sophie smallhorn print exhibition london
2011-10-03 16:28
'Notes on colour and form' is a new series of works by artist Sophie Smallhorn. Arranged in numerical order, the prints occupy two walls of London's Great Western Studios. Pictured here is print No.12 Photography: Francis Ware
令人高兴的是,她最近在伦敦西部大制片厂演出的系列节目让她有时间放纵自己。“关于颜色和形式的注释”看到斯莫尔霍恩回到了基础上,用了一段“在我的指甲下画画”的咒语。一些研究结果仅仅集中在一种固体的饱和颜色上,而其中一种更复杂的印刷则使用15种颜色。而且,在100张一次性打印的作品中,没有一张花了超过一天的时间创作。她说,他们并不是那么容易预测,有些人很不舒服,也很丑。你必须在作文中有一些舒服的和不那么舒服的音调,这样才能打破平衡。“先见之明,她对黄色、橘子和红色的偏好伴随着今天的阳光色彩时尚-比如她与塞巴斯蒂安·贝涅(Sebastian Bergne)合作设计的高级餐具(见W*151)。“这是我所做的一切的基础。”她说,我会怀念过去六个月的自由。但是,她必须从这样一个事实中找到一些安慰,那就是,前面有更大的事情要做。
As seen with No.16, the collection includes colours that are very 'flat, solid, saturated' Photography: Francis Ware
The relationships between forms are rather formal, but 'within that, there are quite a few surprises', says Smallhorn Photography: Francis Ware
No.22 is a 'story of combinations... and cool juxtapositions' Photography: Francis Ware
The artist often returns to yellow in all its variations, as she did here with No.26 Photography: Francis Ware
Every image in the series is 400mm by 400mm. No.33, like the rest of the series, took no more than a day to produce Photography: Francis Ware
Smallwood's 21-colour mural on a private home in Basel, Switzerland Photography: Francis Ware
keywords:Art, London, Sophie Smallhorn
色彩艺术家Sophie Smallhorn可能会被训练成设计师,并与建筑师在诸如伦敦奥林匹克体育场(她曾担任过色彩顾问)等大型公共项目上合作,但她在弄乱阿布时最为重要。