Suzi Tros A Greek Inspired Bistro Takes its Cue from a Classic Movie Quote

2019-08-05 18:20

Inspired by one of the most memorable and funny quotes from the late Greek actress Rena Vlahopoulou, “Suzi Tros” is a new Greek bistro and cocktail bar in London’s Notting Hill that combines an easy-going, charming ambience with a seasonal menu of painterly small plates that look as enticing as they are tasty. Opened by entrepreneurial husband and wife Adrien Carre and Christina Mouratoglou, the team behind the well-established modern Greek restaurant “Mazi” a couple of doors down the road, Suzi Tros was conceived as a laidback eatery serving soul-nurturing Greek food in a setting of nostalgic conviviality. The 1960s are considered the golden age of classic Greek cinema and half a century later the movies of that time are just as beloved as ever – the fact that there are weekly reruns on Greek television stations doesn’t hurt. One of most famous and most prolific comedian actress of that era was Rena Vlahopoulou whose boisterous, larger-than-life personality made her a household name. The bistro’s name comes from the cult 1969 comedy “I Pariziana”, or “The Parisienne”, where Rena, in the role of a seamstress, tells Suzi, a plus-size customer who has come for a fitting, that she must have been eating too much because the dress she’s making for her is too tight. The quote, literally translating as “Suzi you’ve been eating”, has evolved into a beloved catchphrase that far from shaming, playfully jokes about the irresistible pleasure of eating, making it the perfect name for Christina and Adrian’s new project which has been inspired by the informal eateries dotted across Christina’s hometown of Thessaloniki, considered Greece’s culinary capital.
受已故希腊女演员蕾娜·弗拉霍普卢(Rena VlaHopoulou)最令人难忘和有趣的一句名言的启发,“苏济特洛斯”(Suzi Tros)是伦敦诺丁山(Notting Hill)的一家新希腊小酒馆和鸡尾酒吧,它结合了一种简单、迷人的氛围和季节性的小盘子菜单,这些盘子看起来既诱人又美味。由企业家的丈夫和妻子阿德里安·卡雷和克里斯蒂娜·莫拉托格卢(Christina Moratoglou)共同主持开幕的,是一家名为“Mazi”的现代希腊餐厅的团队-就在这条路的几扇门后面,苏济·特罗斯(Suzi Tros)被认为是一家悠闲的餐厅,在怀旧的欢乐气氛中,20世纪60年代被认为是古希腊电影的黄金时代,半个世纪后,那个时代的电影仍然像以往一样受人喜爱-希腊电视台每周重播一次,这一点也不为过。那个时代最著名、最多产的喜剧演员之一是蕾娜·弗拉霍普卢,她那喧闹的、超凡脱俗的性格使她家喻户晓。这家小酒馆的名字来源于1969年的喜剧片“I Pariziana”或“The Parisienne”,剧中Rena饰演的是一名女裁缝,她告诉前来试衣的大号顾客Suzi说,她一定吃得太多了,因为她做的衣服太紧了。这句名言,字面上翻译为“你一直在吃的苏济”,已经演变成了一个受人喜爱的流行语,它绝不是可耻的,而是开玩笑地开玩笑说这种不可抗拒的饮食乐趣,这使它成为克里斯蒂娜和阿德里安的新项目的完美名称。这个项目受到了克里斯蒂娜家乡塞萨洛尼基(Thessaloniki)的非正式餐厅的启发。塞萨洛尼基被认为是希腊的烹饪之都。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。
Suzi Tros unfolds across two floors, with an upstairs light-filled, 32-seat dining room featuring a 5-seater kitchen counter, and a cosy cocktail bar on the ground floor serving a menu of drinks and nibbles. Underpinned by a palette of natural materials and earthy colours, the dining room subtly combines a traditional Greek vibe with a French bistro elegance, not unlike Rena Vlahopoulou in “The Parisienne” where she plays a Greek seamstress who has to pretend to be a Parisian couture fashion designer. Timber ceiling beams and decorative floor tiling echo the folkloric interiors of age-old Greek restaurants while the sumptuous leather banquettes, elegant bentwood chairs and brass light fittings imbue the space with a Parisian ambience. The same hybrid aesthetic has been applied to the bar downstairs, where a lower ceiling height coupled with dark blue walls make for a more intimate space. Clad in wooden slats and featuring a backdrop of glazed grey tiles, the bar, which serves cocktails using lesser-known Greek spirits such as Mastiha and Tsipouro, would feel right at home in a 1960s Greek film.
Suzi Tros跨两层展开,楼上有一个充满灯光的32个座位的餐厅,设有一个5座的厨房柜台,底层还有一个舒适的鸡尾酒吧,提供一份饮料和小点心菜单。餐厅以天然材料和朴实的色彩为基础,巧妙地将传统的希腊氛围与法国小酒馆的优雅结合在一起,与“巴黎”(The Parisienne)中的蕾娜·瓦洛普卢(Rena VlaHopoulou)不相上下。在那里,她扮演一名希腊女裁缝,她必须假装自己是巴黎时装设计师。木天花板梁和装饰地板瓷砖反映了古老的希腊餐厅的民间性内部,而豪华的皮革宴会,优雅的宾特伍德椅子和黄铜灯配件充满了巴黎的气氛。同样的混合美学也被应用于楼下的酒吧,在那里,较低的天花板高度加上深蓝色的墙壁构成了一个更亲密的空间。在上世纪60年代的一部希腊电影中,这家酒吧身穿木制石板,以釉面灰色瓷砖为背景,提供鸡尾酒,使用马斯蒂哈(Mastiha)和曲舒罗(Tsimouro)等不太知名的希腊烈酒,感觉就像家一样。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。
Drawing from the breadth of Northern Greek cuisine, and using only fresh and seasonal ingredients, Head Chef John Skotidas has created a menu of small dishes that are updated on a daily basis depending on the day’s market deliveries. Much of the fun in dining at Suzi Tros comes from witnessing the cooking process. Raw options such as Prawn Tartare and Sea Urchin are prepared in front of guests while dishes like Whole Grilled Calamari are cooked on the open charcoal grill behind the kitchen counter. Meanwhile, vegetarian options such as Smoked Aubergine with Tahini - Honey, Artichoke Hearts, and stuffed Courgette Flowers Gemista taste as delicious as they sound. But perhaps the dish that best encapsulates both the bistro’s cross-cultural sensibility and Rena Vlahopoulou’s chameleon film character is Armenonville, an ice-cream-based dessert that traces its origins back to France – it takes its name from Pavillon dArmenonville at the Bois de Boulogne in Paris – but has since become a speciality found in patisseries all over Thessaloniki and northern Greece. So no matter how full you are, you won’t be able to say no to a dessert like this which is exactly what Suzi Tros is all about.
主厨约翰·斯科蒂达斯(JohnSkotidas)借鉴了希腊北部的菜谱,只使用新鲜和季节性的食材,制作了一份小菜菜单,根据当天的市场送货情况,每天都在更新。在Suzi Tros餐厅用餐的大部分乐趣来自于见证烹饪过程。生的选择,如虾馅饼和海胆都是在客人面前准备好的,而像全烤卡拉马里这样的菜肴则是在厨房柜台后面的开放式木炭烤架上煮熟的。同时,素食选择,如烟熏紫荆和紫荆。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。

Christina Mouratoglou and Adrien Carre. Photo by Jade Nina Sarkhel.
克里斯蒂娜·莫拉托卢和阿德里安·卡雷。图片来源:Jade Nina Sarkhel。
keywords:Restaurants Design Food Design / Gastronomy Interior Design 





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