ten progressive designers interpret mobility at salone del mobile 2016
2016-04-13 10:19
Nike's first ever Salone show, 'The Nature of Motion', opened this week – read our full interview with the brand's John Hoke here. Pictured: 'The Nature of Motion' entrance display
耐克负责全球设计的副总裁约翰·霍克(John Hoke)最近给了十位进步设计师-包括塞巴斯蒂安·错误(Sebastian Fat)、麦克斯·兰姆(Max Lamb)、马蒂诺·甘珀(Martino Gamper)、格雷格·林恩(Greg Lynn)和林赛·阿德尔曼(Lindsey Adelman
耐克与一个富有创意、协作的团队紧密合作,“可以挑战我们,反之亦然”。如今,作为2016年Sone del Mobile的一部分,耐克将在米兰展示其“运动的本质”项目的成果。霍克说:“每一首诗都是一种独特的探索,它通过形式和表面、尺度、平衡、重力或节奏的性质、身体对热量和凉爽的反应来表达。”任何材料都是允许的,任何表达媒介都是允许的。
以灯光闻名的英国设计师兼创意总监塞巴斯蒂安·错误(Sebastian Fat)设计了一种符合人体工程学的椅子,作为团队运动的公共座椅。他是未来主义艺术运动的长期拥护者,他的灵感来源于翁贝托·博乔尼(Umberto Boccioni)1913年的一幅足球运动员的绘画活力,他把画布的颜色、运动和动态性抽象到耐克(Nike)的弗利尼特纺织品(Flyknit)上,他把它包裹在一个中空的六角钢框架上。‘当我们去俄勒冈州耐克总部谈论这些项目时,他们称我们为“艺术家”,而不是设计师,这让我想到,我不必在这里提供一个实际的解决方案.“我可以放纵一下!”解释错了。“铁一般地,我继续制作了一个功能更强的展品。这是一个“吊带的东西”由防天气织物,设计为运动队休息前或比赛后。这个结构非常简单,所以它可以打包成零,并且很容易适应一张椅子的设计。
荷兰设计师Bertjan Pot的作品是由对材料、技术、结构、图案和颜色的冲动好奇心推动的,这使得他突破了传统的制造界限,并尝试了纺织和编织技术。鹿特丹的Pot系列休息舱以轮子的概念-动力和运动的象征-作为结构起点。
Nike gave ten progressive designers a simple brief: 'To help explore and abstract, question and challenge the notion of mobility, motion and movement'. Pictured: entrance way to the show
The featured designers include Sebastian Wrong, Max Lamb, Martino Gamper, Greg Lynn and Lindsey Adelman. Pictured: outside the show
British designer and creative director Sebastian Wrong conceived an ergonomic chair formation (pictured), intended as communal seating for team sport
Swedish graphic designer Clara von Zweigbergk and American product designer Shane Schneck present their collection of seating, as seen here from around the shoebox wall. The combination of materials is similar to that of a shoe: a cork base acts as the 'sole', providing grip and weight, while a medium-density polyurethane top provides a softer area for the seat
The duo's collection studies the interplay of balance and posture – specifically how the human body interacts with static objects. Each stool requires its sitter’s cognitive engagement to balance
Pictured: the 'Sensation room' (detail)
Pictured: 'Experiments', in installation
Rotterdam-based Bertjan Pot’s series of resting pods (pictured) takes the notion of the wheel – a symbol of momentum and movement – as a structural starting point
Martino Gamper's project (pictured) comprises a collection of drums that comment on the rhythm of 'natural motion' by stretching technical Nike Flyknit textiles over laminated plywood forms and securing them with Nike laces
Lindsey Adelman's project (pictured) comprises two light fixtures that communicate through vibrational movement in an effort to capture the 'motion of nature' within the constraints of industrial components
keywords:Milan, Nike, Lindsey Adelman, Salone del Mobile, Max Lamb
关键词:米兰,耐克,林赛·阿德尔曼,Sone del Mobile,Max Lam
耐克全球设计副总裁约翰·霍克(John Hoke)最近给出了十位进步设计师-包括塞巴斯蒂安·错误(Sebastian Well)、马克斯·兰姆(Max Lamb)、马蒂诺·甘珀(Martino Gamper)、格雷格·林恩(Greg Lynn)和林赛·阿德尔曼(Lindsey Adelman)-简单地说:“帮助探索、抽象、质疑和挑战…