Calcarenite Series: pieces carved in limestone by Cosma Frascina
2015-05-19 14:41
Calcarenite Series is a project realized by the Italian designer Cosma Frascina which is strongly linked with the nature, materials and traditions from the Salento region, in southern Italy. Cosma tells us that “The term “Calcareniti of Salento” encompasses all those Plio-Pleistocene calcarenitic sendiments known under the generic and improper name of “tufi”. Usually they are found in the form of calcareniti or bioclastic limestones, medium to fine-grained, colored from light gray to reddish, often porous and rich in microfossils of marine origin”. The Salento area is known from ancient times for the high number of limestone quarries. Cosma identified large quantities of limestone, waste from the old mines and, being fascinated by the beauty of the matter, decided to use it for realizing sculpted pieces. Thus, Calcarenite Series comprises of vases, shelves, modular bowls, benches or lamp stands.
Calcarenite系列是意大利设计师Cosma Frascina实现的一个项目,它与意大利南部Salento地区的自然、材料和传统紧密相连。宇宙告诉我们,“Salento的Calcareniti”一词包含了所有那些以“Tufi”的通称和不恰当的名称所知的上新世-更新世胼胝体衰老者。它们通常以钙铝石或生物碎屑石灰石的形式发现,中等到细粒,颜色从浅灰到红色,通常是多孔的,富含海洋起源的微化石“。塞伦托地区自古以来就以大量的石灰石采石场而闻名。宇宙发现了大量的石灰石,来自旧矿的废物,并且对这件事的美丽着迷,决定用它来实现雕塑作品。因此,Calcarenite系列由花瓶、架子、模组碗、长凳或灯座组成。
All pieces are characterized by a high contrast between the external shell and the look of the material after processing. Traditional techniques and tools were used to manufacture each piece: a hammer, a saw, a chisel, a rasp and a lot of patience. The designer presents his project, affirming: “The pieces in the Calcarenite Series collection, with their strong physical and intrinsic fragility, express man’s need for a more meaningful and deep relationship with the Earth and the elements, establishing a tactile bridge towards the past, in a dimension where it becomes useful because it gets present and alive”.