doing it wrong cherry and martins new ceramics show upends convention
2015-08-26 13:39
Cherry and Martin's 2732 space in Culver City presents 'Try again. Fail again. Fail better.', a four-person ceramics show that upends typical assumptions about what counts as technical mastery. Photography: Cherry and Martin/Jeff Elstone
其他的工作甚至更加坦率地揭露了那些令人震惊的错误决定。壁纸*手工合作者亚当·西尔弗曼(Adam Silverman),与他更多研究的比例探索相对应,他展示了石头状的形状和一件抛轮的作品,这些作品只由对其失效负有部分责任的物体完成-一个实际的电窑,作为一种基座,用来制作被错误的釉熔在一起的淡蓝色碎片。西尔弗曼说:“我认为与粘土打交道真的是赌徒的艺术。”他指出,他的作品中最初出现了一种“爬行动物”的表面,当时他不得不从窑架上磨出坚硬的矿物质,造成了“釉面的伤痕”。
A pair of works by Takuro Kuwata pushes the boundaries of aesthetic control. Photography: Cherry and Martin/Jeff Elstone
Kuwata manipulates porcelain using a Japanese technique that loosely translates as 'stone explosion' (left), while Adam Silverman shows a wheel-thrown stoneware work, with an actual electric kiln serving as its pedestal (right). Photography: Cherry and Martin/Jeff Elstone (left) and Cherry and Martin/Brian Forrest (right)
The showcase of fire-hardened sculptures presents a three-dimensional range of things intentionally coaxed into going wrong. Photography: Cherry and Martin/Brian Forrest
Untitled, by Adam Silverman, 2015. Photography: Cherry and Martin/Brian Forrest
Untitled, by Adam Silverman, 2015. Photography: Cherry and Martin/Brian Forrest
A precarious totem of vases from the artist William J O’Brien, who had a solo survey exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago last year. Photography: Cherry and Martin/Brian Forrest
Untitled, by William J O’Brien, 2014. Photography: Cherry and Martin/Brian Forrest
Crowbars and wrenches variation, by Katy Cowan, 2015. Photography: Cherry and Martin/Brian Forrest
Two by Four and Donuts and Hammers variation, by Katy Cowan, 2015. Photography: Cherry and Martin/Brian Forrest
keywords:Los Angeles, Cherry and Martin, Adam Silverman, Katy Cowan, William J O'Brien, Takuro Kuwata, ceramics
关键词:洛杉矶,樱桃和马丁,亚当·西尔弗曼,凯蒂·考恩,威廉·J·奥布莱恩,Takuro Kuwata,陶瓷
洛杉矶“樱桃和马丁画廊”的陶瓷展览借鉴了塞缪尔·贝克特(SamuelBeckett)1983年的散文作品“恶何”(Worstward Ho),展示了在蓄意失败中取得成功的可能性。但与硅谷最近采用的T.