
2025-03-18 21:13
在一对夫妇位于加州太平洋帕利塞兹的宅邸内,Johnston Marklee建筑事务所和Shamshiri设计工作室为他们的艺术藏品造就最佳归所。
A couple’s Pacific Palisades house, by Johnston Marklee and Studio Shamshiri, puts their art collection in the best light.

弓形房屋由Johnston Marklee设计,金属斜尖顶下便是石灰石外墙©Stephen Kent Johnson
Johnston认为,景色和光线是南加的独到魅力。这是客户想要的元素,不过,他们优秀的艺术品收藏也需要额外保护。 Johnston Marklee事务所为此设计了极具雕塑感的深邃天窗,将阳光引向弓形房屋的中央,掠过四壁,避免直射。在一条宽敞的门廊背后,移门朝太平洋的方向开放,由夹层窗过滤光线,让金色光线通过曲线与圆形开口倾泻而入。对建筑师而言,这个项目的乐趣之一在于绘制同等开放与围合的平面图,需要界定房间的边界,但无须遵循闷塞的定式。其要义便是让空间与空间之间形成透视。Johnston表示,这是一个让设计、艺术和建筑彼此协同的好机会。 他知道Pam也在尽全力做到这一点。
Johnston believes that scenery and light are the unique charms of Southern California, elements desired by the clients. However, their impressive art collection also required additional protection. To address this, Johnston Marklee designed deeply sculptural skylights that direct sunlight to the center of the arched house, skimming along the walls to avoid direct exposure. Behind a spacious vestibule, sliding doors open towards the Pacific Ocean, with light filtered through clerestory windows, allowing golden rays to pour in through curved and circular openings. For the architects, one of the joys of this project was drawing plans that were equally open and enclosed, requiring the delineation of room boundaries without adhering to stifling formulas. The essence lies in creating perspectives between spaces. Johnston notes that this was an opportunity for design, art, and architecture to synergize, and he knew Pam was also striving to achieve this.

弓形房屋由Johnston Marklee设计,金属斜尖顶下便是石灰石外墙©Stephen Kent Johnson弯曲的外墙俯瞰着带躺椅的游泳池,以及峡谷和海洋景观©Stephen Kent Johnson
早在1998年,建筑师Sharon Johnston和Mark Lee共同创立了这家事务所,二人尤善设计外观隐匿、室内变幻莫测的私人宅邸,这栋宅邸隶属于梅尼尔收藏博物馆。于2018年正式开放的梅尼尔绘画研究所亦是他们的作品。因其富于层次。蕴含历史、感性和优雅的设计作品在圈内颇受推崇。
Established in 1998 by architects Sharon Johnston and Mark Lee, the firm specializes in designing private residences with inconspicuous exteriors and intriguingly intricate interiors for the Menil Collection. Their portfolio also includes the Menil Drawing Institute, officially opened in 2018.Its layered richness, combined with designs that embody history, sensibility, and elegance, has garnered significant praise within the industry.

Sharon Johnston(左)Mark Lee(右)/ Johnston Marklee创始人
克莱尔·卡萨德蒙特(Clare Casademont)与丈夫、休斯顿金融家迈克尔·梅茨(Michael Metz)在2010年一次漫长的洛杉矶假期后购得了这块地皮。直到2013年,他们才决定拆除现场那座不起眼的灰泥住宅,取而代之以约翰斯顿·马克利(Johnston Marklee)量身定制的设计。卡萨德蒙特(Casademont)是梅尼尔收藏馆(Menil Collection)的理事,他们夫妇正是通过这个收藏馆结识了Johnston Marklee建筑设计工作室。当他们简要说明了自己的需求——一个供家庭放松的第二居所,一个存放艺术品和古董的地方——建筑师建议他们联系洛杉矶室内设计公司Studio Shamshiri的友人帕梅拉·沙姆希里(Pamela Shamshiri)。沙姆希里的作品层次分明,充满历史底蕴,以感性和优雅著称,广受赞誉。至此,团队组建完成。
This oil heiress, Dominique de Menil, co-founded the Menil Collection Museum with her husband, John de Menil.It is indeed fortunate to have such a prominent yet incredibly unassuming client. Her approach embodied a sense of ordinariness on the surface, never revealing the inner splendor prematurely—this is precisely the quality that Lee aims to capture.
After an extended Los Angeles vacation in 2010, Clare Casademont, together with her husband, Houston financier Michael Metz, acquired this land parcel. It wasnt until 2013 that they decided to demolish the unremarkable stucco house on the site and replace it with a bespoke design by Johnston Marklee. Casademont, who serves as a trustee at the Menil Collection, is how the couple came to know the Johnston Marklee architectural studio. When they outlined their requirements—a relaxed second home for their family and a space for displaying art and antiques—the architects suggested they reach out to their friend Pamela Shamshiri from the Los Angeles-based interior design firm Studio Shamshiri. Renowned for her layered and historically informed work that is celebrated for its sensuality and elegance, Shamshiri has garnered widespread acclaim. With this, the team was complete.
For three decades, Casademont and Metz have been avid art lovers with a diverse collection that spans contemporary sculptures by Simone Leigh, Robert Irwin, Olafur Eliasson, and Rosemarie Trockel, paintings by Deborah Roberts and Yayoi Kusama, and even several artists private works on paper. This diversity naturally posed design challenges.

门厅由球形天窗照亮 ©Stephen Kent Johnson

León Ferrari的《Untitled》(2005)和Simone Leigh的《Dirty South》(2016)被安置于定制基座上。在为空间特别定制的Martino Gamper弧形沙发上方,是Frederick Hammersley的《Lesson One》(1965)。通往私人画廊的墙侧挂有Andy Warhol的《Jackie ll》(1966)。这里既优雅又亲切,丰富、多层次的纹理与深邃的色彩为每个生活空间带来温暖。
Where León Ferraris Untitled (2005) and Simone Leighs Dirty South (2016) are placed on custom pedestals. Above the specially commissioned Martino Gamper curved sofa is Frederick Hammersleys Lesson One (1965). Andy Warhols Jackie II (1966) hangs on the wall leading to the private gallery. The space is both elegant and intimate, with rich, multi-layered textures and deep hues that bring warmth to each living area.

一扇黑色漆门配有 Nanz 超大把手,通向门厅,Simone Leigh 的《Dirty South》(2016)就位于其定制底座上。
A black lacquer door with a Nanz oversized knob provides entry to the vestibule, where Simone Leigh’s Dirty South, 2016, sits on its custom plinth.

Yellow / Deborah Roberts / 2016 ©Stephen Kent Johnson
画廊中悬挂着黛博拉·罗伯茨(Deborah Roberts)2016年的作品《黄色》。两把法国古董椅子分列于一张脚凳两侧,这张脚凳复刻自多米尼克与约翰·德·梅尼尔(Dominique and John de Menil)的故居。
In the gallery hangs Yellow, 2016, by Deborah Roberts. Two antique French chairs flank an ottoman, which was replicated from the home of Dominique and John de Menil.

画廊内设法国五人执政内阁时期的安乐椅,七边形坐榻复刻自Charles James为梅尼尔夫妇特别创作的设计,墙上悬挂即是Robert Irwin的《Four Corners》(2011)和John McCracken的《Untitled》(1966)。
Which features a Directory-era armchair and a heptagonal settee, a replica of a design Charles James created specifically for the de Menils. On the wall are Robert Irwins Four Corners (2011) and John McCrackens Untitled (1966).

在通向书房的楼梯顶,Doug Aitkent《Glass Horizon(hexagon)》(2014)与一把Rene Herbst扶手椅彼此呼应。
大厅窗户旁,一张芦荟绿的雷内·赫伯斯特(René Herbst)扶手椅挨着道格·艾特肯(Doug Aitken)的镜面壁雕,两者在Farrow - Ball的Pavilion Gray漆色墙面上形成剪影,银灰色调尤其适合二楼,印画和手绘是那里的主角。
Near the hall windows, a René Herbst armchair in aloe vera green stands next to Doug Aitkens mirrored wall sculpture, both creating a silhouette against the Pavilion Gray wall paint by Farrow - Ball. The silvery gray tone is particularly suited to the second floor, where prints and hand-painted works take center stage.

在客厅中,马克·曼德斯(Mark Manders)于2014-2015年间创作的《未烧制陶土躯干》(Unfired Clay Torso)被安置于一座底座之上,紧邻客户家族传世之宝——一件古董凳。
In the living room, Unfired Clay Torso, 2014-15, by Mark Manders sits on a plinth next to an antique stool, a family heirloom of the clients.

客厅内摆放着采用Fortuny面料定制的沙发、一对皮埃尔·让纳雷设计的椅子以及文森佐·德·科蒂斯打造的黄铜与玻璃纤维咖啡桌。墙上悬挂着几幅艺术作品:金·麦卡特尼(Kim McCarty)的《无题 (蓝色)》(2014)、罗伯特·曼戈尔德(Robert Mangold)的《柱形绘画#16》(2004) 以及亚历克斯·凯茨(Alex Katz)的《黄房子》(2008)。
The living room features custom-designed sofas in Fortuny fabric, a pair of Pierre Jeanneret chairs and a Vincenzo De Cotiis brass and fibreglass coffee table. On the walls hang Untitled (Blue), 2014, by Kim McCarty, Column Painting #16, 2004, by Robert Mangold, and Yellow House, 2008, by Alex Katz.

在餐厅空间中,一盏杰夫·齐默尔曼(Jeff Zimmerman)设计的灯具悬挂在由卡雷·克林特(Kaare Klint)设计的豪尔赫·扎尔祖宾(Jorge Zalszupin)餐桌及餐椅之上,而墙上则挂着爱德华·鲁沙(Edward Ruscha)于1980年创作的《Romance》。
Above and below, in the dining room, a Jeff Zimmerman light hangs above a Jorge Zalszupin dining table and chairs by Kaare Klint, On the wall, there hangs Romance, a creation by Ed Ruscha dating back to 1980.

餐厅墙上挂着罗伯特·劳森伯格(Robert Rauschenberg)1971年的作品《Cardbird III》。
On the wall of the dining room hangs Cardbird III, 1971, artwork by Robert Rauschenberg.

玻璃杯上悬挂着大卫·哈钦森的拼贴画©Stephen Kent Johnson

Untitled (Grey) / Gerhard Richter / 1972-1973 ©Stephen Kent Johnson
格哈德·里希特 (Gerhard Richter) 的《无题(灰色)》(1972-73)悬挂在古斯塔夫风格(Gustavian)的边桌之上,桌上置有一件古董级迪尔克·范·埃尔普 (Dirk van Erp) 盘子和阿纳特·希夫坦 (Anat Shiftan) 的《静物》(2020)。
Untitle (Grey), 1972-73, by Gerhard Richter hangs above a Gustavian console, on which sits an antique Dirk van Erp dish and Still Life, 2020, by Anat Shiftan.

起居室内摆放着罗杰·格雷戈里(Rogan Gregory)设计的咖啡桌、阿弗拉与托比亚·斯卡帕(Afra and Tobia Scarpa)设计的大理石书架、巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso)的陶罐作品《扬面陶罐》(1963),以及亚历山大·考尔德(Alexander Calder)的动态雕塑《四白》(1976)。此外,还有康斯坦丁·布朗库西(Constantin Brâncuşi)的雕塑《丽达》(1925)、爱丽丝·尼尔(Alice Neel)的肖像画《无题(乔登·卡普兰博士肖像)》(1950)、罗丝玛丽·特罗克尔(Rosemarie Trockel)的《伟大的裸体》(2008)与《防弹》(2007),以及肯·普莱斯(Ken Price)的雕塑《海夫蒂》(2005)。
The living room is adorned with accents of velvet, cashmere, and silk, fulfilling our clients vision of an elegant residence that still feels like a home, where family members can freely wander in slippers, finding cozy nooks for rest and relaxation everywhere.
In the den is a Rogan Gregory coffee table, an Afra and Tobia Scarpa marble bookcase, a Pablo Picasso vase (Yan Face, Madoura, 1963) and an Alexander Calder stabile (Quatre Blancs, 1976), alongside Leda, 1925, by Constantin Brâncuşi, Untitled (Portrait of Dr J Gordin Kaplan), c.1950, by Alice Neel, Great Nude, 2008, and Bulletproof, 2007, both by Rosemarie Trockel, and Hefty, 2005, by Ken Price.

主卧套房将奢华与精致融为一体,法式古董家具搭配着铜绿细节,层次分明的纹理、柔和的印花以及墙上的雕塑,共同营造出独特的氛围。卧室内还挂有lmi Knoebel的《Bastard IVXVI》(2016)和《Bastard VIXVI》(2016)。John Wesley的《Woman No.14》(1990)则挂于Erik Chambert古董长椅上方。
The primary suite fuses lush and refined; French antiques punctuated with patinated details, layers of texture, soft prints and sculptures hang on the walls.In the bedroom, two pieces from lmi Knoebel titled Bastard IVXVI (2016) and Bastard VIXVI (2016) are also displayed. Meanwhile, John Wesleys Woman No.14 (1990) hangs proudly above an antique Erik Chambert bench.

了定制的蓝色De Gournay手绘壁纸。
In the home’s powder room, another surprise detail to reflect on; hand-painted De Gournay wallpaper in a custom bold blue hue.



弧形石质浴缸配有黑色Vola卫浴龙头 ©Stephen Kent Johnson

书房内,Aitken的作品与沙龙式悬挂的一系列小型艺术品相映成趣。一张弧形的Charlotte Perriand
色,旁边是一张棕色天鹅绒面料的法国Jean Pascaud休闲椅。家具摆放在一张由Christopher Farr定制的金色丝绸地毯上。
Within the study, Aitken’s work is seen alongside a collection of smaller artworks hung salon-style. A curved Charlotte Perriand desk faces towards the view of the canyon with a velvet brown Jean Pascaud French lounge chair. The furnishings are placed on a golden silk rug custom-made by Christopher Farr.

项目名称 |
Pacific Palisades house
项目设计 |
Johnston Marklee - Studio Shamshiri
项目地点 |
项目面积 |
项目摄影 |
Stephen Kent Johnson、Studio Shamshiri


创始人 / Pamela Shamshiri(左)Ramin Shamshiri(右)
Pamela和Ramin Shamshiri于2016年在洛杉矶成立了Studio Shamshiri。Pamela在制作、艺术指导和布景设计方面具有丰富的背景,负责监督各种住宅、商业和酒店项目,无论是国内还是国际。工作室的作品集包括为由A. Quincy Jones、Stanford White、Nigel Coates、Rudolph Schindler、Myron Hunt和Buff&Hensman等标志性建筑师设计的住宅进行的修复工作,以及与Marmol Radziner和Johnston Marklee等知名当代建筑师进行的全新项目。除了住宅领域外,该工作室还完成了洛杉矶名流Irene Neuwirth和Sonia Boyajian的标志性精品店,以及新奥尔良的Maison de la Luz酒店。











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