有物件都是独一无二的存在,使Boris Vervoordt的住宅就仿佛是一座艺术宫殿。而琳琅满目的收藏品却以谦恭温顺的表现姿态,始终给人一种平和沉稳之感。这也契合Boris Vervoordt对于侘寂美学和禅宗精神的最好诠释。
From the construction of materials, furniture ornaments, pottery, sculptures, art paintings and even architectural chimneys, all objects are unique, making Boris Vervoordts residence look like a great palace of art. And a wide collection of beautiful things in eyes but with modest and docile performance attitude, always give a person a sense of peace and calm. This also fits Boris Vervoordts best interpretation of wabi-sabi aesthetics and the Zen spirit.