新作丨théATRE茶聚场 头条(北京)建筑设计荣膺2021金创意国际空间设计大奖! 首
2021-11-10 21:58
餐 饮 空 间 设 计
théATRE tea shop and pastry bakery is a small project characterized by a curved hand-made ceiling created by folding steel sheets into a unique piece by local artisans. The sinuous and dynamic shape resembles the movement of large water drops in the very moment before they become tea, creating interesting reflections of materials, colors, and light.
▼店铺概览 overview of the shop
The design comes from the values behind théATRE, a young tea bakery store with just a few selling points in Beijing and Shanghai, is devoted to offering cakes, pastry, green food, and pottery products strongly connected to tea. The whole image moves around it in a contemporary, fresh and innovative way. Due to the limited dimension of the space, the layout is simple in plan, but it offers some interesting elements in the vertical elevation.
▼垂直面上的元素划分空间 vertical elements dividing the space
The middle level features simplicity and minimalism to embrace the merchandise. Pastry making shares majority similarities with chemical labs, like precision, innovation, and the requirement of cleanliness. While guests selecting products, they can appreciate the making process of cakes happening in the back exposed kitchen lab.
The main materials is brushed stainless steel and white glossy ceramic tiles from Italian producer IMOLA. Tiles are characterized by soft diamond patterns that make the light reverberate on their surface, as well as a homey feeling.
▼商品展示架 merchaindise displaying shelves
The lower level of the shop is dedicated to customers experience and interaction. “Dream blue marble from China is used here presenting a typical sugar-like granular porosity. Its color slightly change with the light change. Customers can choose sweeties at our two solid marble island while enjoing the view of tea-making ceremony. Cashier is also located at one of the island.
Same marble is also used to define the entrance gate above the shop facade, the shape of which is the direct projection of the cutting section on curved ceiling and was originally meant to resemble the shape of tea hills landscape.
A little patio with plants is designed to grant customers an indoor-outdoor experience. Custom-made curve soft sofa benches are inspired by the idea of tea-terraced hills where customers can freely move in-between. Little marble tables and bluish-hued chairs are from ARPER.
▼外摆区域 the little patio
平面图 Layout plan
【 获 奖 设 计 机 构 】
STUDIO RAMOPRIMO - 头条(北京)建筑设计咨询有限公司
RAMOPRIMO 的设计团队由具有不同背景的建筑师组成。这意味着在室内设计项目中,团队的干预 策略也往往以建筑语言展开思考,而非简单的空间装饰。在设计过程中相比于对视觉表面的处理, 更注重合理的布局以及其带来的现代感高品质空间体验和共鸣。在过去的项目实践中,我们将建筑 师的精确性和艺术家的创造性充分结合在一起。同时也对材料本身持续进行着研究,以使我们打造 的空间将当代性(通过使用创新和技术材料)及其所处的传统文化紧密相连,不断地创造出温暖与 清冷、本土与国际的融合,为客户带来了满足使用需求且富有前沿设计的定制作品。
我们在过去帮助不同的品牌公司了解在其发展的不同阶段应采取的设计方向,并为他们提供专业的 设计服务:从空间概念,视觉材料,图形图案以及针对特定空间或事件的其他设计解决方案。我 们在这过程中深入地了解了零售空间在带动商业发展和运营方面的重要作用,并且以设计师的角度 帮助品牌分析和实现空间策略。我们提供设计方案,但我们也将自身视为品牌落实空间愿景的途径和媒介。
STUDIO RAMOPRIMO - 头条.计画.建筑.设计是由意大利建筑师马吃辣(marcella)和思凡诺(stefano)于2005年开创的艺术与建筑设计事务所,他们是INSTANT HUTONG速溶胡同艺术项目和北京RAMOPRIMO头条建筑的创始人。RAMOPRIMO头条建筑的主要项目领域为从城市规划到建设、室内设计、制图学及公共艺术活动。头条建筑集中精力致力于社会与建筑环境之间的互动,并根据不同规模,提供适应当代城市生活需求的充满活力的设计解决方案。在设计实践的同时,工作室参与了“速溶胡同”艺术项目,这个项目结合了不同的媒体来创造创意性的且有趣味性的设计干预,从情感和丰富多彩的艺术装置到参与性的表演和公共艺术干预。速溶胡同与头条建筑这两个方向都在探讨当代中国快速城市化的进程,日常环境的社会和物理层面之间的关系,以及人们重新解读城市景观的方式。
“ 我们的研究探讨中国急剧都市化的进程,专注于日常环境的社会和物理层面之间的关系,并试图找寻重新解读都市景观的不同方法。对我们而言,城市的面貌是人们与其栖息地相互作用所形成的。都市分析为研究居住者和他们的生活方式提供了一种更为深刻,街头式的方法,体验、时间、路径、观察、偶遇和想法最终变得和建筑环境一样重要。我们希望用“微观城市互动”来表述我们的创作,它提出这样一种可能性,将小规模的都市空间临时用作公共平台,在这个平台上,观众的反应成为事件的主体。”