the household box
2011-10-27 11:30
The Household Box, an eccentric household manual-game-novelty devised, designed and published by Julian Rothenstein, founder of Redstone Press
不久前,一个名叫卢西安·罗特斯坦的少年在他的卧室门口做了个手势,上面写着:“我很好,好好过你自己的生活吧。”像这样的迹象不太可能被忽视,就像它发生的那样,卢西安吸引了他的父亲朱利安的注意。朱利安恰好是红石出版社(Redstone Press)的创始人,该出版社是在英国经营的更具创造性的出版商之一。老罗特斯坦被启发设计自己的,同样厚颜无耻的门把手卡-一个说‘钥匙?电话?例如,一边是幽默感,一边是“正在进行中的清洁”。然后,与记者,作家和翻译威尔霍布森合作,他设计了一个古怪的家庭手册-新奇的游戏,现在已经出版了一个包,他称为家庭盒子。事实证明,卢西安最初的发明从未进入盒子。不过,就像他们说的,这里的每个人都有一些东西:把你的家改造成一个佛教洞穴、一个艺术家的工作室或一个购物中心的方向和地图;带有日常格言的“自我笔记”(Notes To Self);在你睡着或烦躁时提醒游客的门把手卡。据红石说,家庭盒子的设计是为了使家庭生活更加有趣,戏剧性和愉快。它是否做到这一切取决于你的幽默感(和你的设计美学)。它所保证的是,任何使用它的人都会做出意想不到的有趣的反应;没有两个家庭可能会以同样的方式处理这个问题。
The project was inspired by a sign Rothenstein's son made for his bedroom, stating: 'I'm fine, just get on with your own life.' The publisher was compelled to design his own, similarly cheeky doorknob cards - one that says 'Keys? Phone? Sense of humour?' on one side and 'Cleaning in progress' on the other, for instance, and soon the idea for the Household Box was born
Inside the box are tools like the 'Domestic Exchange Rate' dial, enabling you to exchange various chores like cleaning the bathroom for a benefit like breakfast in bed
If you are stuck about what to do next, use the 'I Shall Live Today Like' dial to live your life according to inspirational characters, such as Andy Warhol
'When In Doubt' gives you ideas like 'learn a poem by heart' or 'return something you've borrowed'
The box comes complete with 'Room Name Cards' with which you can label different rooms in your house
An alternative 'Room Name Card'
keywords:Design, book, Redstone Press, Julian Rothenstein, relationships, family, life, home