nyc met breuer presents diane arbus retrospective in the beginning
2016-07-14 17:09
On view until 27 November at the Met Breuer, 'Diane Arbus: In the beginning' presents over 100 of the photographer's early works, many of which have never before been on display. Pictured: installation view. Courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art
我不按快门。黛安·阿布斯曾经说过,这张照片的确如此。“这就像被轻轻地打了一顿。”这种轻柔的窒息感,同时也是一种成熟和威胁性的感觉,贯穿了大都会艺术博物馆的阿布斯早期作品的新展览。直到11月27日,在大都会博物馆(Met Breuer),“黛安·阿布斯:最初”(Diane Arbus:in the First)是一个启示,它汇集了100多张照片-其中大多数从未展出或出版过-展示了阿布斯对捕捉日常生活中的秘密和崇高时刻的能力的磨练。
大都会博物馆馆长杰夫·罗森海姆(Jeff Rosenheim)说,与她的前辈和同龄人不同,她用各种技术与他们的对象保持距离或隐藏自己,不管是海伦·莱维特(Helen Levitt)的直角取景器,还是对沃克·埃文斯(Walker Evans)偷偷拍下的照片、底片、笔记本和信件。“这种渴望知道,这种对她拍摄的人或什么的隐秘性质的好奇,再加上她对摄像机的力量的信念,才是她的隔阂。”
阿布斯“对个人的热情兴趣-无论是一个吃火的狂欢者、一名出租车司机、一名精灵女学生,还是一具躺在敞开胸前的尸体(她在1959年可怕的照片标题中写道,”带着后退的发际线和一个脚趾的标签“)-以及在人群中发现这张独特面孔的令人感动的喜悦-展览设计、大都会博物馆(Met‘s)布赖恩·巴特菲尔德(Brian Butterfield)的作品都突显了这一点。这个展览避开了年代和主题的衔接,把每一张照片都展示在自己纤细的墙上。47块灰白的石板与马塞尔·布鲁尔(Marcel Breuer)的网格混凝土天花板和曼哈顿的城市街道(这里由布吕尔的一个梯形窗户构成)呼应,许多照片都是在那里拍摄的。
The show captures Arbus' unique ability to capture the secret and sublime moments of daily life. Pictured left: The Backwards Man in his hotel room, NYC, 1961. Right: Jack Dracula at a bar, New London, Conn, 1961
Unlike her predecessors and peers – who employed various techniques to distance or conceal themselves from their subjects – 'Arbus was looking for the poignancy of a direct personal encounter', says Met curator Jeff Rosenheim. Courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Pictured left: Lady on a bus, NYC, 1957. Right: Female impersonator holding long gloves, Hempstead, LI, 1959
Rosenheim has spent the last eight years combing through her vast archive: a trove of photographs, negatives, notebooks and correspondence donated to the museum by Arbus’s two daughters. Courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Arbus had a passionate interest in the individual – whether a carnival fire eater, a cab driver, an elfin schoolgirl, or a corpse in open-chested repose. Pictured left: Man in hat, trunks, socks and shoes, Coney Island, NY, 1960. Right: Kid in a hooded jacket aiming a gun, NYC, 1957
Rosenheim recalls sketching the design concept on a napkin. Confronting a single image bracketed by empty space empowers the viewer to scrutinise rather than contextualise, to savour faces and places that resist the cloying corruption of nostalgia. Pictured left: Elderly woman whispering to her dinner partner, Grand Opera Ball, NYC, 1959. Right: Woman with white gloves and a pocket book, NYC, 1956