RAS Waterfront Restaurant in Antwerp by Co.studio.
2016-04-18 12:00
antwerp welcomes ras (restaurant aan de stroom – the restaurant by the river)
在著名的安特卫普建筑师鲍勃·范里斯(Bob Van Reeth)于1991年重建的具有标志性意义的祖德特拉斯(Zuiderterras)建筑中,RAS或餐厅Aan de StRoom(河边餐厅)是一个新概念。安特卫普的室内设计咨询公司Co.studio的建筑师们曾经是范里斯的学生,他们对室内设计进行了重新设计。
“我们为一家餐馆发展了一个定制的设计理念。RAS是AandeStRoom餐厅的缩略语,所以很明显,水在我们的概念中起着关键的作用。我们想让更多的人有机会享受奇妙的水边餐饮理念,“Co.studio的克里斯蒂安·范苏滕德尔(Christian Van Suetendael)说。
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antwerp welcomes ras (restaurant aan de stroom – the restaurant by the river)
antwerp welcomes ras (restaurant aan de stroom – the restaurant by the river)
antwerp welcomes ras (restaurant aan de stroom – the restaurant by the river)
antwerp welcomes ras (restaurant aan de stroom – the restaurant by the river)
antwerp welcomes ras (restaurant aan de stroom – the restaurant by the river)
antwerp welcomes ras (restaurant aan de stroom – the restaurant by the river)
antwerp welcomes ras (restaurant aan de stroom – the restaurant by the river)
antwerp welcomes ras (restaurant aan de stroom – the restaurant by the river)
antwerp welcomes ras (restaurant aan de stroom – the restaurant by the river)
antwerp welcomes ras (restaurant aan de stroom – the restaurant by the river)
antwerp welcomes ras (restaurant aan de stroom – the restaurant by the river)
keywords:architecture belgium dutch design Frederik Vercruysse green interior design news restaurant stone the netherlands travel