book claudio silvestrin
2011-08-19 09:57
Front cover of The non-materiality of the material – Claudio Silvestrin
通过稳定、安静、宁静的建筑(而不是通过喧嚣和炫耀的形式),灵魂放弃反抗尘世的命运,找到和平。建筑师Claudio Silvestrin的这个有趣的格言形成了他作品的关键,并出现在他最新的《物质的非物质性——Claudio Silvestrin》中,它本身就是一个从一个极简主义到下一个的平静的366页旅程,抓住了Silvestri的本质。N在过去的20年里工作。在Franco Bertoni的一篇文章中,Francesco Alberoni的一篇文章和Germano Celant的一篇附言中,这本书也有一个Silvestrin作品的选择——一个对这位建筑师心目中的欣喜的瞥见,尽管他有很多高调的佣金,但他经常选择让它来。他的空间——强大而有创造力,但从不恐吓——安静地塑造一个风景。出生于1954的伦敦建筑师与约翰·波森合作了几年,然后在1989建立自己的实践。此后,他获得了各种各样的追随者,包括Kaye West、乔治·阿玛尼、卡尔文和Victoria Miro等,他们都想要一份他严肃的眼光。几乎与修道院毗连,西尔维斯特林建筑的平静安详形式甚至迫使阿尔伯尼尼在书中描述为“一个碎片化的人可以通过泥土、水、空气、火、木头、石头和光来重新发现他的文化和传统的根源。”UT看SLVESTRIN偏爱简单、自然的材料,以及他坚定不移地致力于建筑结构的本质——空间是几何学与地平线之间的相互作用,没有装饰——这是一个自然的结论。
Museum of Contemporary Art - Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation, Turin, 2002
Museum of Contemporary Art - Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation, Turin, 2002
Museum of Contemporary Art - Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation, Turin, 2002
Museum of Contemporary Art - Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation, Turin, 2002
Neuendorf Villa, Majorca, 1991 The villa was designed in partnership with John Pawson. The partners split before completion and Silvestrin completed the construction on his own
Neuendorf Villa, Majorca, 1991 The villa was designed in partnership with John Pawson. The partners split before completion and Silvestrin completed the construction on his own
Victoria Miro Private Collection Gallery, London, 2006
Victoria Miro Private Collection Space, London, 2006
Victoria Miro Private Collection Space, London, 2006
Giorgio Armani store, Sao Paulo, 2001
Giorgio Armani store, Sao Paulo, 2001
Giorgio Armani store, London, 2003
Giorgio Armani store, London, 2003
Donnelly Gallery, Irish Coast, 2002
Donnelly Gallery, Irish Coast, 2002
Donnelly Gallery, Irish Coast, 2002
Proposed plans for Aquapura Villas Resort, Ceará, Brazil, due for completion in 2013. Silvestrin's plans illustrate 40,000m² of construction, consisting of a spa, hotel complex, and 96 villas, each with their own swimming pool and terrace
通过稳定、安静和宁静的建筑(而不是通过喧嚣和浮华的形式),灵魂放弃了与尘世命运的斗争,找到了和平。建筑师克劳迪奥·西尔维斯特林(Claudio Silvestrin)这句有趣的格言构成了他作品的核心。