Oxs House Leo Romano Arquitetura

2019-01-01 10:00
架构师提供的文本描述。该住宅被命名为“Casa do Boi”(牛的房子),因为瓷砖面板由里奥罗马诺创建。位于戈尼亚的共管公寓,房子是由一个山谷呈现。因此,它的建筑设计是为了缩小人与自然的关系。客户是时装分店的几个商人,有两个已经成年的女儿。他们要求建造一座具有创作特色的房子,但这房子能在不损害现有自然的情况下与土地相契合。另一个重要的问题是保证与其他土地有关的某种隐私。
Text description provided by the architects. The residence was named "Casa do Boi“(Ox's House) because of the tile panel created by Leo Romano. Located in a condominium in Goiânia, the house is presented by a valley. For this reason, its architecture is designed in a way to narrow the relationship of man with nature. The clients are a couple of businessmen of the fashion branch with two daughters already adult. They asked for a house that had an authorial trait, but that would fit into the land without harming the existing nature. Another important point was to guarantee a certain privacy in relation to the other lands.
Text description provided by the architects. The residence was named "Casa do Boi“(Ox's House) because of the tile panel created by Leo Romano. Located in a condominium in Goiânia, the house is presented by a valley. For this reason, its architecture is designed in a way to narrow the relationship of man with nature. The clients are a couple of businessmen of the fashion branch with two daughters already adult. They asked for a house that had an authorial trait, but that would fit into the land without harming the existing nature. Another important point was to guarantee a certain privacy in relation to the other lands.
 © Edgar Cesar
The house opens to itself and brings the vegetation, the animals, the sky. Your party is accurate. The main façade is marked by a two-volume overlap. The upper volume receives the rooms. On the ground floor are the social, service and leisure areas of the house. The plant develops freely, contemplating the kitchen spaces, rooms and balcony, that turn to the swimming pool and the lake.
The house opens to itself and brings the vegetation, the animals, the sky. Your party is accurate. The main façade is marked by a two-volume overlap. The upper volume receives the rooms. On the ground floor are the social, service and leisure areas of the house. The plant develops freely, contemplating the kitchen spaces, rooms and balcony, that turn to the swimming pool and the lake.
 © Edgar Cesar
 © Edgar Cesar
 © Edgar Cesar
The concept of space integration is combined with usability and freedom. Brazilian furniture punctuates the environment, respecting a wood palette. With few strokes, Leo exercises the contemporary poetics he enjoys so much. It adds the seized plastic values ​​along its trajectory. Make a time. It makes of its architecture a way to happiness.
The concept of space integration is combined with usability and freedom. Brazilian furniture punctuates the environment, respecting a wood palette. With few strokes, Leo exercises the contemporary poetics he enjoys so much. It adds the seized plastic values ​​along its trajectory. Make a time. It makes of its architecture a way to happiness.
 © Edgar Cesar
The façade tiles were an opportunity to honor Athos Bulcão. Leo Romano was inspired by the artist's panels to create the pieces that make up this work. The customer wanted something unique. So Leo started with the design of a stylized ox that is the hallmark of his architecture office and deconstructed its shape so that the original image would be diluted in the set. Everyone was pleased with the result. The execution was commissioned at a local coatings shop.
The façade tiles were an opportunity to honor Athos Bulcão. Leo Romano was inspired by the artist's panels to create the pieces that make up this work. The customer wanted something unique. So Leo started with the design of a stylized ox that is the hallmark of his architecture office and deconstructed its shape so that the original image would be diluted in the set. Everyone was pleased with the result. The execution was commissioned at a local coatings shop.
 © Edgar Cesar
房间的组成全是巴西家具。在客厅里,塞吉奥·罗德里格斯的鼹鼠和奥斯卡扶手椅,以及莉娜·波·巴迪的女裁缝座椅都很突出。红色雕塑楼梯是由贾德尔·阿尔梅达(Jader Almeida)设计的。在餐厅出现的椅子潘托什,来自拉图格设计。在门廊上,主要的作品是卡洛斯·莫塔(CarlosMota)的扶手椅阿斯图里亚斯(Asturias)。奥布森地毯标志着社会领域。艺术作品是由戈亚州的艺术家创作的。突出艺术家Pitágoras的面板,为生活和餐饮环境赋予色彩。
The composition of the rooms was full of Brazilian furniture. In the living room, stand out for the Mole and Oscar armchairs of Sérgio Rodrigues, as well as the Seamstress seats by Lina Bo Bardi. The red sculptural staircase is by Jader Almeida. In the dining room appear the chairs Pantosh, from Latoog design. On the porch, the main piece is the armchair Asturias, by Carlos Mota. An Aubusson rug marks the social area. The works of art are by artists from the state of Goiás. Highlight the panels of the artist Pitágoras, which give color to the living and dining environments.
The composition of the rooms was full of Brazilian furniture. In the living room, stand out for the Mole and Oscar armchairs of Sérgio Rodrigues, as well as the Seamstress seats by Lina Bo Bardi. The red sculptural staircase is by Jader Almeida. In the dining room appear the chairs Pantosh, from Latoog design. On the porch, the main piece is the armchair Asturias, by Carlos Mota. An Aubusson rug marks the social area. The works of art are by artists from the state of Goiás. Highlight the panels of the artist Pitágoras, which give color to the living and dining environments.
 © Edgar Cesar
 Plantas e Cortes
 © Edgar Cesar
Architects Leo Romano Arquitetura
Location Brazil
Area 477.0 m2
Project Year 2011
Photographer Edgar Cesar
Category Houses Interiors
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