furniture brand schnbuch puts emmanuelle moureauxs wallpaper handmade storage units into production
2013-10-21 13:30
French architect Emmanuelle Moureaux and German furniture company Schönbuch's colour blocked 'Mille-Feuille' storage units
去年四月,我们在米兰举办的2013届手工展(见W* 173)中最精彩的一次合作是在东京的法国建筑师Emmanuelle Moureaux和德国家具公司SH OnnbCh之间进行的。当我们听说他们的一次性收藏“Mille Feuille”的存储单元进入工作室生产时,我们不得不承认对我们的配对工作感到有点自鸣得意。
现在,大约六个月后,他们共同努力的成果已经准备好与更广泛的公众分享。专门从事高品质的门厅和走廊家具,SCH OnnbCH确切地知道如何进入一个入口。作为一家巴伐利亚公司,新推出的米勒FuielySu蓄单元在慕尼黑著名的时尚概念店SwitwittBurg中推出,似乎是合适的。在那里,色彩鲜艳、独立的报表件被证明是更严格的服装缝制线的完美陪衬。品牌APC,痤疮和Purrt Saaad。γ
Schönbuch has put the collection - first created for our 2013 Handmade exhibition in Milan - into studio production
Available in S, M and L versions, with two, three and four drawers, the pieces are lacquered in eight, twelve or 21 colour combinations
Given that Schönbuch is a Bavarian firm, it seemed only fitting that the range's launch take place in one of Munich's noted design concept stores Schwittenberg
Emmanuelle Moureaux has designed one-off furniture pieces before for her buildings and interiors, but this is her first series piece and, judging by the bouyant mood at the launch party, we get the distinct impression it won't be her last
keywords:Emmanuelle Moureaux, Schönbuch, Schwittenberg
关键词:Emmanuelle Moureaux,Sch nBuch,Schwittenberg