Windmill Hill Stephen Marshall Architects

2011-06-13 00:00
Text description provided by the architects. June 2011 sees the launch of Windmill Hill, a new building complex on the Waddesdon Estate that will serve as a research and archive centre for Waddesdon and a home for the philanthropic work of the Rothschild Foundation.
 © Richard Bryant
自19世纪以来,罗斯柴尔德家族一直致力于长期杰出的慈善传统。这一愿景的核心是Waddesdon Manor的持续支持,这是由男爵费迪南德·德·罗斯柴尔德(Ferdinand De Rothschild)在19世纪70年代建造的,旨在娱乐时尚世界,并充当他华丽收藏的家。这座房产由罗斯柴尔德家族的四代人塑造,1957年由詹姆斯·德·罗斯柴尔德遗赠给国家信托基金,目的是永久保存这栋房屋及其内藏物。这是19世纪建造的44座罗斯柴尔德建筑中唯一幸存下来的财产之一,仍然完好无损,并向公众开放,这是目前的罗斯柴尔德勋爵通过罗斯柴尔德基金会继续作出的承诺。
Since the 19th century, the Rothschild family has been committed to a long distinguished tradition of philanthropy. Central to this vision is the ongoing support of Waddesdon Manor, the house built by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild in the 1870s to entertain the fashionable world and act as a home for his magnificent collections. The property, shaped by four generations of the Rothschild family, was bequeathed to the National Trust by James de Rothschild in 1957, with the intention to preserve the house and its contents in perpetuity. It is one of the only surviving Rothschild properties, out of the 44 built in the 19th Century, that remains intact and is open for the public to enjoy, and this is a commitment continued by the present Lord Rothschild through the Rothschild Foundation.
 © Richard Bryant
风车山的建筑是由斯蒂芬·马歇尔建筑师设计的,这是一种在文化环境中工作的丰富经验。该地点以前是一个奶牛场,新计划的布局大致上遵循农场建筑的足迹,并在可能的情况下重新使用它们。通过庭院周围建筑物的分组,一方面是阅览室和档案馆,另一边是罗斯柴尔德基金会(Rothschild Foundation),通过选择的材料-尤其是橡木窗和百叶窗、渲染的墙壁、木料覆盖层和锌屋顶-有力地提到了农业历史。立式百叶窗具有很强的视觉和实用性。历史上,这些保护牛群不受风的影响,同时允许新鲜空气流通。现在他们保护阅览室不受过多的直射光的影响。在建筑物设计中,环境考虑一直是一个优先事项。供暖由地面源热泵提供,由热堆驱动,档案馆是英国最大的自然冷却空间之一,墙厚1.5米,创造了稳定的内部环境。此外,一个具有99%紫外线保护的灰水回收系统可以防止太阳眩光和加热。
The buildings at Windmill Hill have been designed by Stephen Marshall Architects, a practice that has significant experience of working in cultural contexts. The site was previously a dairy farm, and the layout of the new scheme broadly follows the footprint of the farm buildings, and where possible has reused them. There are strong references to the agricultural past through the groupings of the buildings around a courtyard, with the Reading Room and archive stores on one side and the Rothschild Foundation on the other, and through the materials chosen – notably oak windows and shutters, rendered walls, wood cladding and zinc roofs. Vertical louvers provide a strong visual and practical feature. Historically, these protected cattle sheds from wind while allowing fresh air to circulate. Now they shield the Reading Room from excess direct light. Environmental considerations have been a priority in the building design. Heating is provided by ground source heat pumps, driven by heat piles and the archive store is one of Britain’s largest naturally cooled such spaces, with walls 1.5 m thick that create a stable internal environment. Additionally, a greywater recycling system with 99% UV protection prevents solar glare and heating.
 © Richard Bryant
The site benefits from gloriously unspoiled views that Stephen Marshall Architects’ design frames, captures and emphasises wherever possible, with the landscaping adapted to form a “cradle” for the new project. The three activities - archive space and reading room, offices for archive staff and the archive stores themselves - are formed around three sides of a sloping garden with the fourth side open to the south. The dramatic western view in particular is framed within a large opening defined by a 25m beam. Even the approach road has been diverted to give distant views of the Manor. The courtyard to the south of the Reading Room is formed as a continuous rolling grass surface which draws the eye to the landscape beyond and can be used as an extension of the room in fine weather.
 Ground Floor Plan

The entry courtyard is a key element of the complex, uniting the buildings, but also, through its formal landscaped garden, providing a suitably emphatic point of arrival for the whole project. Stephen Marshall Architects have conceived it as a large outdoor room, a minimal space that over time will house sculpture and rare planting. Reflective pools run the length of the west and east sides of the courtyard and enhance the serenity of the space.
 © Richard Bryant
The supporting office spaces are within a two-storey space on the north side of the courtyard garden, opposite the reading room and archive store. The buildings echo each other in external form, but the reading room is a double height, single storey space. Simplicity is key to the design, so lights are recessed out of view into oak gridshell roofs in the reading room and gallery and the buildings are heated from below. Classic modern furniture has been used, primarily Charles Eames and Vitra, while the reading room tables, designed by Stephen Marshall Architects, are formed from large, cantilevered slabs of oak.
 © Richard Bryant
Stephen Marshall says: “It has been a privilege, to work with such a stunningly beautiful site and to be able to make formal planted courtyards within the bigger Waddesdon landscape. Everyone was a joy to work with and Lord Rothschild was highly supportive in getting the building, with its innovative structure, built. As architects we always think at this stage the building is finished, but of course as people, furniture and objects of art move in, it is very much the beginning of life for the Windmill Hill building”.
 West Elevation
Waddesdon Manor收藏家负责人皮帕·雪莉(Pippa Shirley)说:“这是一个非常难得和令人兴奋的机会,可以从零开始创建一个当代档案馆,它不仅能在最好的条件下保存收藏品,还能在一个对美同样关注的环境中访问它们,作为男爵费迪南德带来的舒适和景观创造瓦德斯登庄园本身“。
Pippa Shirley, Head of Collections at Waddesdon Manor, says “this has been an incredibly rare and exciting opportunity to create, from scratch, a contemporary archive which will not only preserve the collections in the best conditions, but provide access to them in a setting which has been assembled with as much of an eye for beauty, comfort and landscape as Baron Ferdinand brought to the creation of Waddesdon Manor itself”.
 © Richard Bryant





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