oslo pilot 2016 art initiative sets out to explore oslos architectural tapestry
2016-01-28 12:18
Oslo Pilot are conducting an extensive research project into the potential future use of abandoned cultural buildings around the city, like the Deichmanske Library, pictured here. Courtesy Foto Ornelund
与策展人伊娃·冈萨雷斯·桑乔(Eva González-Sancho)和奥斯陆飞行员佩尔·贡纳·脑电(Per GunnarEEG)合作-这是一项新推出的为期两年的艺术项目,将为未来的艺术双年展奠定基础-该组织发起了一个名为“错位之城”(City of Dis位差)的新研究项目,以解决未来如何处理这些空壳的问题。
这幅名为“下议院”的新艺术品让挪威概念性艺术家玛丽安·赫斯克(Marianne Heske)将一座废弃的小省房子从挪威的斯特福搬到了位于奥斯陆市中心的挪威议会所在地-大议会大厦(Grand Storting Building)前的一个新位置。奥斯陆的飞行员解释说,“这显然是琐碎的并列,揭示了显示和说之间的区别,在不同的现实之间建立了关系。”这种装置是审美、知识和社会的融合。
Called 'City of Dislocation', the project will provide a critical analysis of five historical buildings in Oslo that are facing abandonment over the next few years: The National Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Deichmanske Library, the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, and the Munch Museum, pictured here in its prime in 1963. Courtesy Teigens Fotoatelier
In part two of the project, 'City of Dislocation' will continue to study and map out similar historical landmarks, looking both backwards and forwards in time to generate ideas as to their possible future uses. Pictured: inside the National Museum of Oslo
Alongside this project, Oslo Pilot have comissioned Norwegian conceptual artist Marianne Heske to relocate a small abandoned provincial house from Østfold, Norway into a new position in front of the grand Storting building, the seat of Norway’s parliament in central Oslo, pictured here. Photography: Niklas Lello. Courtesy the artist and Oslo Pilot
Titled House of Commons, the new artwork is the first in a planned series of public art installations comissioned by Olso Pilot, that will take place over the next two years. Photography: Niklas Lello. Courtesy the artist and Oslo Pilot
keywords:Norway, Norwegian architecture, Cultural architecture