john puttick associates win contest to redesign prestons brutalist bus station
2015-08-17 12:13
New York firm John Puttick Associates was the competition winner for the development of the Preston Bus Station. The design, chosen from a shortlist of five anonymous entries, was also voted the best by the public during an event in July
纽约新兴建筑师约翰·普蒂克公司被选中为普雷斯顿标志性的公共汽车站进行了重要的改造。他们面临着来自英国卡西迪·阿什顿(Cassidy Ashton)、莱茨·惠勒建筑师(Letts Wheeler Architect)、弗拉纳根·劳伦斯建筑师(Flanagan Lawrence Architect)的伊戈尔·鲁索(Igor Russo)以及法国执业Sane Architecture等公司的激烈竞争,但正是美国参赛者获得了RIBA法官和普雷斯顿人民的认可,他们在公众投票中脱颖而出,重新发展这位野蛮人的美丽。
普雷斯顿汽车站是由BDP建筑师Keith Ingham和Charles Wilson于1969与工程师Ove Arup和合作伙伴共同设计的。混凝土质量很快得到了全球的认可,不仅是欧洲最大的公共汽车站之一,而且因为它的与众不同的雕塑设计具有四个弯曲的层,这构成了其停车场特有的起伏的外观。
London-based firm Igor Russo collaborated with Flanagan Lawrence Architects and together they produced one of the five entries on the shortlist
Preston architecture practice Cassidy + Ashton's work was also among the shortlisted designs
Letts Wheeler Architects from Nottingham tried their luck too and reached the finalists
Sane Architecture was the only French practice to be shortlisted for the Preston Bus Station project
keywords:Preston Bus Station, architecture competition, John Puttick Associates, brutalist architecture
纽约新兴建筑师约翰·普蒂克公司被选中为普雷斯顿标志性的公共汽车站进行了重要的改造。他们面临着激烈的竞争,其中包括英国公司卡西迪阿什顿,莱茨惠勒建筑师,Igor Russ.