Löyly Avanto Architects

2016-06-30 02:00
Qtio Oy助理Antti Westerlund、建筑师SAFA/Hiroko Mori、建筑师/Laura Nenonen、建筑/建筑室内建筑师Joanna Laajisto CreativeStudio/Joanna Laajisto结构设计学生Joanna Laajisto CreativeStudio/Joanna Laajisto结构设计Ramboll芬兰Oy/Hans Wilkman、Teemu Nyyss nen海洋结构Ramboll芬兰Oy/Juha K rkinen Steel Structure Design SS-Tercon Oy/Reijo Kyt m Ki,Ville Korkiamäki Glass structures Lasifakta Oy/Tahvo Sutela HVAC-designer Optiplan Oy/Evgeny Nikolski,Aleksei Lätti Electric Design Optiplan Oy/Jari Muunoja Prime contractor Rakennustoimisto Jussit Oy Foundation works Kanta Kaivu Oy Electric contractor Elektro Asennus Oy HVAC contractor Uudenmaan LVI-Talo Oy Timber furniture contractor Puupalvelu Jari Rajala Oy Steel structures VMT-Steel Sauna stoves Tulisydän Oy and Iki-Kiuas Oy Manufacturers Loading.多规格少规格
Project management Qtio Oy Assistants Antti Westerlund, architect SAFA / Hiroko Mori, architect / Laura Nenonen, student of Architecture / Xiaowen Xu, student of Architecture Interior architect Joanna Laajisto Creative Studio / Joanna Laajisto Structural design Ramboll Finland Oy / Hans Wilkman, Teemu Nyyssönen Marine structures Ramboll Finland Oy / Juha Kärkkäinen Steel Structural Design SS-Teracon Oy / Reijo Kytömäki, Ville Korkiamäki Glass structures Lasifakta Oy / Tahvo Sutela HVAC-designer Optiplan Oy / Evgeny Nikolski, Aleksei Lätti Electric Design Optiplan Oy / Jari Muunoja Prime contractor Rakennustoimisto Jussit Oy Foundation works Kanta Kaivu Oy Electric contractor Elektro Asennus Oy HVAC contractor Uudenmaan LVI-Talo Oy Timber furniture contractor Puupalvelu Jari Rajala Oy Steel structures VMT-Steel Sauna stoves Tulisydän Oy and Iki-Kiuas Oy Manufacturers Loading... More Specs Less Specs
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桑拿文化桑拿浴是芬兰文化和民族认同的重要组成部分。芬兰人只有540万人,而桑拿只有330万人。公共桑拿过去在大城市很常见,但现在大多数新公寓都有自己的桑拿,公共桑拿的数量急剧减少。只剩下几个了。随着社区意识越来越成为新城市文化的重要组成部分,许多新的公共桑拿正在规划之中。有了L yly(意为当你在桑拿浴室里往热的石头上泼水),赫尔辛基将为外国游客提供全年的公共桑拿体验-这是访问芬兰时必须要做的。
Sauna culture Sauna bathing is an essential part of Finnish culture and national identity. There are only 5,4 million Finns but 3,3 million saunas. Public saunas used to be common in bigger cities but now that most new apartments have sauna of their own, public saunas have decreased dramatically in number. There are only a couple remaining. As a sense of community is becoming a more and more important part of new urban culture, many new public saunas are being planned. With Löyly (meaning the steam that comes when you throw water on hot stones in a sauna) Helsinki will offer foreign visitors a public sauna experience all year round - a must when visiting Finland.
处理从赫尔辛基市倡议开始的项目。赫内萨里是赫尔辛基海滨的前工业区,目前正在开发成为住宅区。正在为该地区开发新的用途,同时等待未来的变化。在赫内萨里有一个游轮港,这个城市想用新的功能激活这个地区,并为游客提供新的景点。我们在2011年开始了这个项目,在半岛最末端设计了一个临时桑拿村。这个概念在财务上是不可持续的,所以第一个客户退出了这个项目。我们和第二个客户一起开发了一个漂浮的桑拿浴室,但是这个概念被证明是不可能的,因为这个网站面对着开阔的大海,一个漂浮的结构无法承受来自冰袋的大浪和压力。海岸线将随着未来的发展而变化,但城市选择的区域将保持目前的海岸线。提出了一种新的三角面自由形概念。客户再次变更,随着演员Jasper P kk nen和议会议员Antero Vartia最终获得资金,建筑工程可以开始。
Process The project started from the city of Helsinki initiative. Hernesaari is a former industrial area on the Helsinki seashore that is being developed into a residential area. New uses are being developed for the area, while waiting for future changes to come. There is a cruise ship harbor in Hernesaari and the city wanted to activate the area with new functions and to serve visitors with new attractions. We started the project in 2011 designing a temporary sauna village at the furthermost end of the peninsula. The concept didn’t prove financially sustainable so the first client quit the project. We developed a floating sauna with the second client but the concept proved impossible as the site faces the open sea and a floating structure couldn’t withstand high waves and pressure from ice packs. The coastline will change with future development, but the city chose an area where the shoreline will remain as it is currently. We developed a new free form concept with triangular faces. The client changed once again and as actor Jasper Pääkkönen and Member of Parliament Antero Vartia finally got funding, the construction works could begin.
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Context The site is unique. Being less than two kilometers away from the city centre, it is very central but at the same time the landscape is like in the outer archipelago. The plot is situated in a future coastal park that will be part of a broader “Helsinki park” connecting the capital city to the sea. The building was designed to be slim and elongated so as not to cut the narrow park strip. The volume is kept as low as possible so that it doesn't block views from the future residential blocks. Instead of building a conventional building, the sauna is developed into an easy-going, faceted construction that is more part of the park than a conventional building. When the wooden building turns gray, it will become more like a rock on the shoreline.
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Architecture The architectural idea is simple: there is a rectangular black box containing the warm spaces that is covered with a free form wooden "cloak". Instead of being mere decoration, the sculptural structure made of heat treated pine has several functions. It provides people with visual privacy. However, the lamellas don't limit the sea view from inside it, rather they function like venetian blinds and blocking the views from outside. There are sheltered outside spaces between the warm mass and cloak to cool down in between sauna bathing. The cloak forms intimate terraces between its slopes that serve as a place to sit. The structure protects the building from the harsh coastal climate. It shades the interior spaces with big glass surfaces and helps to reduce the use of energy to cool the building. Moreover, the stepped cloak forms stairs to climb on to the roof and look out terraces on top of the building. The construction forms a big outdoor auditorium for the future marine sports centre's activities on the sea. There are around 4000 planks that were precisely cut to individual forms by a computer-controlled machine. The big wooden terrace is partly on top of the sea and you can hear the sound of the waves under your feet.
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Spatiality The building consists of two parts: public saunas and a restaurant. The saunas and public spaces open up to the sea, with interesting views to city center and even to the open sea. The atmosphere is calm and the spaces dimly lit. Different areas are conceived as spaces within a space. Interesting views open between closed spaces as you move from one area to the next. You enter in the restaurant that is a light and open space. From there a dimly lit sauna path leads to bathing area. Shoes are left in a wardrobe before you go to a reception desk where you get a locker key and a towel. Dressing rooms and showers are separate for men and women. A leather curtain covering the door indicates entry into the unisex area, at which point visitors need to wear a bathing suit. Traditionally men and women bath separately and naked. We wanted to develop sauna culture so that there would be a possibility bath together with your friends not depending on the gender. This makes sauna experience available also for foreign visitors that might not be used to bathing naked.
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室内餐厅和桑拿休息室的室内建筑由Joanna Laajisto CreativeStudio设计。设计的目的是为了创造一个大气的餐厅,它赞扬了建筑的强大建筑。这种方法可以称为软极简主义。我们面临的挑战是在大厅里创造一个密密麻麻的座位区域,就像有两堵窗户的空间一样。人们常常觉得背对着墙坐着最舒服。解决办法是为酒吧区域建造一个高架平台,将空间分成两个不同的区域。一个木制的半墙锚定的长期定制沙发,其中有很大的海景。
Interior The interior architecture of the restaurant and the sauna lounge is by Joanna Laajisto Creative Studio. The objective of the design was to create an atmospheric restaurant which compliments the strong architecture of the building. The approach could be called soft minimalism. The challenge was to create intimate seating areas in the large hall like space with two walls of windows. People often feel most comfortable sitting their backs against the wall. The solution was to build a raised platform for the bar area which divides the space into two different areas. A wooden half wall anchors the long custom designed sofas which have a great view of the sea.
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The main materials used in the interiors are black concrete, light Scandinavian birch wood, blackened steel and wool. All materials are durable and long lasting. The wood used is pressed, glued and slightly heat treated birch, a new sustainable Finnish innovation made of left over materials of the plywood industry that normally is burned to produce energy. This is how waste is turned into a beautiful recycled material. It´s manufacturing process produces a beautiful cool light color tone and heavy durability. 
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In addition to the long sofas, Laajisto´s office has used the glued laminated birch on walls, tabletops, the long bar and even in the unisex toilet sink. The upholstered chairs, which add softness to the space, are by Italian manufacturer Torre. All fabrics are soft natural wool by Kvadrat. The bar stools are by Gubi and the wooden chairs in the sauna lounge are by Finnish Nikari. The String lights designed by Micheal Anastassiades for Floss create a subtle rhythm to the space without blocking the views of the Baltic Sea.
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桑拿有三种不同的桑拿都是用木头加热的:持续加热的桑拿,一次加热的桑拿(在桑拿营业前早上加热,晚上保持温暖)和传统的烟雾桑拿-这在城市桑拿中是非常罕见的。这就是在一次访问中你可以体验各种芬兰语L yly的方式。桑拿之间有带冷水盆的水疗区和一个可以在桑拿浴期间或之后放松的壁炉室。你可以在海里游泳,冬天有一个“Avanto”,整个在冰中进行冬季游泳-这是芬兰的一个流行爱好,也是我们办公室的名字。
Saunas There are three different saunas that are all heated with wood: a continuously heated sauna, a once heated sauna (that is heated in the morning before the sauna is open and stays warm all evening) and a traditional smoke sauna – a true rarity in an urban sauna. This is how you can experience all sorts of Finnish Löyly during a single visit. Between the saunas there is spa area with cold water basin and a fire place room to relax in, between or after sauna bathing. You can swim in the sea and in the winter there is an “avanto”, the whole in the ice for winter swimming – a popular hobby in Finland and our office name as well.
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Sustainability The building is heated with district heating and electricity is produced with water and wind power. The building is first FSC-certified building in Finland and second in Scandinavia. Forest Stewardship Council’s certificate proves that wood material comes from responsibly managed forests. The restaurant serves organic food and sustainably caught fish.
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Architects Avanto Architects
Location Hernesaarenranta 4, 00150 Helsinki, Finland
Category Public Architecture
Architect in Charge Ville Hara and Anu Puustinen, Architects SAFA
Client Antero Vartia and Jasper Pääkkönen, Kidvekkeli Oy
Operator Royal Restaurants
Area 1071.0 m2
Project Year 2016
Photographs kuvio.com
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