SAOTA 顶级事务所豪宅新作 首
2021-06-07 09:10
SAOTA是一家南非的建筑事务所,在国际设计领域,有着超高的声望,其创始人Stefan Antoni、Philip Olmesdahl和Greg Truen,被认为是非洲新一代建筑师中最有趣的建筑师之一,在建筑最前沿拥有很高的声誉。
Richard Long、Olafur Eliasson、Nick Cave
△Yinka Shonibare作品(左),Nick Cave外套(右)
Fabio Viale和Yinka Shonibare等作品。
其余空间内,Vik Muniz和Richard Long的作品尤为突出。
△Jose Bedia作品:Suenos de Chinchorro
Richard Long作品、Vik Muniz作品
以及在健身房用于墙纸装饰的Parker Ito作品。
SAOTA项目团队:Philip Olmesdahl, Mark Bullivant, Alwyn de Vos, Eugene OliverM,Tom Burbidge
结构工程师:PLF Structural Engineer, Inc.
景观建筑与设计:CLAD Landscape Architecture - Design
在1996年成立为Antoni Associates时,正是为了满足建筑公司SAOTA需要一个专注于室内工作室的需求。过去几十年的成功项目组合为扩大全球项目范围奠定了坚实的基础。他们在2015年重新品牌为ARRCC,这个新名称反映出巩固成为一个强大而独立的品牌。
When ARRCC wasfounded as Antoni Associates in 1996, it was in answer to the need for afocused interior studio for the architecture firm SAOTA. Our portfolio ofsuccessful projects over the past decades has created a solid foundation forexpanding the range of projects globally. We re-branded as ARRCC in 2015, thenew name reflects the consolidation into a strong and independent brand.
ARRCC现在由Mark Rielly、Jon Case和Michele Rhoda共同领导,Mark Rielly1997年加入SAOTA作为项目建筑师,在设立ARRCC方面发挥了重要作用。2004年,他成为公司的合伙人。对马克来说,任何可以被视觉化的东西都有可能被实现。对他来说,设计是这种梦想的缩影——这一职业让他能够为每一个项目提供独特的策划愿景。
ARRCC is now co-ledby Mark Rielly, Jon Case and Michele Rhoda. Mark Rielly joined SAOTA in 1997 asa project architect and played an important role in setting up ARRCC. In 2004,he became a partner of the company. For Mark, anything that can be visualisedhas the potential to be realised. Designing, to him, is the epitome of suchdreaming – a profession that allows him to present auniquely curated vision for every project.
Jon Case于2010年晋升为初级助理,并于2013年成为董事。在与ARRCC合作的11年的职业生涯中,他从事私人住宅,餐厅和酒店业的屡获殊荣的项目。Michele于2005年在开普半岛理工大学完成了室内设计国家文凭课程,并于2005年获得了优异奖。同年,Michele在ARRCC开始担任实习生,并对ARRCC的后续增长做出了贡献。于2013年晋升为总监。
Jon Case waspromoted to Junior Assistant in 2010 and became a director in 2013. During his11-year career with ARRCC, he worked on award-winning projects in the privatehousing, restaurant and hotel industries. Michele completed the NationalDiploma in Interior Design at Cape Peninsula University of Technology in 2005,and received a Merit Award in 2005. In the same year, Michele started workingas an intern at ARRCC and contributed to the subsequent growth of ARRCC.Promoted to director in 2013.
ARRCC possesses abig-picture vision of design, their interiors demonstrating a Modernistapproach with eclectic influences. Striking details and intricate layering aresignatures of their visual language, which, at the same time, maintains apared-back simplicity.
As a leadinginterior design firm in South Africa, ARRCC create considered and engaginginteriors at the leading edge of design. Working closely with clients, theydistil and transform their briefs to exceed original expectations. They believein life-enhancing spaces that reflect both client and location, and through theirrefined approach to design, have developed a style focused on detail andsubstance.