Inside Europe’s modernist estates and their distinct cultures

2019-03-15 13:54
Modernist Estates Europe features Bloco das Águas Livres in Lisbon, Portugal – designed by Nuno Teotónio Pereira and Bartolomeu Costa Cabral
Modernist Estates Europe builds a humanist portrait of life at 15 residential housing estates across the continent. Author Stefi Orazi, a graphic designer by trade, compiles short architectural histories of the estates alongside photography and intereviews with residents.
现代派的欧洲国家在整个欧洲大陆的15个住宅小区建立了一幅人文主义的生活写照。作家斯特菲·奥拉齐(Stefi Orazi)是一位专业的平面设计师,他在拍摄和采访居民的同时,还汇编了这些庄园的简短建筑历史。
The project began when Orazi was looking for a place to live in London. She started a blog of photographs and information on London housing estates, and soon discovered a passion that many others shared. In 2015, she published Modernist Estates, a book that brought her blog into print. In 2016, with the Brexit referendum looming, Orazi decided to look slightly further afield, wondering how people outside London perceived modern estates.
The exterior and interior corridor at Cité Radieuse featured in the book
‘While Britain spent the next two years wrangling on how to withdraw itself from the EU, I spent it feeling grateful that I could travel from one country to the next, reflecting on how that freedom also allowed many of the architects featured in this book to share ideas across country borders,’ she writes of the period of time during which she was conducting her research for the book.
Each project is located in ‘Europe’ culturally, with Switzerland being a political and economic exception. The projects span almost a century with the earliest estate Bellevue by Arne Jacobsen built in the 1930s, and the latest Neave Brown estate in Eindhoven, the Medina, completing in 2007. While each is ‘modernist’ in its functionality and philosophy, each offers a profoundly new approach to living and each have their own priorities. Le Corbusier’s Cité Radieuse, built in 1952 provided a template for modernity, starting a conversations across architectural circles, yet each estate appears to lift ideas and design elements in new ways.
每个项目都位于“欧洲”文化,瑞士是一个政治和经济例外。这些项目跨越了近一个世纪,最早由ArneJacobsen于20世纪30年代建造的房地产Bellevue,以及麦地那Eindhoven最新的Neave Brown庄园,于2007年完工。虽然每个人在功能和哲学上都是“现代主义者”,但每个人都提供了一种全新的生活方式,每个人都有自己的优先事项。建于1952年的勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbuser)的“辐射之城”(CitéRadieuse)为现代性提供了一个模板,开启了建筑界的对话,但每一个地产似乎都以新的方式提升
Monte Amiata, Gallaratese II, Milan, Italy – designed by Carlo Aymonino and Aldo Rossi
MonteAmiata,Gallaratese II,意大利米兰-由Carlo Aymonino和Aldo Rossi设计
Plans and developments of the estates connect in different ways. Some are low rise sprawls, others high rise mountains. In Sweden, the free-standing ‘point block’ development became popular, meanwhile in Marseilles the Cité Radieuse set the standards for the all-enveloping block style. In Germany, the Deutscher Werkbund were ‘typically white sugar cube like houses with flat roofs that became synonymous with the modern movement,’ writes Orazi.
While many estates share common ground. Most of the estates Orazi has chosen are positioned just outside cities, where there was space to build bigger developments with grand ambitions. This allowed them to have a strong connection to nature through location or design. The Siedlung Halen in Bern looks like it has been dropped into a forest; the Danviksklippan in Stockholm is positioned on a rocky plot by the coast; while the Ivry-sur-Seine in Paris’ suburbs, designed by architect Jean Renaudie, is layered with overflowing terraces of triangular gardens; and Walden 7 in Barcelona is surrounded by gardens of eucalyptus, palms, olive trees and cypresses.
虽然许多地产都有共同之处。奥拉齐选择的大部分地产都位于城市之外,那里有空间,可以用宏大的雄心建造更大的开发项目。这使他们能够通过地理位置或设计与自然有很强的联系。伯尔尼的西德隆海伦河看起来像是被扔进了一片森林里;斯德哥尔摩的丹维茨利蓬位于海岸边的一块岩石地上;而巴黎郊区的科特迪瓦南部塞纳河,由建筑师让·雷纳迪耶(Jean RENAUDIE)设计,层层覆盖着满是三角形花园的梯田;巴塞罗那的瓦尔登7号(Walden 7)则被桉树、棕榈树、橄榄树和柏树的花园包围。
Walden 7, Barcelona, Spain – designed by Ricardo Bofill, Taller de Arquitectura
Meeting the residents was the best way for Orazi to gain an insight into daily life at her estate case studies. Modernist Estates is subtitled ‘the buildings and the people who live in them today’, because the book is very much about the people who live there. Orazi was welcomed into living rooms with comfy looking sofas, bedrooms with colourful curtains, kitchens with collections of utensils and pot plants, as people told their stories of life on a modernist estate.
For many people, living on their modernist estate is hereditary – a credit to the architecture and lifestyle. Mads Hage Thomsen grew up at Copenhagen’s Bellevue designed by Arne Jacobsen in the 1970s and now lives there with his own family. Karin Büchler’s parents bought her home in 1969, and she and her family moved back in 2013. Meanwhile the Monte Amiata in Milan has inspired resident Serene Cazzulani’s 12-year-old son to want to become an architect.
对许多人来说,住在他们的现代主义遗产上是世袭的-这是建筑和生活方式的功劳。麦德斯·海格·汤姆森(Mads Hage Thomsen)在哥本哈根贝尔维尤长大,上世纪70年代由阿恩·雅各布森(Arne Jacobsen)设计,现在Karin Büchler的父母在1969年买下了她的房子,她和她的家人在2013年搬了回来。与此同时,米兰的蒙特阿米塔鼓舞了居民塞琳·卡祖拉尼12岁的儿子想成为一名建筑师。
Many of the estates were built to encourage community living, yet Orazi’s reports show that the facilities are often left redundant – the theatre at the Monte Amiata lies empty and the shops at Danviksklippan have closed down due to improved transport links and delivery services. ‘The newer generation don’t really get the original utopian concept’, says Elisabeth Huttier, resident at Ivry-sur-Seine, where she has lived for 46 years and seen dramatic changes in community life.
The colourful architecture of Monte Amiata featured in the book
On the other hand, there are still many signs that the 21st-century communities are very much alive. In Marseille at the Cité Radieuse, resident Artemis Kosta enjoys the relationships she has with other parents: ‘It’s like a village here’, she says. There’s a school on the 8th floor, and all the neighbours with young children help each other out by picking up the kids after school and dropping them home. Karin Buchler, another mother, resident at Siedlung Halen has a similar experience: ‘Everybody’s door is open here, kids go from house to house – they are living with pretty much ten different families,’ she says.
另一方面,仍然有许多迹象表明21世纪的社区非常活跃。在马赛,当地居民阿特米斯·科斯塔(Artemis Kosta)喜欢与其他父母的关系。她说:“这里就像一个村庄。”在8楼有一所学校,所有小孩的邻居都互相帮助,放学后接孩子回家。另一位母亲卡琳·布奇勒(KarinBuchler)也有类似的经历:“这里每个人的门都是敞开的,孩子们挨家挨户-他们住在差不多十个不同的家庭,”她说。
Whilst many residents seem to adore living in these places, they also have their gripes. At Walden 7, the light is poor due to small windows. At Siedlung Halen the roof replacement project was put on hold because not everyone has the money to contribute, and the electrical and heating systems are becoming old. Fredrik Jansson, Danvikslippan resident, describes an unfortunate balcony replacement involving a jackhammer: ‘It needs repairing all the time!’
Ivry-sur-Seine, Paris, France – designed by Jean Renaudie
法国巴黎塞纳河-由Jean RENAUDIE设计
Many of the estates are protected, listed or even UNESCO historic monument in the case of the Cité Radieuse and many people pride themselves in returning their homes to original standards. Jose Pedro Croft, resident at Bloco das Aguas Livres, Lisbon, worked with the original architects to restore his apartment back to the original conditions after a period of questionable taste during previous ownership. Yet other residents don’t share this passion. ‘We shouldn’t treat homes as if they are museums,’ says Barbara Göttlinger at the Werkbund-siedlung Austria, whose home was originally preserved to be a museum open to the public until the plan changed and it was designated for living. ‘We can’t even change the colours of the walls of the doors’, she says.
许多庄园受到保护,列入名单,甚至教科文组织的历史纪念碑,例如露营地,许多人为自己的家园恢复到原来的标准而感到自豪。居住在里斯本Bloco das Aguas Livres的何塞·佩德罗·克罗夫特(Jose Pedro Croft)与最初的建筑师合作,将他的公寓恢复到原来的状态,之前的所有权经历了一段令人怀疑的味道。然而,其他居民却没有这种热情。“我们不应该像对待博物馆一样对待家庭,”奥地利维尔坎德-西耶德隆的芭芭拉·戈特林格(Barbara G Ttlinger)说,他的家最初被保留为一个向公众开放的博物馆,直到计划改变,并被指定用于生活。她说:“我们甚至不能改变门的颜色。”
Mostly, Orazi seems to have discovered a culture of people who take pride in living to the ideals of modernism and celebrating the 20th-century architectural history. These estates are a bit like people as well – a friend who has equal parts flaws and unique personality traits that you couldn’t live without. Younes Karroum, Walden 7 resident, sees a link between the residents and the architecture: ‘There’s a strong link between the buildings and the living experience – it’s full of crazy people!’ §
大多数情况下,奥拉子似乎发现了一种以生活在现代主义的理想和庆祝20世纪建筑史而自豪的人的文化。这些财产也有点像人-一个拥有相同部分、缺点和独特人格特征的朋友,没有这些特质,你就无法生活。Walden 7的居民尤尼斯·卡鲁姆(Younes Karroum)看到了居民和建筑之间的联系:“建筑和生活体验之间有很强的联系-里面充满了疯狂的人!”
MonteAmiata,Gallaratese II,意大利米兰-由Carlo Aymonino和Aldo Rossi Monte Amiata设计,Gallaratese II设计,米兰,意大利,由Carlo Aymonino和Aldo Rossi设计
Bloco das guas livres的内部,在Bloco das guas livres的“Interiors at Bloco das guas livres”一书中作了介绍。
CitéRadieuse,法国马赛-由法国马赛的Le Corbuser CitéRadieuse设计-由Le Corbuser设计
每个案例研究都有一个简短的建筑史,如图所示,bloco das guas livres存档图像每个案例研究都有一个简短的建筑史,如图所示,bloco das guas livres存档图像。






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