lean green matcha source brings the tea revolution to los angeles
2015-08-17 16:56
Alissa White, founder and owner of tea brand Matcha Source, has now opened Matcha Box in Los Angeles. Photography: Alissa White
Alissa White是一个女性的使命,领导美国的MatCHA革命。茶品牌马茶源的创始人和所有者在10年前开始在日本生活,她在曼哈顿生活。
在Matcha Source在纽约的第一家弹出式商店成功之后,怀特开始瞄准西海岸。洛杉矶的抹茶盒是几年来在原来的位置背后的团队辛勤嫁接的结果。
Following the success of Matcha Source's first pop-up store in New York, White proceeded to set her sights on the West Coast
The company motto is 'from the mountain-top to the counter-top', and the store interior has been designed with this idea in mind; a pale colour palette and minimalist decor means that the vibrant green tea takes centre stage
The counter has a custom made rail that barely separates the staff and customers
The centrepiece is a tea 'theatre', where the ceremony of preparing the matcha becomes a social ritual for everyone to be involved in
White has also been experimenting with a few different food products, including pastries and toast with matcha butter – she also has a signature line of matcha tea bowls in the works
keywords:matcha tea, Matcha Box, Matcha Source, Los Angeles, food and drink
艾莉莎·怀特正在执行一项领导美国抹茶革命的单一女性使命。茶品牌Matcha Source的创始人和所有者十多年前在曼哈顿居住时,就开始了她对来自日本的绿色灵丹妙药的爱。