自然的心意:安之秀菓甜品店 | 万境新作
2019-02-14 10:31
安之秀菓,一家创办于2010年的西点店铺,位于杭州西湖边南山路,取名来自店铺主人“安”的名字,寓意“心意”,是最早将半熟芝士产品带入国内的第一家西点店,引领了国内的半熟风,连续十年受到广大客户的认同。 ANSHUKA was founded in 2010 on Nanshan Road, Hangzhou, next to the famous West Lake. It is named after the owner’s name "An", meaning “kindness ". It is the first Western-style pastry store to bring semi-cooked cheese products into China, leading the domestic market, and it has been recognized by customers for nearly ten years.
设计师谈到安之秀菓的设计灵感时提到:当我走在南山路上时,两边的梧桐树婆娑起舞,走在树荫下的感觉特别好,很宁静。当时就在思考整个建筑该如何在这样的环境下去呈现? When the designer talked about the inspiration of ANSHUKA, he said,when I walk on Nanshan Road, the leaves of the phoenix trees on both sides are dancing in the air. And walking in the shadow makes people feel very good and quiet. At that time, I was thinking about how to present the building in such an environment.
南山路对于杭州人来说再熟悉不过了,而对梧桐树的记忆永远都是带着宁静。看着人来车往,现代都市生活的快节奏让人们极易忽略身边的一些小美好。而我希望安之秀菓可以成为人们愿意片刻停留感受生活的一个空间,即使只是一杯下午茶,一份甜点的时间。 Nanshan Road is familiar to people in Hangzhou, and the memory of the phoenix tree is always with peace. We see people passing by quickly. The fast pace of modern urban life makes it easy for people to ignore small tiny nice things around them. And I hope that ANSHUKA can make a space where people are willing to slow down and stay, to feel the life for a while, even if it is just a cup of afternoon tea or a dessert time.
对于安之秀菓的整体改造方案,设计师从斑驳而深沉的梧桐树出发,将原本奶黄色的简易房改造为深色的外立面,辅以金色边框,让整个建筑能与周边环境彼此呼应,完美融合。 空间运用白色和原木为主色调,营造更加自然明亮的感受,为了店铺吸引更多的视线和人流,大大的拱形落地窗恰如其分地解决了这个问题,无论是在黄昏还是夜幕下,室内渗透的景色都成为街边一道靓丽的风景。 In the overall renovation of ANSHUKA, the designer transformed the original milky yellow simple wall into a dark facade, supplemented by a golden frame, so that the whole building can echo to the surrounding environment and blend perfectly. We use white and wood as the main tone to create a more natural bright feeling. In order to attract more attention and people, we make the best use of the large arch-shaped floor windows to solve this problem appropriately. Whether at dusk or at night, the indoor activities reflect through the window has become a beautiful scenery on the street.
从一楼延伸到二楼的拱形大玻璃,映衬出路旁郁郁葱葱的梧桐树,整个建筑立面随自然的变化披上不同的外衣,犹如获得生命力一般。 The arched glass that extends from the first floor to the second floor reflects the lush phoenix trees along the roadside. The entire building's facade becomes alive covered with different coats as natural as it.
整个空间设计以质朴的材料呼应安之秀菓在食材上的追求,室内空间仅使用了木制和金属材料,在空间上做减法的最终目的是希望凸显产品的效果呈现,而当我们看到产品上架的那一天,甜点的精致如预期被衬托的一览无余。 Throughout the design process, we used simple materials to echo the pursuit of ANSHUKA in the ingredients. Therefore, we used wood and metal materials in the interior space. The ultimate goal of doing subtraction in interior space is to highlight the product's presentation. When we see the product on the shelf, the delicacy of the dessert is as well presented as expected.
玻璃及天窗的设计,将阳光引入室内,天晴时,当你在店内享受甜点,会惊喜地发现那些流动的光影已成为整个空间的灵魂,它们来自路过的行人,街旁的绿树,骑过的自行车,快速经过的小轿车……这些交错形成的画面常常在不同的时间会带来不经意间的精彩。 We use glass and skylights to conduct sunlight into the room. When it's sunny, when you're enjoying dessert in the store, you'll be surprised to discover that the flowing lights and shadows have become the souls of the whole space. They come from passing pedestrians, street trees, bicycles, passing cars. These interlaced images often bring inadvertent excitement at different times.
当你作为一名顾客进入,在这里坐下来享受甜点之时,或许所有的设计都是不经意的,梧桐树旁,光影变幻,看着熙熙攘攘的人群,阳光投过天窗照射在植物上,光影温柔的让人忘记时间的流逝,静静的靠在沙发上,或许这样的舒适刚刚好。 When you walk in as a customer and sit down to enjoy the dessert. You may find that all the designs may be casual. While you sit next to the phoenix trees seeing the light and shadow changes, you may watch people passing by and see the sunlight through the skylight casts on the plants. The gentleness of light and shadow makes you forget the passage of time. You leaned on the sofa quietly, feeling maybe this comfort is just right.
感恩十年时光,让我还能在这里。安之秀菓在这里聚集了太多的故事。我还记得2009年夏天,当我带着孩子回到国内,常年的日本生活让孩子们对西点有独特的偏好,但那时候的杭州很难找到既健康又甜美的西点。于是开始有个念头,就是要在杭州开一家同步于东京最好洋果子店,回到日本,我找到了最好的朋友,日本最好的西点师之一,希望他能提供日本最好的技术,同时我也走访了日本最好的几个西点店,只为寻找最好的原料,终于在所有人的努力下,2010年安之秀菓的第一家店诞生于南山路,半熟芝士和年轮蛋糕开始在杭州风行,也同时影响了其他国内城市。 十年间我们一直恪守最好的手工工艺,日本师傅也不断努力研发,推陈出新,它不仅仅是我的孩子,也为这个城市分享了我的快乐幸福,在我的理解中的西点不仅仅是一种甜点,它更多的是一种你希望给予对方的心意和幸福感。 时间过的很快,国内的发展速度是其他国家无法比拟的,也让安之秀菓开始有些不太适应,在日本,西点师不会完全抄袭模仿工匠制作的精神可以持续几代人,在国内大量的半熟芝士疯狂生长,我们的好朋友也被其他厂商邀请代言,在商业冲击下,安之秀菓应该走向哪里?是迎合当下商业环境不断复制扩张,还是坚持品牌创立的初衷?我们选择了后者,保持初心!我们更希望看到安之秀菓始终将这份甜蜜与幸福继续传递下去。 2017年底,我决心全新升级安之秀菓的产品,并邀请了我的好朋友帮我重新设计南山路店,从日本的东京到乡村,我们走访了日本最好最新的店,也体验了他们设计带来的不同感官,回到国内设计师在南山路久久的停留,在这样的一个建筑里应该是怎样的一个西点空间,“我希望自然是这个空间的主角,人们看到精致的果子是从最初自然的原料而来,在一个朴素的空间中体现所有的精致和用心。”南山路最美的是那些属于时间的梧桐树,如同安之秀菓的十年初心一样,每天下午当阳光斜射斑驳的墙体呈现出动人的光影。设计师认为,这就是最好的设计,将自然映入室内,随着时间空间在不同的季节中变化,让空间仿佛就属于这里。从来没有离开过。 2018年的安之秀菓从未离开,全新的空间,全新的产品,不变的是安之秀菓的心意。感恩十年,有你们相伴,安之秀菓荣幸之至。 ——安 2018年底
项目名称:安之秀菓南山路店 项目地点:浙江杭州 项目类型:商业店铺 建筑面积:400平方米 竣工时间:2018.08 设计单位:WJ万境设计 主案设计:胡之乐 设计团队:江丹阳 服务内容:建筑改造、室内设计 灯光设计:华豪照明 项目摄影:申强、田方方