the way we live now sergio mannino and a lifetime of design
2015-08-19 14:54
With over 250 stores under his belt, the Italian-born, Brooklyn-based designer and practice principle Sergio Mannino knows what makes for successful design. Pictured left: Sergio Mannino. Right: the John McCracken inspired lamp entitled . Photography: Sergio Mannino Studio
他拥有超过250家连锁店——包括普拉达、雷克萨斯和Vince Camuto的零售环境——意大利出生的布鲁克林区设计师和实践原则Sergio Mannino知道成功设计的原因。在阿莱西设计师ReMo BuTi和孟菲斯Maven艾托瑞·索特萨斯的训练下,曼尼诺的美感融合了意大利的感性和当代的天赋。壁纸*对曼尼诺说,他最近设计了一系列受艺术家John McCracken影响的限量系列灯具,讲述了他在意大利的童年,他的设计哲学和他的室内设计方法。
墙纸*:你是意大利人,所以你很小的时候就接触到了设计。你注意到的第一件事是什么?小时候你可以在Zanuso电视上看节目,我的床是由Marcel Breuer设计的。我们周围都是质量和美得惊人的东西,但它们是正常的。
你最喜欢的地方是什么?他们大多是欧洲人。我的最爱之一,卡佩里尼,有一个惊人的收集像[Shiro]Kuramata一样的作品。一家我们详细说明的美国公司是Blu Dot,它很便宜,但是它有一个惊人的设计质量。Moooi,Flos.这些灯发展到绝对完美。任何细节都没有问题。
A work in progress of the lamp. Production Design: Giulia Bortolotti Giulia Delpiano Martina Guandalini. Manufacturing: BBW&L Bonetti Bolgan srl Spinea VE, Italy. Photography: Sergio Mannino Studio
Having trained under Alessi designer Remo Buti and Memphis maven Ettore Sottsass, Mannino's aesthetic fuses an Italian sensibility with a contemporary flair. Pictured: exterior for Block Headwear. Photography: Sergio Mannino Studio
'Design in Italy is something you grow up with… we were surrounded by objects of amazing quality and beauty, but they were the norm.' Pictured: Independent Careland pharmacy in New York. Photography: Sergio Mannino Studio
'I would say my design is always Mediterranean. It's playful, it's fun. It has to do with the way we live now.' Pictured: Hirshleifers, a luxury clothing, shoes and accessories store. Photography: Max Bolzonella
'In the office, the main job is retail environments – we look at clients, we look at their brands, we're very focused on making sure the product works.' Pictured: Jessica Simpson shoestore. Photography: Max Bolzonella
Contemporary youth clothing brand Kensiegirl. Photography: Sergio Mannino Studio
Lexus showroom. Photography: Sergio Mannino Studio
Shoebox store. Photography: Sergio Mannino Studio
'Every time we design we try as much as we can to do something that never has been done before. We try always to push an envelope.' Pictured: Vince Camuto outlet store. Photography: Sergio Mannino Studio
keywords:design, sergio mannino, interview, design philosophu