合舍设计新作|以山海自然,筑梦想之城 首
2021-10-09 14:41
以山海自然之名 雕琢理想的城市生活 与山海对望,听浪花涌动,沉浸于包罗万象的盛境中,空间与自然高度融合,隐藏深厚底蕴。 Looking at Shanhai Pass, listening to the waves, immersed in all-encompassing pomp, space and nature highly integrated, hidden deep inside.
大堂仪式感的空间温度 通过线条的律动 感知自然,使内心清净平和
The project is located in Dalang, Shenzhen, four waters return to the hall of the Customs of Hakka people, Kylin dance. On the stage of the fashionable town, the neon clothes are charming; the humanistic beauty of the big wave city is just like a picture scroll, the city dream has already shone into the reality.
A surge of inspiration
The flowing lines and light break the thickness and singleness of the whole wall surface, make the beauty of art dance on the rational geometric elements, and make the whole space lively and active. Wall lights outline the spray, as if time missed the crack.
Morphological refinement
穿过海风 抵达梦境的最深处 “海浪”给空间带来生命,理性的律动及色调与微妙的天然大理石纹理交织在一起,如同理智与情感的融合。 Waves bring life to the space, rational rhythm and tone interwoven with subtle natural marble texture, like the fusion of reason and emotion.
The shape of the whole hall and the spray should be similar, from the outside and inside, overlapping drops of water surrounded by a soft space, and through the flow of lines slowly outline the bloom of the situation.
Evolution of space
向上延伸 寻找海浪尽头的方向 流动而连续的线条及光影,勾勒出的一个时光隧道口,未来景致与格局通过穿越海面尽现眼前。 Flowing and continuous lines and shadows, delineate a time tunnel mouth, future landscape and pattern through the sea to see.
A natural balance from the interior space -- a combination of soft colours and exquisite details -- Flawless, life, balance and art.
The formation of art
无声的自我解析 穿越未来的极致体验 每一处灵动的线条,每一个功能分区,每一处延伸的空间,都力图在低调、奢华、隐喻与自然之间达到平衡。 Every flexible line, every functional division, and every extended space strives to strike a balance between modesty, luxury, Metaphor and nature.
Life between heaven and earth, suddenly like a traveler. The rhythm of the lines, the place where your heart resides, restarts the poetry and crosses the Shanhai Pass.
项目名称|星河时代大厦 项目地址|广东·深圳 项目面积|1500㎡ 甲方单位|星河集团 空间设计|合舍设计 特别鸣谢|张俨 曾云芳 叶胜军 尹峥磊 摄影团队|肖湘 相形空间
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